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Primary liver cancer is the fifth most
common cancer in the world and the
third most common cause of cancer
 Hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) are
malignant tumors of liver parenchymal
1.3% of estimated incident cancer cases
are in the liver and intrahepatic bile duct
Incidence rates are higher for males
than females (2-4:1)
Higher incidence for African Americans
and Asians than whites
5 year survival rate is approximately 6.9%
One of the most common malignancies
in eastern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa
Incidence up to 90.0/100,000 in some
parts of the world
More than 600,000 deaths in 2002
44% of the world’s cases occur in China
Incidence increases with age then
plateaus when the peak is reached,
around 55 to 65 in the United States
Ethnic and familial clustering have been
› Possible interaction between Hepatitis
infection and a major gene
Implicated as the probable cause of HCC
in at least 80% of cases worldwide
About 5% of the world’s population(350
million people) is chronically infected with
Lifetime risk of HCC for these individuals is
estimated at 10-25%
In low prevalence areas (such as the U.S.), is
spread mainly by exposure to contaminated
blood through IV drug use or sexual contact
with an HBV carrier
In highly endemic areas of Asia, about half of
chronic infections result from perinatal
Can also be transmitted through household
contacts, contaminated blood or blood
products, organ transplantation, or needle-stick
Areas of the world with high mortality rates for
HCC also have high HBV infection rates
Cirrhosis is closely related with chronic HBV
infection, at least 80% of liver cancers occur in
cirrhotic livers
Case control studies in all regions of the world
have shown that chronic HBV infection is much
more common in HCC cases than controls
› OR ranged from 5:1 to 65:1
Prospective studies of chronic HBV carriers have
shown very high relative risks for HCC
› 400 and 500 /100,000 compared with 5/100,000
Prevention of HBV reduces risk of subsequent HCC
Viral DNA is integrated into host cell
› HBV sequences are present in HCCs
One gene may have important
promotional role in
hepatocarcinogenesis, but the
mechanism is not yet known
› 90% preventable with proper use of hepatitis
B vaccine
› Universal immunization of newborns in
Taiwan is associated with at least a 50%
reduction in incidence of HCC among
› Part of WHO universal childhood vaccination
› Cost reduced from $100 to $1 per pediatric
Major viral cause of liver cancer in areas
with low HBV prevalence
About 3% of the world’s population (170
million people) is chronically infected
with HCV
› 3-4 million new infections each year
› 2-4% with chronic HCV develop HCC
Transmitted by parenteral route
› Intravenous drug use
› Hemodialysis
› Blood transfusion
› Exposure to blood of infected patient
Other routes probably exist but have not
been identified
Many epidemiological studies have
indicated association
Detection of HCV RNA in tumor and
nontumor cirrhotic liver tissue of patients
with HCC
Alcohol is a significant risk factor for liver
cancer in areas with low HBV and HCV
› Evidence indicates that alcohol causes
cirrhosis which in turn increases risk of HCC
In high incidence areas, alcohol may
exacerbate viral liver damage and
promote tumor development
 Thorotrast (X-ray
contrast material)
 Vinyl Chloride
 Steroid Hormones
Liver flukes
 Immune Function
 Genetic Susceptibility
 Hemochromatosis
 Other Inherited Metabolic Disease
 Diabetes Mellitus
 Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis
 Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Limit exposure of the general populations
and workers in certain industries to
Reduce transmission of hepatitis by IV drug
use through counseling about risks
Prevent HBV infection (vaccination)
Serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
› Limitations:
 Senstitivity and specificity
Ultrasonography of the liver
› Limitations
 Quality of equipment
 Skill of operator in identifying small tumors
 Cost
Vaccine for HCV
 Understand molecular pathogenesis of
 New targets for chemoprevention of
HCC and therapies for established HCC
80-95% of HCCs are associated with
chronic infection with Hepatitis B or C
HBV infection is preventable by
immunization and HCV is preventable
through public health measures
If opportunities for intervention are acted
upon, HCC could become a minor
cause for cancer mortality in the future
Cancer Epidemiology, 3rd ed. 2006.
Oxford University Press
 Centers for Disease Control
 American Cancer Society