Download The Internet - Computer Technology

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Computer Technology
Where Did It All Begin?
 The World Wide Web began at CERN in
Geneva, Switzerland
 In one of the largest scientific laboratories in the
 The laboratory was called CERN (Counseil European
Pour la Recherche Nucleaire – European Laboratory
for Particle Physics)
What is the Internet?
 The Internet is the worldwide, publicly accessible
network of interconnected computer networks
that transmit data by packet switching.
 It is a “network of networks” that consists of
millions of smaller domestic, academic,
business, and government networks, which
together carry various information and services,
such as email, online chat, file transfer, and the
interlinked Web pages and other documents of
the World Wide Web.
What does WWW stand for?
 WWW = World Wide Web
 The Internet and the World Wide Web are not
synonymous: Web is actually something that
is available via the Internet.
 The Internet is a collection of interconnected
computer networks.
 The Web is a collection of interconnected
documents, linked by hyperlinks and URLs.
What is a Network?
 Network - two or more computers that are
connected for the purpose of sharing information.
 A local area network (LAN) is a computer network covering
a small area, like a home, office, or small group of buildings.
 Computers that are near each other.
 A wide area network (WAN) is a computer network
covering a broad geographical area.
 The most well-known example of a WAN is the Internet.
What is ARPANET?
 First network developed in early ‘60’s and
’70’s by scientists and military experts.
 Allowed them to share information and
research data over long distances.
 An experimental network designed to see
how well distributed networks work.
Connecting to the Internet
 Modem - A MO-dulator
 Converts digital information to analog and analog to
 Analog like sound waves
 Digital signal is 1s and 0s
 Types of Modems
 Telephone - designed to modulate a data signal over the
 DSL - designed to modulate a data signal over the
telephone using new technology to increase transmission
 Cable Modem - designed to modulate a data signal over
cable television.
Analog & Digital Information
 Analog - like sound waves, a computer
cannot read them.
 Digital - 1s and 0s. Computer Language.
What is an ISP?
 Internet Service Provider
 A service company that provides a user with an
account on a host computer to have access to the
 ISPs
 Comcast
 Netzero
 Earthlink
 Qwest
 People PC
Navigating in the Web
What is a Browser?
 Software which allows you to view
information and Web Pages on the WWW.
 Different browsers can have radically
different capabilities and limitations.
Viewing the Internet
 Types of Browsers
The parts of a Browser
 Title Bar
 Shows the title of the open Web Page and the
name of the Browsers.
 Menu Bar
 Provides a convenient way for you to execute
typical file, edit, view and help commands.
What is the Title Bar?
 It shows the title of the open Web Page.
 It shows the Web Browsers.
What is the Menu Bar?
 It provides a convenient way for you to
execute typical file, edit, view and help
More parts of a Browser
 Toolbar
 Shows the icons for moving around the Web Page.
 Address Bar
 Contains the address of the web site you are on—
It’s where you type the address of the web page
you want to go to.
Toolbar Buttons
 Home: quickly takes you back to your default
home page.
 Refresh: reloads a page that may be
temporarily unavailable.
 Back: takes you back to the previously
visited web page.
What is an Icon?
 Pictures of the menu item you are choosing
– an executable program or shortcut to a file.
 Examples
Where is the Web Page?
 The web page comes after the toolbar.
Uniform Resource Locator
 URL -
Uniform Resource Locator
 It has a four part addressing scheme:
 Transfer Protocol
 Filename
 Pathname
 Domain Name
What is a Domain?
 The group that website or email address
belongs to.
 It tells where the address is located i.e. .com;
.edu; .gov
 The name that is to the right of the last dot in
the Internet address.
 [email protected]
Some Common Domains. . .
 .COM - commercial
 .EDU - educational
 .NET - network
 .GOV - government
 .ORG - non-profit organizations
 .INT - international
 .MIL - military
What is the Status Bar?
 It is located at the bottom
of the screen.
 It generally indicates the
name of the Web Page that
is loading.
 It gives the loading status.
 It gives important
messages, such as
“Document Done.”
Navigating the Internet
 Search Engine - is a program designed to help
find information on the World Wide Web.
 They locate and isolate desired information by
searching for keywords that the user specifies.
 Examples of Search Engines
Dog Pile
Common Internet Terms
 Surfing - the term we use when exploring the
 Hit - the term used when you connect to the page
you are looking for.
 Link - allows you to jump from one site to another.
 Email - the type of mail sent over the Internet.
 Chatting - talking with someone on the internet.
Often called Instant Messaging.
Internet Language &
 HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
 The coding scheme used to format text for use in
developing Web Pages on the WWW.
<img src=HTTP://>
<a href=HTTP://>
 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
 The transmission standard used to send an HTML
document across the WWW.
 Ensures reliable connections between many
different computer types.
 A common set of standards that ensures all
computers connected to the Internet will have
common ground on which to work.
The Internet & You
 Netiquette - the rules of behavior on the
 Privacy - There is NO privacy on the
Internet. All visits to websites are tracked
using cookies and logs.
 Passwords can help protect your information on
the Internet.
What is Shareware?
 Software that you can obtain for free on a
trial basis.
 May require some payment for continued
What is Freeware?
 Software that is distributed at no cost to the
 The author maintains the copyright.
 Basically: Software that is copyrighted but
can be used freely.
What is Public Domain?
 Software that is NOT copyrighted.
 It can be copied or used freely.
 Basically: Public Property.
 Pop-Ups - unwanted advertisements on the
 Pop-Ups usually come from downloading “free”
 Some companies give you software for free as
long as they can put SPYWARE on your computer
and monitor where you go on the Internet.
What Are Firewalls?
 A Hardware or software blocking mechanism
that blocks unauthorized intruders into a
computer system.
 Blocks potential hackers from invading your
computer or your network.
 Any computer that is connected to the
Internet should have a firewall.
Other Internet Stuff
 User Friendly - a term used when a program
or website can be used with ease by people
who have little or no computer experience.
Acceptable Use Policy
 An Acceptable Use Policy (AUP; also
sometimes called acceptable usage policy) is
a set of rules which outline the ways in which
the network may be used.
 You all signed an AUP in order to gain access
to the school network.
 You have signed a contract to take care of the
computer equipment – NO EXCEPTIONS!