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Jim Bondi (RIT)
Chris Jansmann (UA)
David Palmquist (CSUF)
Jim Bondi
Office of Co-op and Career Services
Rochester Institute of Technology
Chris Jansmann
Career Services
The University of Arizona
David Palmquist
Assistant Director
Coordinator, Information Technology
Career Center
California State University, Fullerton
Overview: What Is A Web Service?
Commercially Available Web Services
CSM Web Service Offerings
Getting Connected
Examples In Action
“Web services are self-contained business
functions that operate over the Internet.”
Phil Wainewright, Web Services In A Nutshell ,, 06/07/2002
“Web services are slices of a business that it
publishes to others using the Web.”
Phil Wainewright, Business definitions of web services, , 05/01/2002
Many different acronyms are often associated
with web services:
◦ SOA (service oriented architecture)
◦ SOAP (simple object access protocol)
◦ UDDI (universal description discovery and integration
◦ WSDL (web services description language)
◦ XML (extensible markup language)
A web service, at the most fundamental level,
provides access to a portion of someone
else’s system in such a way that you may
make use of it within your own system, on
your own terms.
Agnosticism: neither base system has to
speak the same “language” as communication
is translated automatically
Allows for what is often called “legacy
Best of Both Worlds
Augment existing business practices
Used when and where appropriate
Adds functionality to legacy applications
Your System
Outside Data
Remote System
 Address Correction Tools
National Weather Service: Forecasts
TerraServer: web service providing access to
maps and aerial photos of the United States
MapPoint Web Services: access to maps and
driving instructions
Picasa Web Albums Data API: view and
manage photos sets from Picasa in a custom
Symplicity offers CSM users two sets of web
services, known as “web service APIs”
One set for student-centric functions
◦ Add/Modify/Delete student accounts
◦ Assign or remove access rights
A second set for reporting functions
◦ Run an existing report remotely
◦ Download the latest run to your software without
being in CSM
As they say in counseling circles, it depends
The CSM report module is very powerful, and
may be the answer for a majority of situations
There may be times, however, when a
particular divisional reporting need is not
entirely met by the CSM report module
In those cases, the CSM data can be
programmatically combined with local
information in a legacy system for reporting
purposes through the web service API
At the University of Arizona, we are required
to report our campus interviewing activity by
ethnicity and class standing each semester
Ethnicity data is not populated by the student
in CSM, and class standing can (and often
does) change from semester to semester
Solution: we use the report API to download
the interviews for the semester, which is then
programmatically matched to student data as
it stood at the time of the interview
UA Data
Technical Content Ahead
To make the most of the CSM Web Services,
one must use a tool that can “consume” the
web service. These can include:
◦ Web technologies (Java, PHP, ASP.NET)
◦ Windows technologies (.NET, Office 2003)
Basic layout of CSM Web Service APIs available
within Issue Tracker Documents
Best Bet: Use the mentoring list to coordinate
with an existing user to get over the initial
hurdle of access
Chris Jansmann (UA):
Resume Submission Deadlines
Email to Departments
Employer Relations desired to send out an
email to specific departments housing majors
whose schedules were running light
Only wished to show a certain percentage of
“full,” i.e. anything less that 75% of capacity
Had to be branded as the Career Center and
embedded in an email message
CSM had the “schedule status” data
Local system had the ability to format
David Palmquist (CSUF)
public CSM_ReportWebService() {
this.Url =
if ((this.IsLocalFileSystemWebService(this.Url) ==
true)) {
this.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
this.useDefaultCredentialsSetExplicitly = false;
else {
this.useDefaultCredentialsSetExplicitly = true;
<setting name="CareerReportRetriever_reportWS_CSM_ReportWebService"
<setting name="UserName" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="MAXWAITTIME" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="MAXPROCESSINGTIME" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="INTERVAL" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="Password" serializeAs="String">
Jim Bondi (RIT)
Interested in sharing more ideas regarding
the Reporting API? Join the API Wiki.
Specific code examples making use of the API
All notes from today’s will be there
(as well as within the Issue Tracker)