Download Deaf Education Preservice Teachers as Information Workers

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“It Takes a Community of
Colleagues to Maintain
Harold A. Johnson
Co-Director of the Deaf Ed.
Catalyst Grant & Professor/Kent
State Univ. – Deaf Ed. Teacher
Prep. Program.
May 3, 2002
H Johnson
Presentation Outline
 My
 Problems
 Solutions….posters & brochures that
are at each table
 Results
 Collaborative Opportunities
 …the unspoken rule of “dinner
speakers” + a request for assistance…
May 3, 2002
H Johnson
My Story
“…the lucky encounter”
“…teaching d/hh students in Memphis, TN”
“…degree two and counting”
“…the BIG ego”
“…a search for information”
“…22 years and counting”
“…the ‘epiphany’ of ’91”
May 3, 2002
H Johnson
 The
major problem of deafness is…
 …not
too little hearing, but too much
interpersonal and informational isolation.
May 3, 2002
H Johnson
…problems (cont.)
 The
major problem of Deaf Education
teacher preparation is…
 …not
a lack of innovation, but rather the
presence of a “realities divide” between
what college professors teach within their
courses and how their K-12 colleagues
teach d/hh students within their
May 3, 2002
H Johnson
…problems (cont.)
 The
major problem of Deaf Education
teachers is…
 …not
a lack of effort or experience, but
rather the lack of…
instructional support;
 curricular consistency;
 resources:
 time:
 pertinent professional development
 community of colleagues; &
 recognition.
May 3, 2002
H Johnson
…problems (cont.)
 The
major problem of d/hh students is…
not an inability to learn, but rather a lack
of motivation to learn and the lack of need
to use (outside of the classroom) what they
are expected to learn.
May 3, 2002
H Johnson
…problems (cont.)
Summary of problems:
Teacher Prep…
too much of a “realities divide” in how teachers are
prepared and how they teach
too much interpersonal and informational isolation
too little support, resources, time, prof. dev. opt. &
d/hh Students…
May 3, 2002
too little motivation to learn & and too little need to use
what they are expected to learn
H Johnson
 The
needed solution would have to:
 reduce
 reduce the “realities divide”
 increase support & recognition
 increase motivation and use
 +…
May 3, 2002
H Johnson
…solutions (cont.)
 …since
we are increasingly spread out
(i.e., vs. concentrated in schools for the
deaf or large centralized public school
programs for d/hh students), the
“solution” would have to be equally
applicable for individuals in rural,
suburban and urban settings.
 +…
May 3, 2002
H Johnson
…solutions (cont.)
 …the
“solution” would have to be easy
to use, efficient and free….or at least as
close to free as possible.
 WOW…not too much to ask for!
 Surprisingly, the “solution” is not only
“doable”, it is also available now…
May 3, 2002
H Johnson
…solutions (cont.)
Solution: Deaf Ed. Web site (
“Realities Divide:”
…use the instructional needs, problems and expertise's
of existing teachers to enhance the preparation of
preservice teachers .
Support & Recognition:
…use the Internet to establish an online community.
…use the course requirements (e.g., research papers,
inst. units, portfolios, etc.) of preservice teachers to meet
the needs and document the expertise’s of existing
Motivation & Use:
May 3, 2002
…use Internet based technologies (e.g., e-mail, instant
messaging, video conferencing) to link K-12 d/hh
students with postsecondary D/deaf adults, preservice
teachers and one another.
H Johnson
Deaf Ed. Web site (
May 3, 2002
since 2/1/2000, 5,900+ individuals (i.e., parents,
teachers, support personnel, college faculty, preservice
teachers, d/Deaf adults, etc.) have become registered
members of this community.
….anyone in the audience that is a registered user of the
Deaf Ed. Web site?
…point of information, thus far over $200,000 has been
invested in the development, design, maintenance and
ongoing development of the Deaf Ed. Web site
H Johnson
…results (cont.)
Deaf Ed. Web site (
“Realities Divide:”
during the course of the last two years…
145 faculty members
from 58 Deaf Ed. teacher prep. pro.
in *32 states
have made 462 “Choices” to:
 enhance their own teaching via technology;
 use technology to tie the work of over 2,500
preservice teachers to the instructional needs and
contexts of existing teachers and parents of d/hh
*Note: 15 states (Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Montana,
Nevada, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West
Virginia, Wyoming), the Territory of Guam and the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, do not offer a deaf education teacher preparation program within their
geographic boundaries
May 3, 2002
H Johnson
…results (cont.)
Deaf Ed. Web site (
Support & Recognition:
during the course of the past year…
May 3, 2002
the major Deafness related organizations (i.e., AGBell,
ASDC, CAID, CEASD, CED & NAD) have worked to
provide their members with “personnel researchers” and
“instructional developers” via the “Cyber Mentor” activity
the first “Best of the Web” competition resulted in the Web
 publication of 36 informational and instructional
products for the field of Deaf Ed.
 recognition of the preservice teachers that produced
the products and their teachers
portfolios are now being developed that reflect the
knowledge and expertise’s of experienced teachers of d/hh
the development of online course modules, course
enhancements and complete courses has been initiated
H Johnson
…results (cont.)
Deaf Ed. Web site (
Motivation & Use:
during the course of the last six months…
May 3, 2002
a pilot study of the use of Web based (i.e, vs. ISDN) video
conferencing technologies has been carried out
the pilot study is examining the use of the video technology
 facilitate collaboration among professionals;
 use “Master” teachers of d/hh students as “Clinical
Faculty” for the nation’s Deaf Ed. teacher prep. pro.; &
 facilitate inst. activities between Deaf Ed. teachers and
their students.
 …time for a “show & tell?”
discussions are now underway with the PEPNet leaders
to use Web based video technologies to link junior and
senior high school d/hh students with successful d/Deaf
postsecondary individuals as a way to both motivate and
assist the d/hh students career exploration and
H Johnson
Collaborative Opportunities
 OK….since
all “politics are local” and all
learning is personnel, what can all of
this mean for YOU?
 by
going to and becoming
a registered user (no cost here…just a bit
of information) YOU can…
May 3, 2002
H Johnson
Collaborative Opt…
Deaf Ed. Web site (
YOU can…
search for, read & post deaf ed. related:
May 3, 2002
state, regional and national calendar of events
Web links
instructional strategies & technologies
curricular materials
jobs (…over 500 posted thus far)
professional development opportunities
scholarship & teacher prep. pro. information
OR…you can simply use “My Deafed” for an update of
what has been added to the Web site since your last
visit that matches your stated interest (…as noted
during the registration process)
H Johnson
Collaborative Opt…
 Deaf
Ed. Web site (
ask questions and read responses from a
growing number of “Topical Teams of Experts”
on such topics as: Bi/Bi; Oral/Oral; MH d/hh
stu.; Inst. Strategies; Critical Thinking; and
Early Intervention …with more Topical Teams
being added each month.
 participate in a “grass roots” effort by the
National Agenda to reform Deaf Education by
providing comments to their proposed goals
and activities.
May 3, 2002
H Johnson
Collaborative Opt…
Deaf Ed. Web site (
YOU can…
become a “Cyber Mentor” …in which case you would be
asked to exchange weekly e-mail messages with a
specific Deaf Ed. preservice teacher +…a UNIQUE gift!
May 3, 2002
within these e-mail messages YOU will be asked to…
share your Deaf Ed. related experiences, resources
and strategies
 ask the preservice teacher to gather info. for you
 respond to questions from the preservice teacher
within these e-mail messages the preservice teacher will…
 share what they are learning within their courses
 seek out information and resources that you request
 ask you questions re. Deaf Ed.
…the purpose of these e-mail exchanges is to “ground”
the preservice teacher’s preparation in a wide range of
realities, while at the same time provide support and
recognition to existing individuals in Deaf Ed.
H Johnson
Collaborative Opt…
 Deaf
Ed. Web site (
 Soon,
YOU will be able to…
use a single search engine to gather
information from the world’s best Deaf Ed. Web
 request online learning opportunities for your K12 d/hh students.
 request assistance in gathering curricular
information concerning a particular instructional
unit that you want to teach
May 3, 2002
H Johnson
Collaborative Opt…
Deaf Ed. Web site (
an offer to ESSP
…if you like, the Web site can also provide:
May 3, 2002
a bulletin board for the organization
a listserv for the organization
an opt. to share calendar information
an opt. to post job openings
an opt. to note the search for deafness related jobs
an opt. to publish documents on the Web
an opt. to share the best Web sites
an opt. to participate in collaborative grant proposals
an opt. to …..
H Johnson
Thank you very much for this
opportunity to share and
dream with you.
….If you would like a copy of this
presentation, simply go to and
search for: “Harold Johnson” and ESSP
May 3, 2002
H Johnson