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Internet 201
Kitsap Regional Library
Lesson Plan Objective
To enhance Internet and web searching skills through
hands-on instruction.
In this lesson you will:
Review the components of the Internet Browser
Learn web searching strategies using Search Engines & Web Directories
Learn searching strategies within KRL’s Selected Databases
Discuss Internet Security issues
Time permitting: use the browser tools Favorites & History
Review the Internet Browser
Click on the Start button - open Internet Explorer
Identify the six toolbars in the browser:
Title Bar – provides title of website and browser
Menu Bar – textual menus: click to open and view commands
Toolbar – most useful commands displayed as icons
Address Bar – displays web address, type an address here
Status Bar – displays current info about what you are viewing
Task Bar – stores and displays names of open programs
Practice 1
Internet Browser
Enter into the address bar
What does the Title Bar say?
Click on the Refresh Button – what happens to the pictures?
Click on the link to Hours
Click on the link to Parking – how much to park per day?
Click the Back Button – where are you now?
Minimize the page – where is it now?
Maximize the page – what happens?
Click on the Home icon in the toolbar – what happens?
Click on the X in the upper right hand corner – what happens?
Web Navigation & Searching
Web Addresses: If you know the web address
(ex. you can enter it directly into the browser
address bar.
Search Engine: Using Google or one of the other
search engines, you can enter words or phrases to find web pages
which match your search criteria.
Web Directory: Much like a subject directory (yellow pages in the
phone book) you can follow a subject category in which you’re
interested to many websites. Most websites have been evaluated
by humans!
Subscription Database: KRL has a number of subscription
databases which can be used for searching out specific, detailed
information. To use these outside the library you will need your
library card. Find these under the link KRL Resources ->
Research Databases.
Practice 2
Using a Search Engine
Using enter the bears into the search field
Note how many pages are found by the search engine
Narrow your search by picking a category from left menu
Note that fewer pages are found
Narrow your search one more time
Note that even fewer pages are found
 Choose the Encyclopedia link
 What website does it take you to?
Practice 3
Search Engines --Advanced Search
 Using Google
 Click on the link to Advanced Search
 Enter the phrase peanut butter in the search line that
says “with all the words”
 In the Date field choose past 6 months
 In the Domain field choose only then enter .gov
Web Directories
A Web Directory is a collection of websites evaluated
and categorized by human beings.
On the KRL website, the librarians have organized a
web directory called “Selected Websites”
Both Google and Yahoo offer web directories powered
by their search engines
DMOZ is an open catalog directory using volunteer
editors to catalog the web. It can be accessed at
Practice 4
Web Directories
From the KRL Home page, click on the link to KRL Resources then
Selected Websites.
Use the KRL web directory
Click on Consumer Resources
Click on Better Business Bureau
Click the Back button – now choose Travel
Find the link for Passport Information
Use the DMOZ web directory
In the address bar of your browser, type in
Click on Art
Click on Movies
Click on Genre
Click on Cowboy Westerns
Browse the web links
The Internet
Free Web versus Hidden Web
Free Web: That portion of the World Wide Web that is indexed by
conventional search engines such as Google or Yahoo, and can be
accessed without logging in to a site or paying a fee.
Hidden Web: That portion of the World Wide Web that is not
accessible by conventional search engines. The content of most of
these sites comes from specialized databases or applications which
are not public. These sites block search engines from accessing or
indexing their content and generally require registration and/or
KRL’s Resources
Subscription Databases
KRL subscribes to a number of databases the majority of which can be
accessed from outside the library using your library card.
These electronic databases provide full-text content in a variety of
auto repair
readers’ advisory
history etc
•Hover over KRL Resources tab on KRL homepage, then click on
Research Databases.
Using these Databases to
Retrieve Full-Text Articles
You can also access full-text articles from Magazines,
Newspapers, & Journals.
Consumer Reports is a great example of a magazine that can be
found in these subscription databases
Typically a person would have to pay for a subscription to find
an article in their online magazine.
Using your library card you can retrieve full-text articles from
magazines such as Consumer Reports without having to
Practice 5
Hidden Web
 Enter Google’s address into the browser
 Search for the publication Consumer Reports
 Click on the link to Consumer Reports
 Click on the link to Digital Cameras (did you get info?)
 Click on Ratings
 What happens when you click on Ratings?
Practice 6
Using KRL’s Subscription Databases
 Start at KRL home page
 Click on KRL Resources then Research Databases
The databases are organized by category on the right and in
alphabetical order below the categories. Descriptions of the
databases are found in the center of the page by category
 Click on Online Journals, Magazines, & Newspapers
 Search for the publication Consumer Reports
 Choose ProQuest Research Library
 If outside the library – now enter your library card #
You are now viewing the publication Consumer Reports – scroll
down to see available issues. Click on any issue to view
Practice 7
Subscription Databases
From Home page click on KRL Resources then Research
Choose Telephone Directories from category list (right menu)
Choose database ReferenceUSA
If outside the library – enter library card #
From the Reference USA search interface:
 Click on drop down menu Select a Database to Search
 Choose U.S. Residential
 From Quick Search Tab – search by first name, last name, city
etc.. Search on your own listing
Practice 7
Subscription Databases
 From KRL Research Databases
 Click on Magazines, Newspapers, and Journal Articles (left
 Click on the database Electric Library
 Do a basic search on Digital Cameras
 Note the variety of articles available in various formats;
newspapers, books, magazines, audio etc…
Go back to Research Databases
Click on Reading Recommendations
Click on Novelist
Click on the Browse Lists tab - then Explore Fiction>Adults
Explore any genres of interest to you
Web Resource Credibility
Checking a Variety of Sources
Information can be found in a variety of different places on the
web. Sometimes it is difficult to know which information is
the most reliable.
One Strategy for verifying credibility is to look in more than one
place and compare.
Options (in no particular order):
Use a Search Engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.)
Use a Web Directory - KRL Research Corner
Use the Library Catalog - print, audio, & media resources
Consult Research Databases
Internet Security
Safety Tips
Safety Tips:
It’s wise to be cautious about security when using the Internet.
Personal risks range from invasion of privacy to financial losses
and even identify theft. Your computer may also be
compromised, resulting in loss or modification of data or
malfunction of hardware or software. Here are a couple of
online resources that provide credible, important information.
National Cyber Security Alliance
Safe Shopping – tips from the American Bar Association. Become a
smarter, safer online shopper using these tips.
Internet Security
Software for your computer
Software you can add to your computer to help keep you safe:
Anti-virus software
 Detects and eliminates viruses which try to infect your computer
and can damage files and propagate itself to your mail contacts.
Spy-ware software
 Detects and eliminates “cookies” and information seeking
software that companies or individuals use to grab information
from your computer.
Firewall software
 Prevents someone connecting to your computer from the internet
and copying or destroying your files and information.
Internet Browser: Navigation Tools –
Using Search History
You can save your favorite web pages and websites in in
the browser tool called “Favorites”. Then you can
simply click on the saved link and go directly to what
you want to see. Think of Favorites as your online
filing cabinet!
The address bar of the browser captures recently typed
addresses. As soon as you begin to type the website
address, if you recently viewed that site, it will pop up.
Practice 8
Saving your Favorites
Use the Search engine Google to search for the
Washington State Ferry website
Find the official WSF
Save this website to your favorites:
Click on Favorites in the menu bar of the browser
Click Add to Favorites
When Add to Favorites dialogue box opens – click OK
Click on the Home Icon to return to library home page
Click on Favorites
Scroll through menu and find link to official WSF website
Click to open the WSF webpage