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Microsoft Office 2007- Illustrated Introductory,
Windows Vista Edition
Getting started with Internet
Explorer 7
Understand Web browsers
Explore the browser
View and navigate Web pages
Use tabbed browsing
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Save favorite Web pages
Print a Web page
Search for information
Get Help and exit Internet Explorer
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Understanding Web Browsers
• The World Wide Web (the Web or
WWW) is a part of the Internet
containing linked Web pages
• A Web browser is a software
program used to access and display
Web pages
• Internet Explorer is a Web browser
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Understanding Web Browsers
• A search engine is a special Web site
that helps find other Web sites
• A Web site is a group of Web pages
• Web pages contain highlighted text
or graphics called hyperlinks or links
• Hyperlinks open other Web pages
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Understanding Web Browsers
• A computer network
• Two or more connected computers that can
share information
• An Intranet is a local computer network
• A company office
• The Internet is a network of connected
computers and computer networks located
around the world.
• Million users throughout the world
• Connected using telephone lines, cables, and
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
The History of the Internet and the
World Wide Web
The Internet
• 1969, Dept. of Defense, Advanced
Research Projects Agency Network
• 1986, National Science Foundation formed
(NSFNET) which replaced ARPANET
• Provides high-speed, long distance lines
• 1991, Congress Expands internet capacity
and speed and opens Internet to
commercial use
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
The History of the Internet and the
World Wide Web
The World Wide Web
• 1991, founded in Switzerland to allow links
between documents on the Internet
• Software programs (Web browsers)
developed to access the Web
• First Web browser, Mosaic, introduced at
the University of Illinois
• Mosaic leads to Netscape Navigator and
Internet Explorer browsers
• Current popular Web browsers: Internet
Explorer and Netscape Navigator
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Understanding Web Browsers
Using the Internet Explorer, you can:
• Display Web pages
• Use links to move from one Web
page to another
• Play audio and video clips
• Search the Web for information
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Understanding Web Browsers
Using the Internet Explorer, you can:
• Save a list of favorite Web pages
• Print or save the text and graphics on
Web pages
• E-mail Web pages
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
A Sample Web Page
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Starting Internet Explorer
• Internet Explorer connects your
computer to the Web using an
Internet connection
• Locate the Internet Explorer icon
• Start menu or desktop icon
• Home page appears
• A home page is the first page that
opens every time you start Internet
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Exploring the Browser
Home page for Quest
Specialty Travel
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Exploring the Browser
Title bar with
Web page
URL in
Status bar
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Exploring the Browser
Search Box
scroll bar
Tabs for tabbed
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Viewing and Navigating Web
• Every Web page has a URL
• unique address on the Web
• Parts of a URL:
“http” (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
“:” (a colon)
“//” (two forward slashes)
“www” (identifies the World Wide Web)
then the domain name- the Web site’s name
“.” (another dot)
top-level domain
• edu, com, or org
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Viewing and Navigating Web
• A URL:
• Additional folders or file names may
appear in URL
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Viewing and Navigating Web
to other
Web pages
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Viewing and Navigating Web Pages
Stop button
Recent Pages
Tab of current Web
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Selecting A Home Page
• Open the Web page you want to be
your new home page
• Click the option in the Add or Change
Home Page dialog box.
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Using Tabbed Browsing
• You can open several Internet Web
page windows at the same time
• Each Web pages accessible by
clicking the tab
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Using Tabbed Browsing
Tab of current Web
New tab opened
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Using Tabbed Browsing
Tab list
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Using Tabbed Browsing
Use Quick Tabs view to see thumbnails of open tabs
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Saving a Favorite Web Page
• Use the Favorites list and the
Favorites Center to create your own
list of favorite Web sites
Add to Favorites
The Favorites
Center button
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Saving a Favorite Web Page
• Use the Add a Favorite Dialog box
• Create a new folder
• Retype the Name if you want
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Saving a Favorite Web Page
• Use the
dialog box to
manage the
Favorites list
List of favorites
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Preview the Page Before Printing
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Printing a Web Page
• Use the Print
dialog box to
set print
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Printing a Web Page
Printing options
Select printer
Print range
Number of copies
Print all linked documents
Print frames
Print table of links
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Searching For Information
Search options:
• Enter keywords in the Address bar
• Enter keywords in the Search box
• Use search engines
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Searching For Information
Search results are links
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Getting Help
• Internet Explorer Help
• Provides general information
• Provides feature instructions
• Is based on live content on the Web
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Blocking Pop-ups
• Pop-ups are windows that open on
your screen automatically
• Used to advertise products you may
or may not want
• Often they are annoying,
• You might choose to block them
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Blocking Pop-ups
• Internet Explorer built-in Pop-up Blocker
• Click Tools on the Command bar, point to
Pop-up Blocker, then click Turn Off Popup Blocker to turn it off if you want pop-ups
• Click Pop-up Blocker Settings to open the
Pop-up Blocker Settings dialog box to
permit pop-ups from specific Web sites
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Phishing is an illicit activity where
people send you fraudulent Web
sites to gather your personal
information for possible illegal
Phishing Filter is a feature in Internet
Explorer 7 that helps detect phishing
Web sites.
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
• Click the Tools button on the
Command bar
• Click Phishing Filter
• Click Turn On Automatic Website
• Click Turn on automatic Phishing
• Click OK
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Exiting Internet Explorer
• Click the Close button on the Title
• Click File on the menu bar, then click
• Close all open tabs or close each tab
There is no reason to save files
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Exiting Internet Explorer
• If more than one tab is open, you will
be prompted to close all tabs or
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition
Understand Web browsers
Start Internet Explorer
Explore the browser window
View and navigate Web pages
Use tabbed browsing
Save a favorite Web page
Print a Web page
Search for information
Get Help
Exit Internet Explorer
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition