Download ICT 13 - Isidro Laso - Ideal-ist

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ICT 13. Web Entrepreneurship
1. What are you looking for?
- To deliver a consistent set of platforms to provide new
across-borders services for web entrepreneurs by
connecting local web entrepreneurship ecosystems.
Services, physical or online, which will, in turn, help
entrepreneurs to start and stay in Europe while scaling
up at European level
- Focus on creating new cross borders services (physical or
- To provide infrastructures that will: 1. allow networking
of the scene's stakeholders, 2. celebrate and promote
web entrepreneurship and 3. developing web talent.
-Support the Startup Europe Initiative
Research Objective
2. Is this new or has it been called before?
It is new. Previous activity related to web entrepreneurs
is the Fi PPP phase 3 but the aim and instruments are
radically different. FI PPP Phase 3 will provide grants to
entrepreneurs to use the technologies used in RTD
projects and the grants will be distributed through
intermediaries (accelerators, etc).
3. Current project portfolio
A set of contracts within Startup Europe initiative related to: Startup Europe Web Investors Forum,
Startup Europe Accelerators Assembly, Startup Europe Crowdfunding Network, Startup
Europe Web Talent Forum (MOOCs related), Startup Europe Partnership (of corporations and
higher education), Dynamic Visual Mapping of all players within 20 EU local ecosystems,
Competitions (Tech All Stars) and competitions (Europioneers).
Startup Europe Manifesto
Research Objective
4. What do you NOT want?
- proposals focused on developing IT platforms
(proposals could use existing platforms, e.g.
yammer, other platforms developed in other EU
- proposals that will not engage the real players in
the local ecosystems to be connected.
Research Objective - Key actors
5. Who are the leading players?
• Investors, startups associations and Accelerators.
• Big corporations and higher education with entities that support
Regional organisations focused on web entrepreneurship.
6. Is there a key group of actors or ETP driving this?
Startup Europe Web Investors Forum,
Startup Europe Accelerators Assembly,
Startup Europe Crowdfunding Network,
Startup Europe Web Talent Forum (MOOCs related),
Startup Europe Partnership (of corporations and higher education)
Research Objective
7. Are there any additional / background documents?
Web Entrepreneurs Staff Working Document
Startup Europe Manifesto
Web entrepreneurs Action Plan (within Entrepreneurship 2020
Action Plan)
All documents available at