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Test for Reproduction
If an organism’s diploid number is
12, its haploid number is
Unlike mitosis, meiosis results in
the formation of
• two genetically identical diploid cells.
• four genetically different haploid cells
• four genetically identical haploid cells.
• two genetically different diploid cells.
What is shown here?
independent assortment
anaphase I of meiosis
incomplete dominance
Linked genes
• are never separated.
• assort independently.
• are on the same chromosome.
• are always recessive.
Human females produce egg cells
that have
• one X chromosome.
• one X or one Y chromosome.
• two X chromosomes.
• one X and one Y chromosome.
The testes and the ovaries do not
begin making active reproductive
cells until
Puberty usually begins between the
ages of
•5 and 8.
•16 and 19.
•9 and 15.
•20 and 25.
One menstrual cycle usually lasts
about a
• Where does fertilization typically occur?
Give the letter of the structure in Figure
Which organ system is responsible
for making and delivering sperm?
• female reproductive system
• nervous system
• endocrine system
• male reproductive system
Which of the following forms during
•all of the above
Which stage of the human life cycle
occurs first?
In which organ does gastrulation
Which body systems do Diagrams
I and II in Figure 39-3 show?
• ____________________ is
a period of rapid growth and
sexual maturation during
which the reproductive
system becomes fully
• Which structure in Figure 39-3 produces
sperm? Give both the name and the letter
of this structure.
The placenta connects the
• fetus to the mother’s uterus.
• ectoderm to the endoderm.
• umbilical cord to the
mother’s vagina.
• uterus to the cervix.
In humans, a male has
• one X chromosome only.
• two X chromosomes.
• one X chromosome and one Y
• two Y chromosomes.
Almost everything that the
mother takes into her
body passes through the
to the embryo.
• Which structure in Figure 39-3 releases
eggs? What is this structure called?
• Graphics Through which structure do
sperm exit the male body? Give both the
name and the letter of the structure in
Figure 39-3.