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Pedigree Charts
A family history of genetics
What is a pedigree chart?
• Used to show records of families or individuals.
• Track the occurrence of diseases such as:
– Huntington’s – simple dominant – lethal allele – causes breakdown of
the brain
– Cystic fibrosis – 1/2500 – mucus accumulates (white North Amer.)
– Tay-Sachs disease – lipids accumulate in CNS (Jewish)
– Phenylketonuria – missing enzyme causes problems in CNS
• Shows how possible conditions may be inherited.
• Uses symbols to represent the individuals and their relationships to each
Symbols used in pedigree charts
Normal male
Affected male
Normal female
Affected female
A marriage with five children, two
daughters and three sons. The second
son is affected by the condition.
Eldest child  Youngest child
Organising the pedigree chart
• Generations are identified by Roman numerals
Organising the pedigree chart
Individuals in each generation are identified by Arabic numerals numbered from
the left
Therefore the affected individuals are II3, IV2 and IV3
Other Symbols Used
Dizygotic twins
Two zygotes - fraternal
One zygote - identical
Consanguineous marriage
people descended from the
same ancestor
Sex unspecified
Number of children of
each sex indicated
Multiple marriage
Extra marital union
Factors to Consider in Pedigrees
• Is the trait located on a sex chromosome or an autosome?
– Autosomal – not on a sex chromosome
– Sex Linkage – located on one of the sex chromosomes
• Y-linked - only males carry the trait.
• X-linked (recessive) - sons inherit the disease from normal parents
– Sons can never inherit from their father!
• How is the trait expressed?
– Dominant - the trait is expressed in every generation.
– Recessive - expression of the trait may skip generations.
Reading Pedigrees
Is the trait dominant or recessive?
Trait skips generations
• It is recessive!
Reading Pedigrees
• Is the condition Sex linked or not?
• Appears in both males and females, therefore autosomal
Albinism: An Example
• Expressed in both sexes at approximately equal frequency.
– Thus, autosomal.
• Not expressed in every generation.
– Thus, recessive.
Albinism: Genotype the Affected
Assign codes for the alleles.
– Code “A” for the dominant normal allele.
– Code “a” for the recessive allele for albinism.
Affected individuals must be homozygous for “a.”
First generation parents must be “Aa” because they have normal phenotypes, but
affected offspring.
Albinism: Genotype the Normal
• Normal individuals must have at least one “A.”
Albinism: Parent-Offspring
• II6 must transmit “a” to each offspring.
• The “A” in the offspring must come from the father.
– Normal father could be either heterozygous or homozygous for an
Albinism: Parental Genotypes are
• Both original parents are heterozygous.
• Normal offspring could have received an “A” from either parent, or from
Albinism: One Parental Genotype
is Known
• Only the genotype of the offspring expressing albinism are known.
• Normal offspring must have received an “a” from their affected father.
Hairy Ears: An Example
• Only males are affected.
• All sons of an affected father have hairy ears.
– Sons have the same trait as their fathers
• Thus, hairy ears is Y-linked.
Hairy Ears: Female Sex
• All females are XX.
Hairy Ears: Male Sex
• All males are XY.
Hairy Ears: Gene on the Y
• A super-script “H” indicates the allele on the Y chromosome for hairy ears.
Hairy Ears: Wild-Type Allele for
Normal Ears
• Code “+” indicates the allele on the Y chromosome for normal ears.
Hemophilia: An Example
In this pedigree, only males are affected
– Sons do not share the phenotypes of their fathers.
– Thus, hemophilia is linked to a sex chromosome–the X.
Expression of hemophilia skips generations.
– Thus, it is recessive.
Extensive bruising of
the left forearm and
hand in a patient with
• All females are XX.
Expression of Male Sex Chromosomes
• All males are XY.
Hemophilia: Genotype the
Affected Individuals
Assign codes for the alleles.
– Code “H” for the recessive hemophilia allele.
– Code “+” for the wild-type normal allele.
Affected individuals must have an “H” on an X chromosome.
All daughters of affected male must carry recessive allele
Hemophilia: Father-Daughter
• All daughters of an affected father receive an X chromosome with the “H”
Hemophilia: Genotyping the
Normal Individuals
• Normal individuals must have at least one X chromosome with the wildtype allele, “+.”
Hemophilia: Homozygous or
• Only males affected
– Not Y-linked
• Skips a generation: recessive
– X-linked
Pedigree of Queen Victoria