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Unit 11
Language Points
Vocabulary (See Page 74.)
Part 1
Adopting Animals
adopt: v. to take into one‘s family through
legal means and raise as one’s own child. 收
Adopt animals: to raise animals with certain
legal means such as to apply for an adopting
certificate,which may indicate a legal status
of the owner who raises the animal.
duck, wallaby沙袋鼠, giraffe长颈鹿
pay by cheque or cash
a complimentary entrance ticket or a season
ticket reduction
Passage 1
A Yard Sale
Everybody loves bargain---- It is
something you get for less than its
perceived value.
a yard sale = a garage sale = a moving
sale: people sell things they no longer
want in the sale.
a white elephant:ugly or useless things
…can be another person’s bargain: may be a
favorable thing with low price for another person.
for sale: here are something to sell 待售;this sign is
used to draw people’s attention to the items for sale.
Whatever the name, the activity is the same: No
matter what the name is, the activity is just for
selling things the owner no longer want. 划线部分是
Negotiate: v. to discuss to reach mutual agreement,
for buyer it means to get with a lower price and other
favorable terms
They enjoy negotiating over prices: they gain delights
by acquiring things cheap during their bargaining
with seller.
Passage 2
Mayan(玛雅人的) Palace Discover in
the jungle plants covered the ruins
King Tah ak Chaan
The scientists did not find evidence of
religious centers or wars---- find
evidence of as a trading center
Maya: 马雅人; 中美洲印第安人,居住在墨西哥的东南部、危地
马拉和伯利兹,其文明在大约 公元300年-900年发展到最高点。
Guatemala: A country of northern Central America. Inhabited by
a Mayan civilization for more than a thousand years before the
Spanish conquest in 1524, Guatemala achieved independence in
1839. Guatemala is the capital and the largest city. Population,
6,054,227. 危地马拉, 中美洲北部一国家
ruin: n. The remains of something destroyed, disintegrated, or
decayed: 废墟,遗迹被毁坏、瓦解或腐烂的某物的遗迹:
when he fell into one of its open areas as he was walking along
the ruin’s highest level: when he encountered one of its open
areas by chance as he was walking along the ruin’s highest
level. 注意,这是一个复合时间状语从句。
At the height of power: in the strongest period of the
nation 政权的全盛时期
Writings: works, articles or statements. 作品、著述
Warfare: armed conflict 战争,武装冲突
There were no large pyramid shaped buildings, parts
of temples that would show the religious power of
the rulers. (划线部分是pyramid shaped buildings的同
alliance: n. a close association of nations or other
groups, formed to advance common interests or
causes 联盟,同盟;
Part 2
How “green” are you?
A “green” person---- someone is interested in
all things to do with the environment and
need to protect it.
some aspects: 1. transport: bicycle, public
transport, use the car less and use
unleaded(无铅) petrol 2. Home and Kitchen:
save, don’t throw things away, different bags
for different items, recycle, use unharming
washing-up liquid and powder 3. Food:
vegetarian, look after animals
European Ancestry (血统,祖先) Traced
European ancestor may be from Central
Asia and the Middle East.
chromosome 染色体n. a threadlike linear
strand of DNA and associated proteins in the
nucleus of animal and plant cells that carries
the genes and functions in the transmission
of hereditary information.染色体: 动物细胞核
和植物细胞中一条线状的DNA链和辅助蛋白 ,
The first group(35,000years ago)--- from
Central Asia---western and southern Europe
The second group(22,000years ago)---from
the Middle East--- central and eastern
Europe( Balkans巴尔干半岛, Ukraine乌克兰)
The third group(9,000years ago)---from the
Middle East---20% gene