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A menstrual cycle is
usually every four
weeks and lengths
from 3 to 7 days.
Obese women tend to
have inconsistant
periods that come too
late or too early.
Obese women have
poor female
reproductive heallth
which include
irregularities, infertility,
and irregular ovulation.
Obesity is tied to infertility,
and a new study suggests
a possible reason why: the
brain's pituitary gland may
be sensitive to the
increased insulin levels
that occur with obesity,
and in turn, may impair
Low Apgar scores,
macrossomia, and neural tube
defects are more frequent in
infants of obese mothers. The
distribution of fast modulate the
effects of weight on the
carbohydrate tolerance,
hemodynamic adaption, and
fetal size. Long term
complications include worsening
of maternal obesity and
development of obesity in the
Complications of pregnancy
-premature labor and birth·
-low amniotic fluid
- preeclampsia
- ectopic pregnancy
- placenta previa
-Increasess perinatal mortality
-many more!
Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease in Relation to Obesity
Atherosclerosis is the usual
cause of heart attacks, strokes,
and cardiovascular disease and
the #1 killer in America
Risk factors that
contribute to 90% of all
heart attacks include high
cholesterol, high blood
pressure, diabetes,
abdominal obesity, and
not exercising regularly
In a 2007 study, 262 people
were tested for
atherosclerosis. 51.9% of
those people had the disease
with no symptoms
Consumption of tans fat
raises LDL or “bad”
cholesterol, which leads
to plaque buildup on the
artery walls
34% obesity rate in America
Obesity is a factor of type 2
diabetes because
when you are obese there is
a higher chance
you will get type 2 diabetes
because it is caused
from lack of physical activity,
lack of a healthy
diet and being overweight.
Type 2 diabetes is caused
when your pancreas doesn’t
produce enough insulin.
This is caused from being
overweight and lack
of physical activity.
One out of five people with type 2 diabetes is morbidly obese
People with type 2 diabetes have an
increased risk of heart attack or stroke,
About 30% of children who have been newly
can suffer from extreme dehydration,
diagnosed with diabetes have type 2 diabetes.
and damage to small nerves and blood
Type 2 diabetes is becoming more and more
vessels, it can make the body more vulnerable common in children in the United States
to skin infections and other illnesses.
Warning signs: Increased hunger,
unexplained weight loss, frequent urination,
fatigue, and areas of darkened skin.
Puberty may play a major role in the
development of type 2 diabetes in children.
It affects the way your body metabolizes sugar.
The consequences of type 2 diabetes can be life-threatening.
There's no cure for type 2 diabetes, but you can manage or
prevent it by eating healthy foods, exercising and maintaining a healthy weight.
“More than 2
million Americans
are associated
with this painful
“Adult obesity is found to be
rising in 23 states with no
single state registering a
decline in the rate from the
year 2008.”
of Gout is
nearly 840
out of
Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis caused by
high levels of uric acid that build up in your
bloodstream (hyperuricemia).
The uric acid in your blood comes from purines.
Most of your uric acid (2/3) is produced naturally by your body, while the rest (1/3)
comes from your diet.
• Obesity and body fat are major factors which increase the risk of gout.
• Extra pressure on body joints and chemical changes in the body due to the
fat tissue (obesity) increase your risk in gout.
• People with higher BMI have increased uric acid levels, which increases the
risk of gout.
• An obese person is 4 times more likely to get gout than a non-obese
recommended level of uric acid: less than 6 mg/dL
Excess uric acid
forms crystals
that accumulate
in your joints,
that leads to
swelling and
Psoriasis related to Obesity
In 2009, child obesity in the United States were at the high rate of thirty
percent; moreover this has risen to thirty-five percent. Teenage obesity in the
United States stands at a constant14%
-In 2009, no state met the
Healthy People 2010 obesity
target of 15%, and the selfreported overall prevalence of
obesity among U.S. adults had
increased 1.1 percentage points
from 2007.
-Blacks had 51 percent higher
prevalence of obesity, and
Hispanics had 21 percent higher
obesity prevalence compared with
Most common form of dementia,
incurable, degenerative, terminal
disease, mostly diagnosed in
people over the ages of 65, but can
occur much earlier
-A new person develops Alzheimer's
Confusion, mood swings,
disease every seventy seconds: this is
irritability and aggression,
projected to increase to every 33
language breakdown, long term
seconds by 2050.
They found a strong correlation
between body mass index and high
levels of beta-amyloid, the sticky
protein substance that builds up in the
Alzheimer’s brain. The high levels of
beta-amyloid play a major role in
destroying nerve cells and in
cognitive and behavioral problems
associated with the disease. Obesity
increases the risk of dementia because
it can lead to damage of the blood
vessels in the brain which in turn
leads to the death of brain cells.
Alzheimer's disease is caused by a
build-up of proteins in the brain,
Autopsies have shown that most people
develop some plaques and tangles as
memory loss, their senses decline, they age, but people with Alzheimer’s
-Alzheimer's affects up to 10 percent
bodily functions are lost
develop far more than others who are not
of people 65 and over and increasing
developing the disease.
to 50 percent at 85 and older.;
A menstrual cycle is
usually every four
weeks and lengths
from 3 to 7 days.
Obese women tend to
have inconsistant
periods that come too
late or too early.
Obese women have
poor female
reproductive heallth
which include
irregularities, infertility,
and irregular ovulation.
Obesity is tied to infertility,
and a new study suggests
a possible reason why: the
brain's pituitary gland may
be sensitive to the
increased insulin levels
that occur with obesity,
and in turn, may impair
Low Apgar scores,
macrossomia, and neural tube
defects are more frequent in
infants of obese mothers. The
distribution of fast modulate the
effects of weight on the
carbohydrate tolerance,
hemodynamic adaption, and
fetal size. Long term
complications include worsening
of maternal obesity and
development of obesity in the
Complications of pregnancy
-premature labor and birth·
-low amniotic fluid
- preeclampsia
- ectopic pregnancy
- placenta previa
-Increasess perinatal mortality
-many more!
PCOS is a hormonal imbalance affecting 1 in 15 women worldwide. It can cause
irregularities in a woman’s menstrual cycle and makes it difficult to become
pregnant. PCOS is characterized by enlarged ovaries that contain numerous small
cysts along their outer edges. Also, in PCOS, the ovaries produce more androgens
(male sex hormones) which is why this condition may also be called
-menstrual problems
(cycle is either too
frequent or too
There is a vicious cycle between obesity, insulin resistance,
and PCOS/hyperandrogenemia. All of which deal with a
general hormonal imbalance. Obesity can cause PCOS and
PCOS can cause obesity. Insulin resistance can occur due to
obesity, and obesity can occur due to insulin resistance.
Obesity and insulin resistance, are significant risk factors
for the development of type 2 diabetes. Also, several studies
have shown that women with PCOS have high levels of LDL
cholesterol and lowered levels of HDL cholesterol in the
blood, which doesn’t really help prevent obesity.
PCOS is believed to
be caused by a
glitch in the
pituitary gland
which secretes the
hormone that
controls what goes
on in the ovaries.
It’s also widely
accepted that it is
-excess facial and body
hair (as a result of the
-polycystic ovaries
-infertility; androgens
can prevent ovulation
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
High blood pressure is when
the force of the blood against
your artery walls is high
enough that it may eventually
cause health problems, such
as heart disease
Causes: old age, race (more likely in African Americans),
socioeconomic status (lower and less educated), heredity,
gender (more likely in men), obesity, alcohol use, lack of
Symptoms: headache, dizziness, blurred vision,
shortness of breath, chest pain
Americans spend an estimated $33
billion each year on reduced-fat foods,
diet aids and weight-loss programs
• 74.5 million people age 20+ in the US
have high blood pressure
• 1 in 3 adults has high blood pressure
• The cause of 90-95% of cases is
• From 1990-1996, the death rate from
blood pressure rose by 19.5%
Being obese doubles the risk of raised blood pressure. 70% of obese people suffer from
hypertension. Obesity increases insulin production which thickens the blood vessels which
makes the blood vessels more rigid, which contributes to higher blood pressure
Daniela Caro-Esposito
Osteoarthritis is a condition in
which the cartilage of one or more
joints in gradually eroded away,
possibly being lost completely.
The loss of cartilage takes away any
cushion between joints, causing them
to rub together
•The gallbladder is a sac located
under the liver. It stores and
concentrates bile produced in the
liver. Bile aids in the digestion of
fat, and is released from the
gallbladder into the upper small
intestine (duodenum) in response
to food (especially fat).
Types of gallbladder disease
include: Cholecystitis,
Gallstones, Gangrene or
abscesses, Growths of tissue
(polyps) in the gallbladder,
Defects of the gallbladder that
are present at birth (congenital)
Sclerosing cholangitis, Tumors
of the gallbladder and bile ducts.
Being overweight is a
significant risk factor for
gallstones. In such cases,
the liver over-produces
cholesterol, which is
delivered into the bile
and causes it to become
The main symptom is
abdominal pain that is
located on the upper
right side or upper
middle of the abdomen.
The pain may:
* Be sharp, cramping,
or dull
* Come and go
* Spread to the back
or below the right
shoulder blade
* Occur within
minutes of a
mealCholecystitis: is a
sudden inflammation of
the gallbladder that
causes severe abdominal
Other symptoms that
may occur include:
* Abdominal fullness
* Clay-colored stools
* Fever
* Nausea and
* Yellowing of skin
and whites of the eyes
The American Cancer Society conducted a study
and found that 90,000 cancer deaths per year
could be prevented if Americans maintained a
healthy weight
Endometrial Cancer
Nearly 34 percent of adults are
obese, more than double the
percentage 30 years ago. The share
of obese children tripled during that
time, to 17 percent
68 percent of adults and nearly onethird of children are considered at
least overweight
Colorectal Cancer
•Caused by an increased level in
•Begins in the large intestine or the
•Obese women 2-4 times more likely
to develop it
•Associated with high-fat, low-fiber
•Symptoms include abnormal uterine
bleeding, lower abdominal
•Approx. 40% of diagnoses related to
Obesity increases the
risk of developing cancer
In Women:
In Men:
•One of the leading causes of cancerrelated deaths
•Some symptoms include abdominal
pain/tenderness, blood in the stool,
changes in bowel habits
How obesity is related:
•Obesity and physical inactivity
may account for 25 to 30 percent
of several major cancers
•Preventing weight gain can
reduce the risk of many
•High-fat diets leads to
higher risk of developing
types of cancers
• Depression and obesity are both
linked to low serotonin levels.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that
influences feelings of well being both
calmness and euphoria. A lack of
serotonin causes depressed feelings.
Because carbohydrates cause an
increase in serotonin levels it is often
hard for someone who is depressed to
avoid eating excess carbohydrates.
•Many cases of excess weight gain
and obesity have Insulin resistance as
an underlying cause. High levels of
glucose and insulin in the blood stream
lower the number of insulin receptors
on the cell walls and prevent the
conversion of glucose into energy.
Glucose is then carried in the blood
stream to the liver where it is
redistributed as fat throughout the
body. If left unmonitored excess
glucose and insulin in the body can
lead to weight gain and/or obesity.
Depressed people who seek comfort in
carbohydrate-rich food may be
especially vulnerable to developing
Metabolic Syndrome which is a group
of risk factors that occur together and
increase the risk of coronary artery
disease, stroke and type two diabetes.
•Lethargy(Fatigue) is often a major
component of depression, which
results in the loss of both the
psychological and physiological
benefits of regular exercise. If and
when people feel rejected, unattractive
or hopeless, the emotional strain can
lead to further weight gain.
Obesity increases the risk of
depression by 55% and depression
increases the risk of developing obesity
by 58%
Psychological Disorders are mental
disorder or mental illness. It is usually
associated with distress or disability.
There are many types but three are
especially associated with obesity. There
is depression, which is characterized by a
pessimistic sense of unimportance, self
loathing and a concerning lack of activity,
energy and interest; Distorted body image,
which is when ones view of their body is
significantly different from reality and low
self esteem, which is when one thinks
negatively about them self and or views
themselves as inadequate.
Though difficult to identify here is a list of
various potential causes or triggers of
psychological disorders; other mental
illness, serious illnesses, substance abuse,
isolation, major life events, genetics,
physical and emotional abuse and certain
•In 30 states, 30% of children
between ages 10 to 17 are obese or
•Less than 1/3 of all children in the
United States ages 6 to 17 engage in
vigorous activity. (physical activity for
at least 20 minutes that makes the
child breathe hard and sweat)
 Diabetes is one of the
most common chronic
diseases in children
and adolescents
 About 151,000 people
below the age of 20
years old have diabetes
 About a third of all
people who have type 2
diabetes don't know
they have it
 It is hard to detect type 2
because it is possible that
little to no symptoms occur
 Symptoms could occur very
 High blood pressure
 Increased thirst
 Increased hunger (& after
 Fatigue
 Frequent urination
 Children with type 2 diabetes have insulin
resistance; the body must work harder to
produce insulin to maintain normal blood
sugar levels, this wears out the pancreas
resulting in abnormal blood sugar levels
 The greatest risk factor for type 2
diabetes in children is excess
weight. In the U.S. almost one out
of every five children is considered
to be overweight. Once a child is
overweight, chances are more than
doubled that the child will develop
diabetes. The risk of type 2 diabetes
also appears to be associated with
excess abdominal weight
 Insulin resistance could
be inherited
 People with type 2
diabetes usually have a
strong family history of
 Unhealthy eating
 Lack of physical activity
 Being very overweight
 American Indian youths
have highest prevalence
 50.9 per 1000 for Pima
Indians from Arizona
 4.5 per 1000 for all U.S.
American Indian
 Blood tests are needed
In 2009, no state met the Healthy People 2010 obesity target of 15%
Obesity causes Respiratory Problems which increases Asthma which
increases Sleep Apnea which triggers OHS.
Disorder of which ones
air way is blocked while
sleeping. This causes
frequent nighttime
Most common in
people with obesity;
primarily in obese
people with neck fat
Obesity does not
cause asthma.
But obesity can
cause shortness
of breath causing
an attacks.
Shortness of
Neck size greater
than 16.5’’
Respiratory problems in the severely
obese are caused by shortness of
breath during physical activities
because of the heaviness in the chest
wall due to excess fat.
Obese people need more oxygen
while doing physical activities.
Because of respiratory problem
obese people are limited in the
physical activities, which restrains
Trouble breathing after activity
Caused by
problems and
a build up of
toxic levels of
CO2 on the
Effects all
obese people
over 350 pds
weight gain
Obese people with asthma are five times more likely to be hospitalized
because of their weight and asthma than asthmatics who are not obese
All of these disorders can be completely rid of by weight loss and gastric bypass surgery (78% success rate)