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By Heather L. Milliken
What is Spirulina?
It is a blue-green algae
One-celled form
65-71 percent protein
Contains all essential amino acids
Spirulina has an 8-10 percent photosynthetic
conversion rate (land plants have about a 3
percent conversion rate)
The First Harvesting Techniques
 Kanembu
make Dihé cakes
In Mexico, Spirulina was
found to be harvested and
dried for consumption up
until the late 16th century
The Spanish Conquest led
to lakes being drained to
make room for new
civilization (2)
Techniques Continued…
 Studies
have been performed to
maximize the production of Spirulina.
 This
is done by monitoring the
floatation and by determining the
most productive growth stage. (1)
The Benefits of Harvesting
 Spirulina
 As
can be cultivated in shallow
a result of this, Spirulina can
double its biomass every 2 to 5 days,
yields can produce over 20 times
more protein than soybeans on the
same area, and 40 times that of corn
and 400 times that of beef. (2)
Nutritional Value
Spirulina is a food source that consists of more than 60%
It has the highest known source of beta carotene. (25 times
more than raw carrots)
Spirulina has more vitamin B12 than any other known
It contains the richest food source of gamma linolenic acid
(GLA). (GLA is the precursor to body's important hormone
Spirulina is richest source of chlorophyll.
Spirulina has a number of natural antioxidants like betacarotene, vitamin E, vitamin B1, B5, & B6, zinc,
manganese, copper and selenium & amino acid methionine.
The Pink Flamingo
 Some
flamingos evolved a filter in its
beak to specifically eat spirulina.
Forms of Consumption
 Kanembu
people use crumbled Dihé
to mixed with a sauce of tomatoes
and peppers, and poured over millet,
beans, fish or meat.
 It
taken in the pill form as a
nutritional suppliment
 Spirulina
is added to numerous types
of pet foods.
The Benefits of Eating Spirulina
Reduces blood cholestrol
Spirulina helps to control diabetes
Helps in kidney detoxification
Useful in combating malnutrition
Spirulina is very useful in preventing vitamin A
deficiency (helps prevent blindness and eye
disease (4))
Aids in the prevention of anaemia
1) Kim, S.G., Choi, A., Ahn, C.Y., Park, C.S., Park, Y.H., Oh, H.M.
(2005). Harvesting of Spirulina platensisby cellular floatation and
growth stage determination. Letters in Applied Microbiology 40,
3) http://www/