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What is HIV
HIV damages the body’s immune system which
protects the body from disease. People who
have HIV are said to have HIV infection or are
referred to as HIV positive. HIV is a disease
with many stages which is why some HIV
positive people can be healthy while others can
be very sick.
HIV attacks and eventually weakens the immune
system, which allows the body to become
infected with diseases that would normally be
fought off by the immune system.
What Does HIV Mean?
• Human-because the virus only affects
humans. Only humans can get
it, only humans can give it.
• Immunodeficiency- because the effect of the
virus is to create a deficiency of
your body’s immune system.
• Virus- because this organism cannot be
eradicated or removed from your
How Did HIV Get Started?
• No one really knows
• However, there are a number of theories
– Some scientists believe that HIV got started in
green monkeys in Africa, and then somehow
got into the human population, maybe through
monkey bites.
– On the other hand, some people believe that
virus was created in a laboratory
• Once again, No one really knows
How Your Immune System
Normally Works
• A germ invades the body
• T Cells (white blood) identify the germ and
a chemical signal is sent to the body’s B
• B Cells make antibodies specific to that
• Antibodies attack and kill the invading
How An Immune System Becomes
Compromised By HIV
• HIV enters the blood stream and invades T cells
• HIV takes over and replicates inside T cells
• With too many copies of HIV inside the T cell, it
explodes and spreads more virus into the
• With T cells dying, too few B cells are told to
make antibodies to help keep your body
Body Fluids Containing HIV
Blood (highest)
Pre-Ejaculated or pre-cum
Vaginal Fluid
Breast Milk (lowest)
Body Fluids NOT Containing HIV
» These are waste products that leave the body all the
3 Requirements For HIV To Be Transmitted
From One Person To Another
1) The virus must be present.
2) There must be enough virus present to
pass to another person.
3) The virus must enter the bloodstream by
some route – i.e. Cut, Needle, Sores,
* No one knows how much virus is enough
Routes Of HIV Transmission
1) Unprotected anal/vaginal/oral intercourse
with an infected person
2) Sharing unclean needles with someone
who is HIV +
3) Transfusion or blood products (most
before 1985)
4) Vertical Transmission from HIV + mother
to child
HIV Is NOT Spread By:
• Donating blood.
• Casual contact, such as hugging, kissing
or sharing food.
• Sharing of telephones, toilet seats, towels
or eating/drinking utensils.
• Insect Bites
How Do You Know If You Have
• The only way to know if you are infected
with HIV is to get an HIV antibody test.
• If you are infected with HIV, your immune
system will produce antibodies specific to
the virus.
• You can’t tell by looking at someone if they
have HIV
The HIV Antibody Test
• Detects HIV antibodies.
• There could be up to a 6 month window
period, after having been infected, for the
immune system to produce a detectable
amount of antibodies.
• There are two types of tests, Elisa and
Western Blot are run on each sample.
• There are two ways to collect the samples,
oral collection and blood draw.
• AIDS is a more advanced stage of HIV
disease. HIV is the disease and AIDS is a
• For example, hepatitis is a disease of the
liver and cirrhosis of the liver is a
advanced diagnosis
What is AIDS
• AIDS is the stage of HIV disease when the
immune system gets very weak and the
body becomes more susceptible to
infection and other diseases.
• People can have HIV for years without
becoming AIDS diagnosed. They may
look and feel fine and might not even know
they are infected with HIV.
What Does AIDS Mean?
-because it’s a condition
you must acquire or become
infected with.
-because it affects your body’s
immune system. That is part of
your body that usually fights off
bacteria and viruses
-because it makes your immune
system deficient, or not able to work
-become someone with AIDS may
have many different diseases and
Treatments For HIV Disease
• There are seveal different treatment
options for HIV and AIDS available. Some
treatment options can cause physical side
effects that are debilitating. All treatment
options are expensive and effectiveness
may vary from person to person.
Reducing Sexual Risk Of HIV
• Abstinence is the only 100% effective way
• Reduce the number of sexual partners
• Use of protection
– Condoms (male or female)
Reducing Nonsexual Risk Of HIV
• Abstaining from drug use is the only 100%
way to reduce risk
• If using drugs
– Do not share drug paraphernalia (drug tools)
– If you share, clean with bleach and water
before use
• Do not share personal hygiene items
– Toothbrushes
– Razors
HIV/AIDS Statistics
• Worldwide 2.5 million new cases of HIV were reported in 2011
• Worldwide 34 million people are living with HIV, over 30 million
deaths from AIDS
• End of 2010 - 1.1 million people in US were living with HIV. About
16% don’t know they are infected
• Around 50,000 people in US get infected with HIV each year
• 15,500 people in US with AIDS died in 2010
• More than 635,000 individuals with AIDS have died in US
• In the US in 2011 - 49,273 diagnosed with HIV, 32,052 diagnosed
with AIDS
• Overall, 1,155,792 people in the US have been diagnosed with AIDS
• In San Joaquin County from 2005-2009, 297 reported new cases of
HIV/AIDS Statistics
• Half of all new infections are thought to occur in young people
under 25
• More than 123,000 young adults developed AIDS in their twenties.
This means that they were infected with HIV as teenagers.
• Young Americans between the ages of 13-24 are still contracting
HIV at the rate of 2 per hour.
• Only 48% of sexually active teens surveyed in the U.S. used a
condom last time they had sexual intercourse.
• 40% of teenage girls become pregnant each year in the United
• 25% of sexually active teens in the U.S. are infected with an STD
each year.
For More Information
San Joaquin AIDS Foundation
4330 N. Pershing Ave., Ste. B3
Stockton, CA 95207
(209) 476-8533
Free and Anonymous HIV
Antibody Testing
Thursday 5:30 - 7:30
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