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Psychology 5.4 Notes
Drugs and Consciousness
Drugs can alter and distort people’s perceptions,
change their moods, or cause them to see/hear unreal
This slows the activity of the nervous system
Alcohol – the most widely used drug in America.
Small amounts have little effect, or may be relaxing.
Large amounts result in intoxication
•Slurs people’s speech
•Blurs their vision
•Makes them clumsy
•Difficulty in concentration
•Affects their judgment
•Can bring feelings of elation that take away inhibitions
•Can’t focus on the consequences of their behavior
Intoxication is involved in over 50% of all fatal auto accidents in
the U.S.
Once people become addicted to alcohol due to heavy
regular use, they may continue to drink to avoid withdrawal
symptoms, like tension and trembling. Linked also with
liver problems, heart problems,and cancer.
These are addictive depressants that have been used to
relieve pain and cause sleep.
The opium poppy plant produces:
Codeine – a cough suppressant
Morphine – introduced in the Civil War, it deadens
Heroin – The “Hero” to cure addiction to morphine. It makes the users feel
‘heroic’ and gives users the feeling of pleasure.This powerful narcotic was first
used in the West in the 1800’s. It causes drowsiness,stupor, impairs judgment and
memory. It can also depress the respiratory system and cause death. Trying to
stop using often results in deep depression. Needles shared by addicts causes
HIV/AIDS. Withdrawal symptoms are tremors, cramps, chills, rapid heartbeat,
vomiting and diarrhea.
Increases the activity of the nervous system
Nicotine – one of the most common stimulants.
It helps to release the hormone adrenaline, which causes the heart rate to
increase it helps people feel more alert and attentive but does not help to
perform complex tasks.
Nicotine reduces the appetite and raises the rate at which the body changes
food to energy. Evidence suggests that it is as addictive as heroin. People who
quit may experience nervousness, insomnia, sweating, and cramps.
Every year 400,000 Americans die from smoking related issues!
Smokers are 12 – 20 times more likely to die from lung cancer. Carcinogens
are found in cigarette smoke. It is linked to heart disease, chronic lung and
respiratory diseases. Pregnant women run risks like having low birth weight
babies, miscarriage, birth defects, and premature birth of babies.
Second hand smoke is also a health hazard. It is responsible for the smoking
bans that are becoming widespread in public places.
Known for helping people to stay awake and reduce appetite.
Made from a colorless liquid made up of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen.
WWII soldiers first used “Speed” or “uppers”. It can produce feelings of
pleasure, and is usually taken in the form of pills.
People who inject it in the form of methedrine can stay awake for
days. They usually crash and can fall into a deep sleep or depression.
Suicide can also be the byproduct of ‘crashing’. High doses can cause:
insomnia, restlessness, irritability and loss of appetite. Hallucinations
can also be produced. Delusional behavior is associated with high
usage – i.e you might think you can fly off a building! Paranoid
behavior is also a byproduct.
The Coca Plant is the source. It produces feelings of
pleasure, reduces hunger, deadens pain and boosts self
confidence. It can also cause death as it reduces the supply
of oxygen to the brain while raising the heartbeat.
Sigmund Freud initially used this drug to overcome
depression, but soon became aware of its bad effects and
addictive qualities.
Crack is a very harmful form of cocaine. It is an impure
form and puts extra strain on the heart, therefore is more
These are drugs that produce
Marijuana – Produced from the plant cannabis sativa, it produces feelings of
relaxation and mild hallucinations. Hashish is a stronger form, from the sticky part
of the plant. Impairs coordination and perception, memory and learning. Increases
anxiety, confusion, heart rate and blood pressure. Affects consciousness by some
becoming more aware of bodily senses like heartbeat.
LSD – “Acid” is lysergic acid diethylamide. It is a hallucinogen and is much
stronger than marijuana. Users may experience bizarre hallucinations and the
feeling that one is achieving great wisdom, yet be unable to remember anything!
The effects are not predictable, and can terrify the users! Flashbacks can happen
for years from a single use of LSD, due to the long-term effect of this drug.
Treatments for Drug Abuse
1. Detoxification
Used for people addicted to alcohol and
2. Maintenance Programs
Used for people addicted to narcotics. People get
controlled and less dangerous amounts of the drug.
3. Counseling
Both individual and group methods are used
4. Support Groups
Like Alcoholics Anonymous