Download Smoking - Vernon Hills High School

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Lesson 1
Open Book Quiz
Lesson #1
Pages 540-545
Put your first and last name on the
Under subject, write tobacco lesson 1
What’s in a cigarette
Nicotine: The addictive drug
in cigarettes
Tar: Is a thick, sticky, dark
fluid produced when tobacco burns.
This tar consists of many cancer causing
substances known as carcinogens
 Stimulant: Is a drug that increases
the action of the central nervous system
What’s in a cigarette
Carbon Monoxide: Is a colorless, odorless,
poisonous gas in cigarette smoke that
passes through the lungs and into the
The gas unites with the hemoglobin and
prevents it from carrying oxygen.
Statistics from the American Lung
Cigarette smoke contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of
which are known to cause cancer.
About 8.6 million people in the U.S. have at least one
serious illness caused by smoking.
Secondhand smoke involuntarily inhaled by nonsmokers
is responsible for approximately 3,000 lung cancer
deaths annually.
Close to 393,000 people die annually from tobaccorelated diseases and approximately 1,100 kids become
new, regular daily smokers each day
In 2004, 22% of high school students were current
United States Facts
American Lung Association
Economic Costs Due to Smoking:
Adult Smoking Rate: 19.8%
High School Smoking Rate: 20.0%
Middle School Smoking Rate: 6.3%
Adult smoking rate is taken from the 2007 National Health Interview Survey. High school smoking
rate is taken from the 2007 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System. Middle school smoking rate is
taken from the 2006 National Youth Tobacco Survey. Health impact information is taken from the
Smoking Attributable Mortality
Effects on the lungs
How the circulatory system works
The Healthy Lung
Anatomy & Physiology
of the lungs.
Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis: is
the inflammation and
eventual scarring of the
lining of the bronchial
tubes. As the cilia
become useless, tar
from cigarette smoke
builds up, which results
in coughing and
excessive mucus
Pulmonary Emphysema
In emphysema, the
fine dividing walls
between the tiny air
sacs break. The sacs
balloon out to become
large pockets of air
with hard inflexible
Lung Cancer
Cancer is an area of
uncontrolled cell
growth that invades
the surrounding tissue
and destroys it. This
is due to the build up
of tar in the lungs.
Chronic Bronchitis &
Pulmonary Emphysema
Smoking and the Circulatory System
Constricts blood vessels
Plaque builds up in arteries
Makes heart work harder
Increase chance of heart disease
Increase chance of stroke
Increase blood pressure
Other effects of smoking
Shuts down circulation in small vessels
causing cold hands and feet.
Wrinkling of skin, especially the face
Interferers with immune response making
colds more likely
Yellow teeth and tongue
Other effects of smoking
Makes it likely that men will produce
abnormal sperm
Causes women to become infertile
Smoking & Pregnancy
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