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Biomedical Therapy
Ashley Panarello, Regen
Zimmerman, Kendall Anderson, and
Cheyenne Boyer
• Biomedical therapy is treatment that, rather than talking to
someone or attempting to change ones behavior patterns,
but it is an actual physical intervention in the brain itself.
• The purpose of biomedical therapy is to help people with
mental problems and the goal is to improve their problems
and make their lives easier.
1. Drug Therapy
a. Drug therapy involves the use of drugs to relieve
psychological symptoms. The main drugs used are antianxiety
drugs, antidepressants, and antipsychotics. The drugs alter the
firing of nerve cells in the brain or the amounts of certain
neurotransmitter substances available. Given in moderation
and with supervision these drugs can lessening anxiety or
depression and reducing psychotic symptoms.
2. Electroconvulsive Therapy
a. Electroconvulsive therapy is therapy in which an electrical
shock is sent through the brain to try to reduce symptoms of
mental disturbance. It will lift some people out of a deep
suicidal depression. Electroconvulsive therapy does not work
with any other mental disturbances besides depression
3. Psychosurgery
a. Psychosurgery is surgery that destroys part of the brain to
make the patient calmer, freer of symptoms. Most commonly
the prefrontal area is destructed, this part controls our
personality. Once the laser destroys this part of the brain it
slows the patient down.
Pros and Cons
1. Drug Therapy
a. Pros of drug therapy are many of their drugs can lessen
anxiety, depression, and psychotic symptoms. Patients are able
to function in life after taking the drugs.
b. Cons of drug therapy are people can rely to heavily on
drugs and not heavily enough on psychotherapy. Also these
drugs don’t work for everyone and there is no drug makes a
person “well.” Lastly the dosage given is often too high and so
these patients complain of empty feelings in their lives.
Pros and Cons
2. Electroconvulsive Therapy
a. Pros of electroconvulsive therapy are it helps people get
out of deep depression.
b. Cons are doesn’t work with any category of mental
disturbance other than depression. It is feared by many patients
because of the thought of having a shock through your brain.
Memory loss and confusion occurs afterward and with
continued shock treatments, the memory loss persists for
longer periods of time and can result in brain damage.
Pros and Cons
3. Psychosurgery
a. Pros of psychosurgery are it calms down patients.
b. Cons are brain tissue never restores itself so the effects
are permanent. If the wrong area is hit the patient can get much
more violent and unmanageable.
Key Beliefs of Allport
• theory begins with common terms that individuals use to
describe one another
• ex: honest, dominant, outgoing, ect.
• divided adjectives into three major categories of traits and
they go from strongest and most often expressed to weakest
• Cardinal - strong characteristics affect most of what
individuals do
• Central - highly characteristic of an individual
• Secondary - weak personality traits which only appear on
Key Beliefs of Cattell
• divided personality traits into
two major categories
• Surface Traits characteristics which are
easily observed by others
• Source Traits - traits that
underlie surface behavior
• ex: might notice a friend
gives into what others want,
person is being submissive
Key Beliefs of Eysenck
• only two major dimensions
necessary to describe
individual's personalities
• Extraversion - personality
dimension of being outgoing
and sociable
• Emotional Stability personality dimension that
concerns how much an
individual is affected by
• ex: on a scale of very
outgoing to very quiet, calm
or anxious and depressed or