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Hypnosis and Drugs
“Ganja Babe”
Weeds Soundtrack
Barenaked Ladies
Today: Ch. 5 Part II
a) Alcohol
b) Marijuana
c) Ecstasy
d) Narcotics
Drug Dependence
Factors in Drug Use
a) Definition
b) Susceptibility
c) Facts & Falsehood
d) Theories
e) Demonstration
Dream interpretation (cont’d from last week)
4. Movies:
“Hypnosis and Surgery Pain” (5 min.)
“Weight Loss Hypnosis” (4 min.)
1. Drugs
 a) Alcohol:
 Effects: slows down brain activity that
controls judgment, inhibitions and
motor coordination.
 Binge drinking in university students
 Accidents:
 BAC & driving
 Violent crime:
 rape & domestic violence
1. a) Alcohol (cont’d)
 Complications
 with chronic use:
• emotional
• social
• physical (p.233)
 Diagnosis:
 Self-administered test
1. Drugs (cont’d)
b) Marijuana: (THC)
• Effects: mild hallucinogen; amplifies senses
• Mild euphoria and relaxation
• Associated problems:
• Effects on memory & attention
• Automobile accidents
• Lung Disease
• Early onset psychosis in those vulnerable
c) Ecstasy (MDMA):
• Effects: euphoria, energy, emotional bonding and
• Physical consequences: damage to serotonin
• Long term impairments in memory, mood and
1. Drugs (cont’d)
d) Narcotics or opiates:
Derived from opium and capable of relieving pain
E.g. Heroin, morphine, codeine
• Most commonly abused:
oxycontin (Hillbilly Heroin/Oxy)
2. Drug Dependence
2. Drug Dependence
 What do Doctors look for to diagnose drug
 Must have 3 or more of the following
 Substance taken in larger amounts
than intended
 Desire and unsuccessful attempts to
cut back
 Considerable time spent obtaining the
 Inability to fulfill role obligations &
curtailing important activities due to
 Marked tolerance
 Withdrawal symptoms
3. Factors in Drug Abuse
• a) Depends on the drug, p. 224
3. Factors in Drug Abuse
• b) Biological predisposition
• Genetic factors
− Translates into fewer dopamine receptors
− Predict who will be more likely to be
addicted to alcohol, cocaine and heroin
• c) Psychological factors:
• Depression/anxiety
• Escape from painful self-awareness
• d) Social factors:
• Peers
• Family background
4. Hypnosis
a) Definition:
“Systematic procedure
that typically produces a
heightened state of
suggestibility.” (p.214)
b) Susceptibility:
• Hypnotic ability is
normally distributed
4. Hypnosis (cont’d)
 b) Susceptibility
• Associated traits:
• absorption, imaginativeness, rich fantasy life
• Imaginative suggestibility
 c) Facts and Falsehood p. 214:
 What hypnosis can do:
• Alleviate pain
• Sensory distortions
• Treatment of hypertension, migraines, allergies
 What hypnosis cannot do:
• Age regression/ Regression into past lives
• Make people act against their will
• Recover lost memories
4. d) Theories of Hypnosis
 - Role enactment theory:
 Hypnosis is a normal mental state in which suggestible
people act out the role of a hypnotic subject.
 - Hypnosis as an altered state of consciousness:
 Hypnotic effects are attibutable to a special sate of
 Changes in brain activity
 Hypnosis creates a dissociation or split in consciousness
 - Unification of views
 Hypnotic phenomena involve both alterations in
consciousness and complex social interactions that are
shaped by role expectations.
4. e) Hypnotic Induction
• Demonstration using a common, clinical induction
5. Self-Guide to
Dream Interpretation
• Example from the class:
• 1) Write your dream in the present
• 2) Underline dream elements
• 3) Provide more description of the
dream elements
• 4) Associate to dream elements
• 5) Link to waking life
• 6) Interpreting your dream & making
it work for you!
4. Movies
• 1) “Hypnosis and Surgery Pain”
• How hypnosis has helped one cancer survivor.
• 2) “Weight Loss Hypnosis”
• Hypnosis helps one woman find the
motivation to eat healthier and exercise.
A look at the scientific side of hypnosis,
how it can help, and its limitations.
• Note: 2 multiple choice questions may be
extracted from these movies for midterm