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Artze Gegen
Megan Houchens
Background Information:
• The Print Ad titled BENOXAPROFEN was done by
Ogilvy & Mather Frankfurt advertising agency for
product: Doctors Against Animal Testing (brand:
Arzte Gegen Tierversuche) in Germany. It was
released in the Jan 2003.
• Benoxaprofen is a non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug. It was marketed by Eli Lilly
and Company under the brand name Oraflex in
the US and as Opren in Europe. Lilly suspended
sales of Oraflex in 1982 after reports from the
British government and the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration of adverse effects and deaths
linked to the drug.
Point Of View
Who do you think this child is?
Why is the child like this?
Who do you think this child is?
Why is the child like this?
This child is a victim of Benoxaprofen. I
believe that the mother of the child may
have taken the drug while she was
pregnant with the baby. She believed the
medicine was safe.
What is the first thing you notice?
What is the first thing you notice?
The first thing I noticed was the baby and the
way it’s skin looked. The second thing that I
noticed was the text beside the baby. Without
the text the audience wouldn’t understand what
the image was about.
What parts of the image are clearly in
focus? What parts aren’t in focus?
What parts of the image are
clearly in focus? What parts
aren’t in focus?
• The obvious focal point is the baby. The
baby is the focal point because it is the
main point of the image.
• The baby’s sex isn’t part of the focal point.
This is relevant because the image can
relate to any anyone who has a kid or
wants kids, no matter the sex.
Who is the intended audience?
Who is the intended audience?
The intended audience is anyone who
wants a kid or has a kid. Another intended
audience is people who may use animal
tested products, or people who are against
animal testing.
Subject Matter
What do you think the main subject
or universal message the creator of
this ad is trying to make?
What do you think the main subject
or universal message the creator of
this ad is trying to make?
After examining the image I realized that
advertisement was about doctors against
animal testing. The author wants to inform
the audience that drugs tested on animals
aren’t safe for humans. The doctors also
want people to know animal testing is unnecessary.
Why do you think the author chose
the colors black and white?
Why do you think the author chose
the colors black and white?
The author chose these colors to set a
gloomy mood for the audience. There are
no bright colors because the subject isn’t a
happy matter.
The Advertisement was published by
doctors who are against animal testing.
What credibility does this give the
The Advertisement was published by
doctors who are against animal testing.
What credibility does this give the
This is a credible source because a
doctors job is to better human beings lives
and make sure they are healthy.
What emotions does the image
instigate? How does the image
make you feel?
What emotions does the image
instigate? How does the image
make you feel?
The image makes the audience feel pain for the
children/people all over the world who are
affected by medicine that is proven “safe” on
animals. The image also provokes emotion for
animal lovers, because animals have to suffer
just for humans when in the long run it doesn’t
always help humans.
What logic is suggested through
the image?
What logic is suggested
through the image?
The logic that is suggested is that humans
shouldn’t use products that have been “safely”
tested on animals. This is because animals test
differently that humans. Another logic that is
suggested is that researchers need to find a
safer more humane route to testing products to
protect humans & animals.
• Schrod, Jorg . “Doctors Against Animal
Testing.” Benoxaprofen. AdMe Group
LLC. Jan. 2003. Web. 26 Oct. 2011.
• Creators:Ogilvy & Mather frankfurt
Copywriter: Jorg Schrod
Art Director: Jens Frank / Jorg Schrod
Advertiser Supervisor: Bernd Elmenthaler
Creative Director: Thomas Hofbeck / Stephen
Photographer: Gernot Stracke