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United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
African Centre for
Handbook on Supply and Use Table: Compilation,
Application, and Good Practices
Chapter 01 - Concepts, features and applications of SUT
Outline of Presentation
Commodity flow approach
Supply and uses tables
Structure of the supply table
Structure of the uses table
Features of SUTs
Uses/Applications of SUTs and Commodity flows
Comments and suggestions
Questions for discussion
African Centre for
Commodity flow approach
In the commodity flow approach, detailed flows are compiled
for individual products or for a group of products that trace the
different sources of supply of products to their subsequent use
under various categories.
African Centre for
Commodity flow approach: adjusted
However, the two sides are generally on different valuations:
supply side at basic prices and use side at purchasers’ prices.
Therefore it is necessary to make adjustments so that both sides
have the same valuations.
African Centre for
Supply and uses tables
SUTs are a generalization of the commodity-flow approach for
the whole range of products in the economy
The SUTs combine the product balances of all individual
products or group of products in a matrix framework
SUTs present a coherent picture of supply and uses of both the
individual products and the whole economy.
A SUT is composed of tow tables:
The supply table
The uses table
African Centre for
Structure of the supply table
African Centre for
Structure of the uses table
African Centre for
Features of SUTs: data consistency
The SUT framework combines all three approaches of
estimating GDP by balancing the supply and use of every
product (or group of products) and brings together all the data
in a single framework, thus leaving no scope for statistical
The SUTs framework, therefore, enables to cross-check
information at a very detailed level, replacing doubtful data,
estimating missing information and ensures consistency in the
GDP estimates.
African Centre for
Features of SUTs: structure and statistical
The tables of SUTs have values of commodities in rows and
industries as columns. SNA recommends CPC for classifying
the products and ISIC for classifying the industries.
Countries may choose the level of details of products and
industries to be included in their SUTs on the basis of
availability of detailed data at industry/product level in their
The statistical units for the SUTs are the establishments.
African Centre for
Features of SUTs: valuation
The supply table gives information about the resources of
goods and services.
The supply table is a product by industry table with products in
the rows and industries in the columns
The supply table is generally at basic prices
However, to bring this table to the valuation at purchasers’
prices, valuation columns of transport costs, wholesale and
retail trade margins and product taxes less product subsidies are
African Centre for
Features of SUTs: the uses table
The use table gives information on the uses of goods and
services, and on cost structures of the industries.
A use table shows the use of products by type of use, i.e. as
intermediate consumption by industry, final consumption, gross
capital formation or exports.
A use table also shows the components of value added by
industry, i.e. compensation of employees, other taxes less
subsidies on production, consumption of fixed capital and net
operating surplus,
African Centre for
Features of SUTs : information given by the
use table
In the use table:
The table of intermediate use shows the intermediate
consumption by products and by industry.
The table of final uses shows the uses of products for final
consumption, gross capital formation and exports
The table of value added shows the components of value added
by industry.
The totals of each of the columns of intermediate and final uses
show total use by all products.
The totals of the rows of intermediate table and the use of value
added table for each industry shows the total inputs by
African Centre for
Features of SUTs : aggregates derived from
the use table
The use table provides data on:
Gross value added at basic prices by industry (production
Breakdown of industry-wise gross value added into income
components of compensation of employees, operating surplus
(plus mixed income), other taxes less subsidies on production
and consumption of fixed capital (income approach)
GDP at purchasers’ prices disaggregated by products
In the SUT, the row totals of both supply and use tables should
African Centre for
Features of SUTs: rows and columns
In the SUTs, the row totals of both supply and use tables should
The column totals of industries, which refer to total output by
industries in the supply table must also be consistent with total
inputs by industries in the use table.
African Centre for
Uses/Applications of SUTs and Commodity
GDP estimation
Product balances
Consistency of definitions and classifications, valuations
Estimation of missing data
Confrontation of data sources
Assessment of data requirements for NA compilations
African Centre for
Uses/Applications of SUTs and Commodity
flows (cont.)
Capacity building on National Accounts
Implementation of 1993 SNA
SUTs in the 2011 International Comparison Program
Updating preliminary estimates
Construction of Input-Output tables
African Centre for
Suggestions and comments
Good overview of SUTs and their uses
Give an idea of how to conduct a readiness assessment for
compiling SUTs
Give an overview of the practical steps to compile a SUT to
introduce coming chapters (diagram)
African Centre for
Questions for discussion
What are the resource requirements for compiling SUTs?
What are the most common difficulties faced by countries
trying to compile SUTs?
Does the use of specific software (such as ERETES)
significantly reduce the cost of compiling SUTs?
African Centre for
Thank you!
African Centre for