* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Go Global! Assistive Devices for Elders and Disabled Persons [] Description of Product to be Exported Assistive Devices for Elders and Disabled Persons – Devices facilitative of activities of daily living – Device to improve mobility Characteristics of Target Market Market-oriented economy Major player in global market World’s largest population GDP (PPP): 7.992 trillion (CIA Fact Book,2009) Basic Need Potential With 149 millions senior citizens May increase to 400 million by 2050 Increasing capacity to purchase device – Improve mobility Increased government support to seniors Exchange Rate Trends Current exchange rate – 1CNY = 0.146475 USD – 1 USD = 6.82708 CNY Import Restrictions Restricted products – Security and environment hazard – Specified commodities Import duties elimination on needed products – Health products and services Price Controls NDRC Taxes Exportation costs Import duties Graphic source: Government &Public Attitude on Buying American Products Major import-export US partner US consumption of US products increasing Graphic source: Competitors Large and small scale competitors – Other US-based companies – Asian companies Business Attitudes & Etiquettes ‘Guanxi’ Connections/relationship Mient-zu (concept of face) Confucian hierarchy concept Looking at ground when greeting (World Business n.d.) Business Etiquettes Greetings Giving gifts Dining Business meetings Business cards Languages Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese Sino-Tibetan language family Variety of unintelligible language English Non-verbal or sign language Education School life expectance: 11 years Expenditure: 1.9 of GDP Literacy rate: 90.9(CIA, 2009) – 95% -male – 86.5% - female Export Marketing Strategies Local agent Subsidiaries Promotion strategies – Internet, TV, prints, media ads Trade shows participation Conclusion China markets with good potentials – Presumable more needs of assistive device Recommend to enter Chinese markets! References Assistive Devices Key. (n.d.). Give the gift of independent living. Retrieved January 9, 2009, from CIA. (2009). China. Retrieved January 12, 2009, from (2009). Doing business in China. Retrieved December 9, 2009, from trade_DoingBiz_China.pdf Gershenhorn, A. (2008). Global-preneuring. Retrieved December 9, 2009, from Kwintessential. (n.d.). China: language, culture, and etiquette. Rtrieved January 10, 2009, from Miniwatts Marketing Group. (2009). The world population and the top ten countries with the highest population. Retrieved December 08, 2009, from Internet World Stats Website: NDRC. (n.d.). Brief introduction of the NDRC. Retrieved December 9, 2009, from US Commercial Service. (2009). Health Product and Services. “Doing business in China”. Retrieved December 9, 2009, from World Business Culture. (n.d.). China. Retrieved January 11, 2009, from