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A Brief History of Bulgaria
Thracians (from about 400 BC): tribal society
Romans (by 100 AD)
Roman Empire split in two ( in 395)
Byzantine Empire
Slavs (500 AD)
Khan Asparukh : ruler of a Bulgar tribe in the
second half of the 7th century and is credited
with the establishment of the First Bulgarian
Empire in 680/681.
The Byzantine Empire recognized the state of
Emperor Constantine V
Khan Krum
In 816, Khan Omurtag made peace.
In 846, Bulgaria accepted Christianity.
Simeon The Great (893-927)- Emperor of all
the Bulgars and Greeks.
In the later 10th century, Bulgaria declined.
In 1014, after the Battle of Belasita, the
Byzantines captured 15,000 Bulgars.
In 1018, Bulgaria became part of the
Byzantine Empire.
Bulgaria In The Middle Ages
Heavy taxation provoked rebellion.
In 1202, the Byzantines accepted the
situation and made peace.
In 1204, the Crusaders captured
Ivan Asen II (1218-1241)
In 1330 – The battle of Velbuzhd
Bulgaria Under Turkish Rule
In 1393 – Ottomans captured Turnovo.
Bulgaria was under Turkish rule for nearly
500 years.
In 1688 – Bulgarians rose in rebellion.
In the 19th century - Nationalism
In 1896 – Some Bulgarians rose in revolt
Independent Bulgaria
In April 1877 – Russia declared war on Ottoman
On 3 March, The treaty of Stefano ended the war.
Treaty of Berlin – Bulgaria was split in two.
In 1885 – People in Eastern Rumelia staged a coup.
In November 1885 – Serbians declared war.
5 October 1908 – Prince Ferdinand announced the
complete independence.
Bulgaria In The 20th Century
In October 1912, the three countries invaded
Turkish territory in Europe.
On 29 June 1913, Bulgaria attacked Serbia and
World War I
In September 1918, French and British troops
entered Bulgaria.
On 29 September 1918, Bugaria signed an
In 1919, Bulgaria was forced to sign the treaty of
Royal authoritarian dictatorship by tsar Boris
III, Bulgaria entered World War II.
In the summer of 1943, Boris III died.
In September 1944, the communistdominated Fatherland Front took power.
9 September 1944 – abolition of monachic
Georgi Dimitrov (1946-1949)
Todor Zhivkov (1954-1989)
By the mid-1950s standards of living rose.
An assimilation campaign against ethnic
Turks in 1980s.
On 10 November 1989 – A transition from a
single-party republic to a parliamentary
In 1990 – The first free election.
General Information
Capital city : Sofia
Government type : Parliamentary democracy
Area: 110,879 sq km
Border countries : Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey
Population : 7,093,635 (100th in the world)
Ethnic groups: Bulgarians 84,8%
Turks 8,8%
Roma 4.9%
Other 1,5%(including
Macedonian, Armenian, Tatar, Circassian)
Languages: Bulgarian(official), Turkish,
Roma, Other
Religions : Bulgarian Orthodox 82,6%,
Muslims 12,2%, Other Christians 1,2%, Other
GDP(purchasing power parity) : $96,78 billion
GDP per capita : $13,500
Labor force : 2,499 million
Unemployment rate : 9,5%
Population below poverty line 21,8%
National resources : Bauxite, copper, lead,
zinc, coal, timber, arable land.
Export partners : Germany 10,9%, Italy 9,9%,
Romania 9,5%, Greece 8,1%, Turkey 7,9%,
France 4,1%
Import partners : Russia 16,3%, Germany
11,8%, Italy 7,5%, Romania 7,1%, Greece
6%, Turkey 5,2%, Ukraine 4,2%
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