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National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
Introduction and Background
Evolution of the SNA’s purview
SNA The 2008 SNA: Update of the 1993
Milestones for the implementation of
2008 SNA
5. Problems/Issues to be addressed
6. Towards the 2008 SNA
7. RWANDA National Accounts
• Current Situation
• Plans for improvement
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
Introduction and Background
To implement the 2008 SNA (for the 2011-2015
period) is considered as the first pillar of the
“Strategy for the Harmonization of Statistics in
To meet the needs and Africa’s integration agenda of
Heads of State and Government of the African Union
The 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA 2008)
should be fully implemented, in support of producing
quality and comparable statistics for Africa.
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
Evolution of the SNA’s purview
1953 SNA: Simple set of tables and accounts in
current prices
1968 SNA: Extended accounting system, including
1993 SNA: More detailed accounting structure
SUT, Satellite accounts, chaining and index formulae
2008 SNA: More detailed presentation of topics
input-output tables
General principals on prices and volumes and
Financial accounts
Government accounts
Informal sector and capital services
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
SNA The 2008 SNA: Update of the 1993
The update started with groups of experts
considering new developments or problem areas
over the previous decade.
The decision was taken just to update the 1993
not to revise it, as the manual was still contemporary.
Compared with the six “milestones” adopted by
the UN Statistical Commission, which represent
the six phases for full implementation of the
SNA, one fifth of the total African countries
(20%) have reached only to Phase 1
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
Milestones for the implementation of
2008 SNA
Pre-SNA Phases: Basic data:
Phase 1: Basic indicators of GDP at CP and KP
Monetary stock statistics,
Price indices
Supply and Use Table (GDP by Expenditure, GDP by industry),
Other BOP transactions (income transfers, capital and financial),
GFS transaction accounts
Phase 2: GNI and other primary indicators:
External account of primary income and current transfers,
Capital and financial accounts for the rest of the world
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
Milestones for the 2008 SNA (Cont)
Phase 3: Institutional sector accounts (first step):
Phase 4-5: Institutional sector accounts
Production accounts for all institutional sectors,
Generation of income,
Allocation of primary income
Secondary distribution income
 Use of incomes and Cap. and fin. accounts for gen. Gvt
Capital and Financial accounts for all institutional sectors
Phase 6: Other flows, accounts and balance sheets
Other changes in assets accounts for all institutional sectors
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
Problems/Issues to be addressed
There are many challenges confronting the
compilation of national accounts statistics in Africa
Inconsistency and Incompleteness in the
Coverage of the Economy
inclusion of the informal sector in the National Accounts
Lack of resources and weak capacity to carry out
household and business surveys and censuses for
data collection to meet the minimum requirement
datasets for National Accounts
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
Problems/Issues to be addressed
There are many challenges confronting the
compilation of national accounts statistics in Africa
Inconsistency and Incompleteness in the
Coverage of the Economy
inclusion of the informal sector in the National Accounts
Lack of resources and weak capacity to carry out
household and business surveys and censuses for
data collection to meet the minimum requirement
datasets for National Accounts
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
Towards the 2008 SNA
A continent wide “study on the impact of the
implementation of the 2008 SNA in African
countries’ will be conducted by AfDB
Objectives of the study are:
Evaluate the capacities to implement the 2008 SNA.
Identify the required technical assistance in national
accounts for the 2008 SNA implementation
Show possible differences in some core aggregates
compiled according to the 1993 SNA and the 2008 SNA
Rwanda is among the candidates for the pilot study
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
RWANDA National Accounts:
Current Situation
GDP by economic activity, i.e. GDP(P), are compiled on a
quarterly and annual basis.
Some components of GDP(E) are compiled on an annual
The difference between the sum of these components
and total GDP(P) is reported as private consumption.
Separate estimates for household final consumption
expenditure, consumption of non-profit institutions serving
households, and changes in inventories are not compiled.
Current Situation (continued)
The quarterly GDP(P) estimates are based on
extrapolating 2006 benchmarks using various indicators.
Annual estimates are derived by summing the quarterly
The main sources for the indicators are: banking data,
balance of payments, CPI, crop assessments,
government finance data, population projections, PPI and
trade data.
The NISR is committed to improving the GDP estimates
and to expanding the range of NAS aggregates.
A number of improvements are being planned.
Plans for Improvement (Short-Term)
During 2011:
Increasing access to, and/or use of, existing
administrative source data (e.g. RARDA, RRA,
Increasing use of existing NISR survey data (e.g.
Pop. Census 2002, EICV2, NAS 2008);
Replacing use of population indicators with more
representative indicators (e.g. composite indicators,
housing trends).
Plans for Improvement (LongerTerm)
During 2012 to 2014:
Finalizing results of EICV3;
Conducting benchmark agriculture, enterprise and
NGO surveys, and Pop. Census;
Developing detailed benchmarks based on InputOutput Tables (IOT) and Supply/Use Tables (SUT);
Rebase of GDP to 2011 base year;
Improved use of administrative data (e.g. income tax);
Expanding and improving annual and sub-annual
data collections (e.g. for Agriculture, PPI); and
Redeveloping the NAS compilation methodology
Rebase Plan of Action (1)
An initial assessment of:
Key data user requirements;
Economic activities and products to be included in the
IOT and SUT;
Source data availability and quality;
Data gaps identified and recommendations;
Accessing available data and undertaking
additional data collection to ensure appropriate
coverage. (June 2012)
Rebase Plan of Action (2)
Data quality assurance and compilation of the
initial estimates from administrative sources and
surveys. (July 2012)
Classification, coverage, timing and valuation (i.e.
price and/or volume) adjustments made to the
initial estimates to accord with FY 2010. (August
Filling in the Input-Output and SUT cells and fine
tuning of the estimates to the overall size of the
different activities. (September 2012)
Rebase Plan of Action (3)
Balancing of the supply and use estimates, using
supplementary information on the relative quality
of the data sources used, similar adjustments
made to the 2006 SUT, and from data suppliers
and industry experts. (October 2012)
Compilation of symmetric tables and coefficient
matrices (i.e. benchmarks). (November 2012)
Redevelopment of NAS compilation systems.
(December 2012)
End !!!
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda