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State vs. Market – in theory
 Mainstream economic thinking has been a
battle between 2 paradigms, their relative
influence shifting over time
 paradigms: philosophical or theoretical frameworks
 Crises spark “paradigm shifts” (Kuhn 1962)
 Wall Street Crash & Great Depression (1929-late 30s)
 Energy Crisis of the 1970s (1973 - late 1970s)
 Global Financial Crisis of 2008?
 Nature and extent of the “paradigm shift” still unclear
State vs. Market – in policy
 Wall Street Crash & Great Depression (1929 - late 30s):
stock market crash sparks bank runs & collapse of banking
system, with worldwide ramifications, e.g., a global downturn
 Prompts gov’t intervention & regulation to protect workers &
 Shift to the STATE: 1940s – 1970s
 Energy Crisis of the 1970s (1973 – late 70s): oil embargo
of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
leads to 1973-74 stock market fall and sharply falling profits
in manufacturing in US and other advanced industrialized
countries, e.g., Germany & Japan
 Prompts deregulation, de-unionization, retreat of the gov’t
from economy
 Shift to the MARKET: 1980s - present
Shift to the STATE: 1940s-70s
 Keynes = philosophical forefather
 Postwar advanced industrialized
economies featured government
intervention, subsidies to key industries,
protection of labor rights, expansion of
public spending (in education,
infrastructure, etc.) trade protectionism
 Associated with postwar boom (1945 – late 1960s) , a long
period of growth in GDP and real median income
Shift to the STATE: 1940s-70s
 The most successful newly industrializing
economies in Asia and Latin America
also had considerable gov’t intervention
 South Korea subsidized & protected “infant industries”
 Brazil followed ISI (import-substitution industrialization) to
reduce foreign dependency, erecting trade barriers against
cheap foreign imports while subsidizing the local production of
industrialized products
Shift to the MARKET:1980s-present
 Hayek = philosophical/theoretical
 “Reagan revolution” in US begins 30-yr
wave of deregulation, proclaims faith in
free markets & mistrust of gov’t
 Labeled “market fundamentalism” by Stiglitz
 Neoliberalism, Washington Consensus,
reigns supreme globally
Shift to the MARKET:1980s-present
 Growth in the most advanced economies
increasingly based on financialization
 In the US:
income & wealth inequality increases
real median household income declines
household debt increases
financial leverage (debt) overrides capital
(equity) in the corporate sector
Income inequality in the US
(US Census Bureau data)
an economic system or process that attempts to reduce all
value that is exchanged (whether tangible, intangible, future or
present promises, etc.) either into a financial instrument or a
derivative of a financial instrument
original intent is to reduce any work-product or service to an
exchangeable financial instrument, like currency, and thus make it
easier for people to trade these financial instruments
workers, through a financial instrument such as a mortgage, could
trade their promise of future work/wages for a home
financialization of risk-sharing makes all insurance possible
financialization of the US govt's promises (bonds) makes all
deficit spending possible
financialization also makes economic rents possible
 financial leverage tends to override capital (equity) and
financial markets tended to dominate over the traditional
industrial economy
The Political Trilemma of the World Economy
(Dani Rodrik, 2010)
Global Governance
Bretton Woods Compromise
What is democracy?
 Democracy is a certain class of relations
between states and citizens
 A regime is democratic to the degree that
political relations between the state and its
citizens feature broad, equal, protected and
mutually binding consultation
 Democratization means net movement toward
broader, more equal, more protected, and
more binding consultation
 De-democratization is movement in the reverse
(Tilly, Democracy, 2007)
"Has Globalization Gone
Too Far?,"
Dani Rodrik, Ch. 28, pp. 241-246 (Excerpted
from Rodrik, “Has Globalization Gone Too
Far?,” in Has Globalization Gone Too Far?,
Institute for International Economics, pp. 2,
4-7, 77-81.)
GL is exposing deep fault lines b/w
social groups
 Those who have the skills & mobility to flourish
in global markets
 Those who don't have these advantages or
perceive expansion of unregulated markets as
a threat to social stability & deeply help norms
 tension between the market and social
groups such as workers, pensioners, and
environmentalists, w/ governments in the
Sources of tension between the
global market & social stability
1) Reduced barriers to trade/investment
increase asymmetry b/w groups that
can cross borders & those that can't
2) GL makes it difficult for gov’ts to provide
social insurance
3) GL engenders conflicts within and b/w
nations over domestic norms and the
social institutions that embody them
1: Reduced barriers to trade & investment
increase asymmetry b/w groups that can
cross borders (directly or indirectly via
outsourcing) and those that can't
 Those who can: owners of capital, highly
skilled workers, professionals free to take their
resources where they are most in demand
 Those who can't: many unskilled & semiskilled
workers and most middle managers
 their labor is elastic, substitutable, i.e., they are more easily
substituted by services of other ppl across national boundaries
 most GL research has focused on the downward shift in
demand for unskilled workers rather than the increase in the
elasticity of demand
GL enables “substitutability,” transforms
the employment relationship
 Postwar “social bargain” b/w workers & employers (i.e.,
steady increase in wages and benefits in exchange for
labor peace) has been undermined
 Substitutability has concrete consequences:
 Workers now have to pay a larger share of the cost of
improvements in work conditions and benefits (i.e., bear
greater incidence of nonwage costs)
 They have to incur greater instability in earnings and hours
worked in response to shocks in labor demand or labor
productivity (i.e., volatility and insecurity increase)
 Their bargaining power erodes, so they receive lower wages
and benefits whenever bargaining is an element in setting the
terms of employment
2: GL makes it difficult for gov’ts to
provide social insurance
 social insurance is a central gov’t
function, which has helped maintain
social cohesion & domestic political
support for liberalization over postwar pd
 Gov’ts have used fiscal powers to
insulate domestic groups from excessive
market risks, especially when they're
foreign in origin, but gov’t has been
downsizing, reducing social obligations 17
3: GL engenders conflicts within and
b/w nations over domestic norms &
social institutions that embody them
 With international diffusion of technology, nations with
different values, norms, institutions, begin to compete
head on in mkts for similar goods
 presents opportunities for trade among countries at very
different levels of development
 Trade becomes contentious when it unleashes forces
that undermine domestic norms
 e.g., plant closed in South Carolina for child labor in Honduras
or French pensions cut in favor of Maastricht
 Trade policy has redistributive consequences, among
sectors, income groups, and individuals
The Role of National Governments
Policymakers must respond to these tensions
without sheltering groups from foreign
competition through protectionism:
1) Strike a balance b/w openness and
domestic needs
2) Do not neglect social insurance
3) Do not use "competitiveness" as an excuse
for domestic reform
4) Do not abuse fairness claims in trade