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Don’t Cry for Me,
March 18th, 2005
Presented by,
Four People Who Are Not John Stiver
Argentina has a history of chronic monetary,
economic, and political problems.
In 1810, it declared independence from the
Spanish Government.
No stable government ruled until 1862.
Late 1800s: Steady growth and a booming
economy due to beef exports to Europe.
1890: First large economic downturn as a nation
due to budgetary problems by an incompetent
Power traded between Presidents and military
In 1902, Argentina followed a Gold Standard
that had a 100% reserve ratio.
In 1914, this was abandoned.
Brought back in 1927.
Abandoned in 1929.
In 1945, inflation became a big problem.
Unresolved political pressures resulted in the
government spending more than it had taken in
in taxes, causing inflation.
In the 70’s there was triple digit inflation
Early 90s: President Menem stepped in with a
He pegged the peso to the dollar
Inflation quickly fell to below 4%
The Crisis (1999-2002)
1999: President De la Rúa elected
Federal budget deficit high
Tax increases attempt to control it
Tax rates are already substantial
Caused tax evasion-related corruption
2000: Economy continues to shrink
Drastic decreases in government spending causes chaos
The Crisis (1999-2002)
Political deadlock between president and senate
December 2001: freeze on bank deposits
Recession turns into depression
People and businesses cannot make payments
IMF cuts off loans to Argentina: no outside funds
Five presidents in two weeks
The Crisis- Statistical Data
Bankruptcies reached record levels
From 1998-2002:
Real GDP fell 28%
Inflation went from negative levels to 41%
Exchange rate fell from 1 Peso/$ to 4 Pesos/$
Unemployment increased from 12.4% to 23.6%
Poverty rate rose from 25.9% to 57.5%
Real wages fell 23.7% in 2002
Real supermarket sales fell 26% in 2002
Why the Recession
Did Not Happen
of Free Markets
The Currency Board
Overvalued Peso
Provincial Government Finances
Why the Recession Happened
Currency crisis in Russia and Brazil
Tax Increases
Lowered Confidence in the Peso
Contamination of the private sector
What could Argentina have
done differently?
Fiscal: cut taxes early, accept more
drastic budget cuts to avoid inflation
Monetary: dollarize, allow banks to issue
own notes, default on public debt early
Systematic: could go strictly floating or
gold standard, but disadvantages to both
according to precedents
What to do now?
Short term
Dollarize now
Implement tax cuts
Revamp banking system to
promote confidence
Set floor price for default debt
What to do now?
Long term
Examine structure of law
Simplify tax strategy
Improve Federal-Province
Reduce unnecessary government
More flexible labor laws
Improve health care
International Policy
Determine comprehensive view on
handling financial crises
Examine US laws on foreign seizure
Improve IMF recommendations
Borrow / Bailout / Depreciation /
Default may not work as well
Property rights as related to prosperity