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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Human Capital and the National Innovation Strategy for Competitiveness The case of Chile Hernán Araneda Head, Centre for Innovation in Human Capital Fundación Chile Prepared for the OECD/Germany Workshop Advancing innovation: human resources, education and training Bonn, 17-18 November 2008 About Fundación Chile Who we are: Fundación Chile is a non-profit, privately owned corporation, created in 1976 by an agreement between the Chilean Government and ITT Corporation (U.S.A.).In 2005 BHP Billiton became a co founder. Our Mission: To increase the competitivity of human resources and productive sectors and services, by promoting and developing high impact innovations, technology transfer and management for the country. “There are three proven models worldwide that are examples for emerging economies: The industrialization model of China, The outsourcing model of India and the model of Fundación Chile” (OECD) “…by 1982, Fundación Chile had its first salmon farm up and running. Seven years later it sold it to a Japanese company for $22 million” (Businessweek) “In 2004, its first year, the laboratory turned out 1.7m partially fattened lilly bulbs, using up-to-date biotechnology. Vitro Centre is a joint venture between local investors, Fundación Chile and a Dutch firm… (The Economist) Strong Brand Name Recognition Chile’s background 16 million people, native language spanish Upper Middle income country, per capita GDP US$ 12.000 (purchasing power parity) Average GDP Growth 1990-2005: 5,5 % Global Competitive Index 2007: 26 Significant progress in poverty reduction: 44% to 18% (1986-2006). Unemployment rate: 7.3 (best in 8 years) High coverage in primary and secondary education Participation in Tertiary Education has tripled in the last 15 years. Chile is performing fine in several rankings… GDP : Annual Growth Rates Selected Countries: average 1990-2005 POVERTY % of population 2006 18% Source: ECLAC China 9.0 Singapore 6.1 South Korea 5.9 5.5 Chile Indonesia 4.5 Mexico 3.1 Poland 2.6 OECD 2.5 Argentina 2.4 2.0 Brazil Hungary Czech Republic 1987 44% 1.3 0.6 Corruption Perception Index Ranking Among Latin 1st American Countries Overall Ranking Among 146 Countries 20th Source: Transparency International (, 2005 But… Percapita income still lacks behind the OECD (40% of OECD average income level) Unequal income distribution (0.55 Gini; 0.75 excluding the highest income decile) Economy too dependent on commodities: more R&D investment required Relatively low labour productivity Low quality of learning outcomes across the education system (Simce, TIMMS, PISA, IALS) Uneven distribution of opportunities in higher education and training Low participation of women in the labour force The country’s most important goal: doubling percapita income in the next 15 years to become a developed country IMF: per capita GDP (US dollars, Sept. 2006) Singapore (29,743) Taiwan (29,244) Spain (27,542) N. Zealand (25,655) 25.000 CHILE Estonia (17,802) Lithuania (15,443) Argentina (14,838) Latvia (13,875) 12.737 Malaysia (11,915) USA (43,236) Canada (35,779) Hong Kong (35,396) 35.000 Finland (32,822) Australia (32,127) UK (31,585) Sweden (31,264) France (30,150) Slovenia (23,159) Korea (21,887) … and this is a major challenge. Only once in our history have we managed to double our per capita GDP in 16 years: 1988-2004. Business as usual is not sufficient; We must decisively move towards a Knowledge Based Economy Growth depends less on capital and labour accumulation than on efficient use of these factors (Total Factor Productivity). We need to move from static comparative advantages linked to natural resources to a stage where the incorporation of more knowledge into products and services is crucial. In brief - the capacity to transform knowledge into wealth, the capacity to INNOVATE. Are we prepared? Over the last decade TFP contribution has fallen dramatically…and forecasts are frightening. TFP would account for less than 25% of Chile’s growth in the 2007-2011 which compares poorly with the figure for competing economies (40% to 50% according to The Economist Intelligence Unit) TFP contribution to growth 2007-2011 Growth TFP Capital Labour 1984-1997 7.1 2.8 2.1 2.2 1998-2005 3.6 0.9 2.4 0.4 CHILE Selected countries* * Bálticos, Europa del Este y países de rápido crecimiento de Asia. Three decisions to move forward Innovation 1. Increasing public funding to support the strategy (new mining tax). 2. R & D tax incentive for companies. 3. Creation of a National Innovation Council for Competitiveness – National Innovation Strategy To propose a roadmap for a development process based on competitiveness supported by human capital and knowledge. To look after policy coherence Defining strategic objectives Defining the roles of agents Resource allocation aligned with the strategic priorities INNOVATION STRATEGY HUMAN CAPITAL BUSINESS INNOVATION (value creation) R&D strategycally oriented EFFICIENT INSTITUTIONALITY (long term vision, “accountability”, regionally focused) SELECTIVITY Focus on economic clusters COMPETITIVENESS Selectivity: focus on clusters Outsourcing Serv.medio ambiente 0.17 0.16 0.15 1 billón de pesos Alto0.14 0.13 Alimentos procesados de consumo humano Sectores que se destacan 0.12 Potencial de crecimiento (%) Industrias creativas Crecimiento PIB en 10 a ños 0.11 Acuicultura Servicios financieros Vitivinicultura 0.10 Plataforma de negocios para LA Horticultura primaria 0.09 Porcicultura y avicultura Minería no met álica Construcci ón Educaci ón superior Medicina Logística y Farmac éutica especializada transporte Consultor ía Bovino Alimentos proc. para y ovino consumo animal 0.08 Medio 0.07 0.06 Fruticultura primaria Plástico Comunicaciones 0.05 Industria química 0.04 Comercio minorista Lácteo Minería del cobre y subproductos Productos Turismo 1 de madera Silvicultura Celulosa y papel 0.03 Bajo 0.02 Metalurgia 0.01 0.00 Alto 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 Medio 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.3 Bajo 4.5 Esfuerzo para lograr la competitividad necesaria (1) Dentro del sector de Turismo fue considerado el tradicional subsector de Turismo de Intereses Especiales, que tiene un dinamismo much o mayor que el sector de Turismo BUSINESS INNOVATION Science with strategic orientation Human Capital Consolidate a business system aimed at the creation of value by means of innovation – in all its forms and aspects – as a competitiveness strategy in global markets. Strengthen a platform for the creation, dissemination and application of knowledge in a permanent and consistent research effort coherent with the country’s productive and social problems. To establish an accessible and top-quality life-long-learning system which allows the country to rely on the relevant human capital the Knowledge Economy requires nd 8 Ko re Ch a F ec in Re lan d p Ch ec Ho a lla nd Ire la n Hu d ng ar G y re ec Ar e ge nt in a Ch ile M al ay sia Sp ai M n ex Co ico lo m b P o ia rtu ga l Br az il Nz ea la Human Capital Stock Average years of schooling (ages 25-65) 14 12 10 7,89 6 4 2 0 Tertiary education graduates in the workforce Prof. and techn. as a % of the current workforce Fi nla nd Ho l Ch la nd ec R Nz e p ea la nd Ire lan d Sp a Hu in ng ar y Ko Co re a lom b M ia ex M ico ala ys ia Ch ile Br az il 50 40 30 20 10 0 Educational attainment of the adult population: the stock problem Distribution of the Population aged 25 to 64 years by highest level of education completed, 2003 100 90 80 70 % 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Thailand 2003/04 Paraguay 2002 Peru 2002 Brazil 2002 Indonesia 2002/03 Primary Lower secondary Jordan 2002/03 Chile 2003 Argentina 2002 Upper secondary Uruguay 2002 Malaysia 2002 Tertiary (type B) education Russian OECD WEI mean Federation mean 2003 2003 2002/03 Tertiary (tipe A) education Source: Education Trends in Perspective – Analysis of the World Education Indicators. UNESCO-UIS/OECD 2005 Basic competence (prose): 50% of the population in performance level 1 Adult Functional Literacy Survey (1998) 100% 90% 80% 70% PERFORMANCE LEVEL 60% 50% 40% Level 4/5 Level 3 Lever 2 Level 1 30% 20% 10% Ch ile cR ep ub lic Hu ng ary Po rtu ga l Cz e Ge rm an y Sw ed Un en ite dS Un tat ite es dK ing do m 0% % of Enrollment in Higher Education 90 80 70 60 50 1991 2004 40 30 20 10 0 Chile S.Korea Estonia Ireland Latvia Lithuania Primary & Secondary Education: high coverage, low quality of learning outcomes (TIMSS, PISA, SIMCE). PRIMARY EDUCATION COVERAGE BY INCOME QUINTILE, 1990 - 2003 100 95,6 98,5 96,9 99,1 97,7 99,5 97,5 99,5 98,9 99,5 I II III IV V 90 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Income Quintiles 1990 SECONDARY EDUCATION COVERAGE BY INCOME QUINTILE, 1990 - 2003 2003 100 80 94,5 98,8 87,1 80,8 77,2 73,9 96,9 94,2 92,0 87,7 90 Percentages Percentages 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 I II III IV Income Quintiles 1990 2003 V Tertiary education enrollment by income quintiles 80,0 70,0 60,0 50,0 40,0 30,0 20,0 10,0 - 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2003 2006 I 4,4 7,9 9,1 8,8 8,7 9,6 14,7 19,8 II 7,7 9,8 10,2 15,4 13,3 17,7 21,4 25,1 III 12,4 13,0 17,4 21,5 23,2 31,7 33,1 33,3 IV 22,0 23,9 32,1 35,2 38,9 43,0 46,9 47,2 V 40,7 41,2 54,8 60,0 65,4 67,4 73,6 67,1 Participation in training ADULT PARTICIPATION IN TRAINING (15 to 60 years people) 16 14 13,9 13,6 Percentage 12 9,1 10 8 6 4 2 0 CASEN Survey 1998 CASEN Survey 2000 CASEN Survey 2003 Most participants in training come from big companies… PARTICIPATION RATE IN TRAINING PROGRAMS BY ENTREPRISE SIZE 45,0 38,6 40,0 35,0 Rate 30,0 26,0 25,0 18,3 20,0 15,0 10,0 6,0 5,0 0,0 1 to 9 10 to 49 50 to 199 Number of workers Source: SENCE and CASEN Survey 2003 200 or more LLL drivers and issues (1) High coverage in initial education but low quality of learning outcomes (TIMMS, PISA, etc.) A significant % of adult population without initial education lacking basic skills Students lacking academic and employability skills for a friendly school-to-work transition Increasing demand for post-secondary learning opportunities: education seen as the vehicle for social mobility (high private returns, etc.) Expansion of the market of post-secondary ed. and training providers (esp. private universities) but no public information about graduates labor market outcomes Concern about quality and relevance of programs, accreditation frameworks still to be piloted LLL drivers and issues (2) Disjointed “systems” providing LLL and training opportunities, Public effort on training limited to a tax incentive for companies; no funding arrangements for individual workers. Vocational education not well funded by government: poor quality and relevance for industry A significant amount of (competent) workers without formal recognition for their skills Lack of a shared vision and agenda among ministeries relevant for LLL: education, labour, economic development. LLL drivers and issues (3) Adult education, technical-vocational education, workforce training and career guidance systems seen as missing pieces in the 90’s reforms Learning outcomes and not only “inputs” and “processes” as the best approach once universal coverage is achieved Lack of a coherent public policy on vocational education (both secondary and postsecondary) Strategy Main purpose: design and piloting new arrangements, capacities and funding mechanisms supporting LLL Multisectorial: Min of Education; Min Labour & Social Affairs; Min of Economic Development; Industry Associations; companies Combination of remedial actions; learning innovations; institutional innovations; ”demostrative projects” Diverse clientele: adults with low educational attainment (unemployed / bad jobs); young people attending VE; Workforce A systemic view from the National Competency System Labour Market Intermediation / Information Services HR Management (recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, training, sucession plans, rewards, etc.) Industry Endorsed Competency Standards Competency Assessment & Certification System NATIONAL LABOUR COMPETENCY SYSTEM Technical Vocational Education (secondary, postsecondary) National Training System Where we stand 15 economic sectors 15 industry specific associations, 150 leading companies 500 occup standards, + employability skills models (8 competencies) + entrepreneurship skills MOBILIZE 2.STAKEHOLDERS Movilizar Actores DEFINE Claves OCCUPATIONAL 3.Definir Estándares AND EMPLOYABILITY SELECT AND 1.Seleccionar e SKILLS IDENTIFY Identificar Sector STANDARDS INDUSTRY Productivo UPDATE 8.Actualizar Estándares STANDARDS según Necesidades AS NEEDED -Web site competency standards -New regulation -Media coverage PROMOTE AND 7.DISSEMINATE Promover y Difundir 40.000 workers certified Employability skills for 7.000 students KEEPING MANTENIENDO LA THE VENTAJA COMPETITIVE COMPETITIVA EDGE VALIDATE STANDARDS 4.WITH Validar STAKEHOLDERS Estándares con Actores Claves ADAPT CURRICULA EVALUATE AND 5.Adaptar Currículum y AND TRAINING TO 6. Evaluar y Certificar CERTIFY WORKERS / Formación según STANDARDS Trabajadores STUDENTS Estándares Methodology transfer to 300 VET providers Where do we stand against the LLL agenda? Several pilots and demostrative projects articulating supply and demand at a regional level. Impact evaluation going on (WB). Some of the regulations needed in place or in final stage of approval (ie National Competency System) Competency “movement” underpinning curriculum development in most higher institutions across the country. “Modules” and “Competency Based VET Programs” being developed. National Agenda for Innovation and Competitiveness, a new driving force for LLL in the country, as far as it supports human capital in strategic economic clusters Current issues Competing policy agendas still a problem: M.Education too busy with the unfinished school reform and M.Labour with the pension reform and persistent youth unemployment A new policy for secondary and postsecondary TVET Qualifications framework informing pedagogical innovation and new learning materials Quality framework for QA and accreditation Diversifing funding mechanisms for learners beyond initial education Innovation in education & training.