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Ernest Blakney
Spanish period 3
Key Data
• Capital is Santiago
• Population is 16,888,760
• Climate is temperate it is dessert in the north Mediterranean in the
central region and cool and damp in the south
• Languages they speak is Spanish
• Currency is Chilean peso
• Geography of Chile is extremely diverse as the country extends from a
latitude of 17° South to Cape Horn at 56°
• Economy of Chile is ranked as an upper-middle income economy by the
World Bank
• Agriculture in Chile encompasses a wide range of different activities due
its particular geography
• Principal Exports
• Religion Chile most commonly identify
themselves as Christian
• Music of Chile ranges from folkloric music,
popular music and also to classical music.
• Holidays July 16: Fiesta de la Virgen del
• The national flag
of Chile, consists
of two unequal
horizontal bands
of white and red
and a blue square
the same height
as the white band
in the canton,
which bears a
white five-pointed
star in the center.
Representative Figure
• The President of the Republic of Chile is both the
head of state and the head of government of the
Republic of Chile. The President is responsible of
the government and state administration.
Although its role and significance has changed
over the history of Chile, as well as its position
and relations with other actors in the national
political organization, it is one of the most
prominent political figures. It is also considered
one of the institutions that make up the "Historic
Constitution of Chile", and it is essential to the
country's political stability.