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Chapter 32
Federal Budgets
and Public Policy
© 2006 Thomson/South-Western
Federal Budget Process
The federal budget is a plan for
government outlays and revenues for a
specified period, usually a year
Federal outlays include both
Government purchases
Transfer payments
Exhibit 1: Defense’s Share of Federal Outlays
Declined Since 1960 and Redistribution Increased
President’s Role in Budget Process
President’s budget process usually begins
a year before it is submitted to Congress
The congressional budget cycle begins in
late January once Congress gets The
Budget of the United States Government
from the president
Congressional Role in the Budget Process
Once the president’s proposed budget gets to
Congress, budget committees in both the House
and the Senate rework until they agree on total
outlays, spending by major category, and expected
This agreement, called a budget resolution,
establishes a framework to guide spending and
revenue decisions
The fiscal year runs from October 1 of one year to
September 30 of the following year
The Budget
The size and composition of the budget and the
difference between outlays and revenues
measure the budget’s fiscal impact
When outlays exceed revenues, the budget is in
Stimulates aggregate demand in the short run, but
reduces national saving that in the long run could
impede economic growth
When revenues exceed outlays, the budget is in
Dampens aggregate demand in the short run, but
enhances domestic saving that in the long run could
promote economic growth
Problems with the Federal Budget Process
Continuing Resolutions instead of Budget
Budgets typically run on continuing
resolutions: agreements to allow agencies to
spend at the rate of the previous year’s
Overlapping Committee Authority:
requires the executive branch to defend
the same section of the president’s budget
before several committees in both House
and the Senate
Problems with the Federal Budget Process
Lengthy budget process
Uncontrollable budget items
No separate capital budget
Overly detailed budget
Possible Budget Reforms
The annual budget could be converted
into a two-year budget, or biennial
Simplify the budget document by
concentrating only on major groupings
and eliminating line items
Sort federal spending into an operating
budget and a capital budget
Fiscal Impact of the Federal Budget
When government outlays—purchases
plus transfer payments—exceed
government revenue, the result is a
budget deficit
Deficit financing has been justified for
outlays that increase the economy’s
productivity— capital outlays for
Budget Philosophies and Deficits
Annually balanced budget: budget philosophy
prior to the Great Depression aimed at
matching annual revenues with outlays, except
during times of war
Cyclically balanced budget: budget philosophy
calling for budget deficits during recessions to
be financed by budget surpluses during
Functional finance: budget philosophy using
fiscal policy to achieve the economy’s potential
GDP, rather than balancing budgets either
annually or over the business cycle
Exhibit 2: After Decades of Budget Deficits, Surpluses
Appeared from 1998 to 2001, But Deficits Are Back
Why Have Deficits Persisted?
One widely accepted model of the public
sector assumes that elected officials try to
maximize their political support, including
votes and campaign contributions
Voters like public spending programs but
hate paying taxes, so spending programs
win support and taxes lose it
Crowding Out
Crowding out: The displacement of
interest-sensitive private investment
that occurs when higher government
deficits drive up interest rates
 An
increase in the deficit or a decrease in the
surplus reduces the supply of national savings
 Higher interest rates crowd out some private
investment, thereby reducing the stimulating
effect of the government’s deficit
Crowding In
Crowding in: The potential for
government spending to stimulate private
investment in an otherwise dead economy
 An
important determinant of investment is
business expectations and government
stimulus may improve expectations so firms
more willing to invest
Budget Surplus
In the early 1990s, outlays started to
decline relative to GDP, while revenues
increased: deficit declined and, by 1998,
created a budget surplus
What turned a hefty deficit into a surplus,
and why has the surplus slipped lately?
Tax increases in the 1990s
Vigorous recovery during the 1990s
Slower growth in federal outlays
Reversal in 2001
Exhibit 3: During the 1990s, Federal Outlays Declined
Relative to GDP and Revenues Increased, Turning
Deficits into Surpluses, But Not For Long
Exhibit 4: Government Outlays as a Percentage of
GDP Declined Between 1994 and 2004 in Major
Economies Except Japan
National Debt
The national debt is a stock variable
measuring the net accumulation of past
deficits, the total amount owed by the
federal government
Changes over time
U.S. debt levels compared to those in other
Interest on the debt
Prospect of paying off the debt
National Debt
Distinction between the gross debt and
the debt held by the public
Gross debt includes U.S. Treasury securities
purchased by various federal agencies: debt
owed to the government itself
Debt held by the public includes debt held
by households, firms, banks, and foreign
Exhibit 5: Federal Debt Held by the Public as Percent
of GDP Was Slightly Lower in 2004 Than in 1940
Exhibit 6: Relative to GDP, U.S. Net Public Debt in
2004 Was About Average for Major Economies
Interest on the National Debt
Because most federal securities are short term,
the national debt “turns over” rapidly
Nearly half the debt is refinanced every year –
debt service payments are quite sensitive to
movements in the interest rate
Interest payments peaked at 15.4% of outlays
in 1996 and have declined to only 6.7% of the
federal budget by 2004
Exhibit 7: Interest Payments of Federal Debt Held by the
Public as a Percentage of Federal Outlays Peaked in 1996
We Owe It To Ourselves
It is often argued that the debt is not a burden
to future generations because – although they
must service the debt, those same generations
receive the debt service payments
It’s true that if U.S. citizens forgo present
consumption to buy bonds, they or their heirs
will receive the interest payments – debt service
payments stay in the country
Foreign Ownership of Debt
The “we owe it to ourselves” argument does not
apply to the portion of the national debt
purchased by foreigners
Foreigners who buy U.S. government bonds forgo
present consumption and are paid back in the
Reliance on foreigners increases the burden of the
debt on future generations because future debt
service payments no longer remain in the country
Crowding Out and Capital Formation
Government borrowing can drive up interest
rates and crowd out some private investment
by making it more costly
The long-run effect of deficit spending depends
on how the government spends the borrowed
 If
they are used in public investments there may be
no harmful effects on the economy’s long-run
productive capabilities
 If they go toward current consumption, less capital
formation will result
Crowding Out and Capital Formation
With less investment today, there will be
a smaller endowment of capital
equipment and technology
Despite the large federal deficits of the
1980s and early 1990s, public investments
in capital declined