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Review Guide for Weather Test Part I
Name: ______________________________
Date of Test (due date): ___________
We are a little over halfway through the content of our weather unit. You will be taking a test on
________________________________ over the material we have covered so far. This material includes heat
transfer, atmosphere, air pressure, and wind. In addition to completing this review guide you should study pages
1-43 in your Weather Packet. You should also know how to draw and read isobars on a weather map to make
predictions about the weather.
Heat Transfer
Energy From the Sun
1. Is the following sentence true or false? Nearly half of the energy in Earth’s atmosphere comes from the sun. _____
2. Energy from the sun travels to Earth as ________________________.
3. The direct transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves is called _______________.
Thermal Energy and Temperature
1. Is the following sentence true or false? The faster the particles of a substance are moving, the more energy they
have. ________________________
2. The total energy of motion in the particles of a substance is called ________________________.
3. The average amount of energy of motion of each particle of a substance is called ________________________.
4. Is the following sentence true or false? Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold a substance is. _________
5. Air temperature is usually measured with a(n) ________________________.
6. Temperature Scales
Freezing Point of Water
Boiling Point of Water
e. Is 50hotter on a Celsius or on a Fahrenheit scale? Explain your answer by comparing the numbers in the table.
7. The energy transferred from a hotter object to a cooler one is referred to as ________________________.
8. Is the following sentence true or false? Radiation is the direct transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves. ___________________
9. The direct transfer of heat from one substance to another substance that it is touching is called _____________________________.
10. The transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid is called ______________________ .
Match the type of heat transfer with its example.
Heat transfer
11. radiation ___________
12. conduction __________
13. convection ___________
a. warm water rising in a pot on the stove
b. burning your bare feet on hot sand
c. feeling the sun’s warmth on your face
14. In the drawing, label each of the ways by which heat is transferred in the troposphere.
15. The troposphere is heated mainly by ________________________.
16. The upward movement of warm air and the downward movement of cool air form ________________________.
1. The condition of Earth’s atmosphere at a particular time and place is called ________________________.
2. What is Earth’s atmosphere?
3. Label the two larger pieces
of the graph with the gases they
8. What particles does air
9. Water in the form of a gas is called ________________________.
10. Is the following sentence true or false? Water vapor is the same as steam. ________________________
11. What role does water vapor play in Earth’s weather?
12. How does Earth’s atmosphere make conditions on Earth suitable for living things?
13. Name the layers of our atmosphere from lowest altitude to highest. Name the root word and what it means.
Give a reason why each layer of our atmosphere is important.
Layer of the atmosphere name
Root word and meaning
Important Fact
f. (d and e combined)
Air Pressure
Measuring Air Pressure
1. Air pressure is _____________________________________________________________________________.
2. An instrument that is used to measure air pressure is a(n) ________________________.
3. What is the difference between how air pressure is indicated in a mercury barometer and an aneroid barometer?
4. Draw a line on the glass tube to show where the level of the mercury might be if
the air pressure fell.
5. Two different units used to measure air pressure are ______________________
and ________________________.
6. On a map __________________ are used to connect areas of like air pressure.
7. Fill in the blanks in the table below stating the relationship between mass, volume, and density.
e. Use the information in the table to write one or two sentences about the relationship among mass, volume, and
8. Another word for elevation, or distance above sea level, is ____________________________.
9. Change the following statement to make it true. Air pressure increases as altitude increases.
10. Change the following statement to make it true. As air pressure decreases, so does air density.
11. Describe what type of weather is associated with an area of low pressure. High pressure?
12. Change the following statement to make it true. As altitude increases, so does air density.
13. Explain why a fighter pilot may have to wear oxygen in flight at the bottom of the stratosphere.
14. Circle the letter of the sentence that helps explain why you would have more difficulty breathing at high altitudes
than at sea level.
a. Air pressure is higher at high altitudes.
b. Density of the air is greater at high altitudes.
c. The percentage of oxygen in the air is lower at high altitudes.
d. The amount of oxygen in each breath is less at high altitudes.
2. The horizontal movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of lower pressure is referred to as
3. Differences in pressure are caused by ____________________________________. __________________ are
caused by differences in air pressure.
4. A wind vane measures ________________________________________.
5. An anemometer measures ______________________________________.
6. Air travels from areas of ___________________ pressure to areas of _____________________ pressure. This
means that winds carry air from areas of ____________________ temperatures to areas of ___________________
7. Winds that blow over short distances are called ________________________.
8. What causes local winds?
9. Label the drawings to indicate which drawing shows a sea breeze and which drawing shows a land breeze.
10. Winds that blow steadily from specific directions over long distances are called ________________________.
11. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about global winds.
a. They are created by unequal heating of Earth’s surface.
b. They are produced by the movement of air between the equator and
the poles.
c. They blow in a straight line from the poles toward the equator.
d. They curve because of Earth’s rotation.
12. As Earth rotates, the _________________________ causes winds in the Northern Hemisphere to turn toward the
13. The calm areas around Earth include the ________________________ and the ________________________.
14. Winds are named for the direction_____________________________________________. For example, a
southwestern wind comes from ____________________________ and blows towards the direction
15. Draw a wind vane for a northwestern wind.
16. Draw and label the global winds and the calm areas on the
globe provided.