Download Natal Chart Report for FRIDA KAHLO

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Natal Chart Report
Compliments of :Astrology House
147A Centreway Road
Orewa 0931, New Zealand
Tel + 64 9 4210033
[email protected]
Welcome to your Natal Chart report.
Your Natal Chart report is an astrological chart based on the mathematically precise
positions of the planets and the Sun & Moon at the time, date and place of your birth. It
provides you with insights into your character and personal life potentials by indicating the
strengths you have and the challenges you experience in life.
Your Natal Chart report covers among other things your primary motivation in life, your
identity, emotions, mentality, love and sexuality, spirituality, earning ability and career
potentialities and so on.
In some parts of the report you will come across apparent contradictions in the descriptions
of your character. This is to be expected; people are complex and have many contradictory
facets to their personality.
Birth Data
Frida Kahlo
Natal Chart
6 Jul 1907
8:30:00 AM
LMT +06:36:41
True Node
B: Bio/Autobiography
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Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
Section 1: The Natal Report
The 1st House
The 1st House describes you, your self-expression and vitality. It is your physical
appearance and the way others see you and interact with you. The 1st House cusp
is, in most cases, the Ascendant or Rising Sign of your chart and indicates your
primary motivation in life. The house placement of your 1st House ruler shows the
areas of life that are of primary importance to you. Also, planets in your 1st House
influence how you present yourself to the world.
Ascendant in Leo
Your primary motivation in life is to attain power and recognition. You make an
immediate impact on others through displaying an authoritative and commanding
personality. Self-confident, self-expressive and vital, you carry yourself well and with
great dignity. You are often the centre of attention. A capable leader and organiser,
people look to you for direction and respect your judgement. You tend to have a
sensitive ego and a lot of pride. Arrogance and stubbornness can turn others against
The outcome of this house is determined by the placement of its ruler.
1st House Cusp Ruler, Sun, in 11th House
You realise your primary motivation in life by forming significant friendships. Your
friends and social life are very important to you. You attract benefactors and
supporters that will offer whatever assistance you need in life.
Aspects to Ascendant
Ascendant Square Moon (6zz12' A)
Readily adaptable, you will bend over backwards to accommodate others and cater
to their needs. You have natural warmth, coupled with an ability to make others feel
at ease in your company. Women play an important role in your life and you will have
many contacts with them. Alternatively, you can be overly sensitive and touchy, and
changeable and inconsistent towards others. Difficulties can arise with others
through moody and reactive behaviour. You experience periods of feeling
susceptible and vulnerable to external influences. Your relationship with your mother
may be testing at times.
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
Ascendant Sextile Venus (0zz49' A)
You have a pleasant and friendly personality that other people find attractive and
alluring. You possess physical appeal, a charming nature, sophistication and a good
fashion sense; all of which favour you socially. You may have artistic talents; you will
certainly have an appreciation of the arts and culture. You have good taste and an
eye for style and design.
Ascendant Sextile Pluto (0zz14' A)
You have the ability to lead others and to subtly get people to do as you wish,
usually through gentle but firm persuasion. Other people are attracted to you
because you have an irresistible magnetism. You will win friends and influence
people because you respect power and know not to abuse it.
The 2nd House
The 2nd House is associated with personal assets and financial affairs. It governs all
moveable possessions and wealth.
2nd House Cusp in Virgo
With regard to money, you are either very careful or a "worry wart" nervously
counting your pennies. You pay a lot of attention to organising your finances and
worry like mad if things are not in order and accountable. You may earn your way in
life through mental work or writing.
The outcome of this house is determined by the placement of its ruler.
2nd House Cusp Ruler, Mercury, in 12th House
You probably do a lot of financial dealings behind closed doors. You may be quite
secretive about how you earn a living. Possibly, you will receive welfare money at
some point in your life. You may work in institutions, such as universities, hospitals
or libraries.
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
The 3rd House
The 3rd House is associated with your immediate environment. It rules your
neighbours and your relationship with your relatives, especially your siblings and
cousins. It also rules all forms of communication. It describes your early education
and ability to learn.
3rd House Cusp in Libra
You generally enjoy good relations with your relatives and neighbours. For the main
part, you are a pleasant communicator who dislikes arguments and disputes,
especially in your personal environment. Possibly, you may have a talent for writing;
you certainly enjoy the arts and music. You could have difficulty making up your
mind sometimes because you are able to see both sides of an issue.
The outcome of this house is determined by the placement of its ruler.
3rd House Cusp Ruler, Venus, in 11th House
You have a special way of communicating to your friends or groups of people. You
have a natural ability for establishing lines of communication with people who can
help you to realise your goals and dreams in life.
The 4th House
The 4th House is associated with home and family matters. It describes your parents
- especially the father - and your relationship with them. It gives information on your
family history or ancestry and the nature of your later life. Real estate and property
belong here.
4th House Cusp in Scorpio
Home-life is often experienced as an intense and complex affair. There is the
likelihood of power struggles among family members, in both your parental and
personal home. A family member or parent has a dominating presence, which you
tend to rebel against. Family secrets may exist and re-surface from time to time.
Domestic privacy is important to you.
The outcome of this house is determined by the placement of its ruler.
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
4th House Cusp Ruler, Mars, in 5th House
You enjoy entertaining at home and having others visit your place for social
occasions. You may profit from or speculate with real estate.
The 5th House
The 5th House is associated with pleasure, sex, love affairs and children. It also
governs artistic creativity, music, the fine arts, fashion, social entertainment, games
and speculations.
5th House Cusp in Sagittarius
In general, you are optimistic and idealistic in love and quite generous with your
affections. On one hand, you like to study and discuss philosophical ideas and enjoy
travel and higher education. On the other hand, you enjoy gregarious or rowdy social
activity, such as rave-ups in pubs or clubs. You may be inclined to gambling and
The outcome of this house is determined by the placement of its ruler.
5th House Cusp Ruler, Jupiter, in 12th House
Your pleasures and amusements are a private affair to you. You enjoy quiet times
and solitude. You may have secret romances. You may also have hidden artistic
talents. Care is necessary with respect to careless risk-taking, as it could lead to
confinement or self-undoing.
Uranus in 5th House
Your love life is anything but conventional or predictable. You seek excitement and
variety in romance and are especially attracted to unusual or exotic people.
Romantic encounters may start and finish suddenly. Boredom within love-unions
may lead to affairs. Sudden or unplanned pregnancies are possible, if appropriate
care is not taken. With respect to children, you have an individual way of relating to
them, and may have a talent for dealing with troubled youngsters.
Uranus in Capricorn
You are inclined to rebel against, or reorganise, the established order of things. You
are part of a generation that reforms business practices, government structures and
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
national or global economies. You can make innovative use of whatever resources
you have at hand.
Aspects to Uranus
Uranus Opposition Sun (2zz46' S)
You are very much your own person and march to your own drumbeat. An original
personality, you delight in being different and unique. You are intensely strong willed
and individualistic and will go to great lengths to achieve your personal goals and
objectives. You are highly independent and freedom loving, and refuse to be bound
by convention. Other people may feel challenged by your individualism and forced to
question their own conformity when they see you in action. You are innovative and
progressive, with a modern and contemporary outlook on life, but can also be
extremely self-willed, disruptive and unpredictable. Provocative and contradictory,
you can stir up people or create incidents just for the sake of it. Expect the
unexpected in your life, including sudden changes, setbacks and accidents. You may
be a genius ahead of your time, or an eccentric.
Uranus Conjunct Mars (2zz47' A)
An original personality, you assert the right to live by your own rules and standards.
Your freedom and independence are very important to you and you will rebel against
anyone who attempts to restrict them in any way. In your personal relationships, you
can be unpredictable and difficult to live with due to your strongly individualistic
inclinations. Occasionally, you can be provocative and wilful, which can lead to
conflicts and heated arguments with others. A risk taker, you are unafraid of
challenging or potentially dangerous situations. You have an adventurous spirit and
a fearless nature, which dares to try out new and different things in life. Adventure or
high-octane sports excite you, but you need to take care to avoid injuries and
Uranus Opposition Neptune (1zz47' S)
The aspects between the so-called generational planets cause effects that are more
collective than individual. On a personal level, you are someone who has an interest
in gaining spiritual understanding. You may be psychically gifted, if other factors in
your horoscope support this. Less positively, there may be an attraction to stimulants
or mind altering substances.
Mars in 5th House
In regard to matters of the heart, the thrill of the chase can be everything! A born
romantic, you are ardent, passionate and enthusiastic about pursuing the object of
your affection. Likewise, suitors can be just as ardent and determined in their pursuit
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
of your affections. You have a competitive spirit and may excel in a sport or
recreational activity. You enjoy expressing your leadership abilities and may coach
or tutor others. You can be impulsive and reckless with regard to speculations or
Mars in Capricorn
You are ambitious and have the capability to set your sights on an objective and to
reach it by practical work and effort. You have the ability for strategy and planning
and are well-suited to managerial positions. Known for your efficiency, you can be
relied upon to carry out well-planned actions effectively and with the minimum of
Aspects to Mars
Mars Opposition Sun (0zz01' A)
You are a dynamic personality and a readiness for action is your signature.
However, you can also gain a reputation for impatience, quick anger and aggression.
You thrive on adventure, love danger and are prepared to take risks that others
wouldn't contemplate. You are especially bold, courageous and audacious, but also
occasionally reckless and careless. You need to guard against accident proneness.
Advancements you make in life are based on your personal efforts and
determination. You have quick reflexes and are able to respond to situations
immediately. You may enjoy sports; certainly you take pleasure in setting challenges
for yourself and competing with others.
Mars Opposition Jupiter (7zz02' S)
Your motivation in life is to live life to the max. You are ambitious for personal
success and never back down from a challenge. In fact, the tougher something is the
more determined you become. You usually manage to achieve whatever you set out
to accomplish because quitting never enters your mind. You are a productive,
energetic and resourceful person who has ability to organise your affairs well. If other
factors in your chart support it, you have managerial and business abilities. At the
very least, you are decisive and able to make decisions quickly. Also, you have a
good sense of timing, especially when it comes to recognising profitable
opportunities. You are competitive, in a good-natured way, and most likely enjoy
sports, adventurous games or various forms of physical exercise. You need to be
aware that a 'might is right' attitude and cocky or arrogant behaviour won't win you
friends. There is the likelihood of philosophical differences with others.
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
Mars Opposition Neptune (1zz00' A)
The main challenge of this aspect is to discover how to channel your energies most
effectively. This is difficult because Neptune tends to undermine Mars' ability to act
by dissipating its power, or causing it to express itself in a chaotic or immoral way.
Physically, the body's defences can be weakened causing a susceptibility to
infections and viruses. On a more uplifting note, this aspect is often found in the
charts of spiritual aspirants who direct their energies towards the higher good. For
creative people, this pairing can produce talents in music, visual arts, theatre, film,
photography or fashion. Physical exercise such as swimming, water sports, Yoga or
Tai Chi may appeal to you.
The 6th House
The 6th House is associated with work and employment or service. It describes your
dependents such as pets, employees, servants and tenants if you have any. It is the
house of health and sickness. It governs doctors, nurses and dentists.
6th House Cusp in Capricorn
You are a hard and responsible worker who views work seriously and realistically.
You need stability in your career so as to maintain a sense of inner security and wellbeing. You expect to receive appreciation for your efforts and hold the opinion that a
job well done should be acknowledged. Dissatisfaction with your work will be felt if it
becomes routine and predictable. Self-employment may appeal.
The outcome of this house is determined by the placement of its ruler.
6th House Cusp Ruler, Saturn, in 8th House
Your occupation may involve managing other people's money, such as in banking,
insurance or stocks. Or, you could be attracted to danger work that carries an
element of risk with it. Possibly, volunteer or relief work within the emergency
services could interest you.
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
The 7th House
The 7th House is associated with partnerships, both personal and professional. It
rules your relationship with other people generally, including those who oppose you.
It also describes the sort of person you will attract as a mate.
7th House Cusp in Aquarius
You are drawn to, and attract, unusual and original partners who know their own
mind and understand human nature. Your relationships are likely to be unique and
unconventional in some way. You are attracted to intellectually stimulating people,
who are also free-acting and independent. It is probable that you are demanding in
your relationships and want things your way. If so, expect rebelliousness and
stubbornness from partners.
The outcome of this house is determined by the placement of its ruler.
7th House Cusp Ruler, Saturn, in 8th House
Other people and partners tend to influence you in the realisation of your ideas and
objectives. You may establish unions for material security. Equally, partnerships that
you form are likely to build up resources, yet problems are possible if one of the
partners is reckless or prone to running up debts.
The 8th House
The 8th House is the house of shared resources, other people's money, including the
partner's. It is associated with wills, inheritances, death and loss.
8th House Cusp in Pisces
There may be uncertainty surrounding a partner's source of income. Also, from time
to time, a partner may be unsure of his or her own earning ability. Problems may
arise between you and your partners, through an 'easy come easy go' attitude
towards money. You may be fascinated by esoteric subjects or the occult.
The outcome of this house is determined by the placement of its ruler.
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
8th House Cusp Ruler, Jupiter, in 12th House
You may have a secret interest in esoteric subjects and study them in private or
seclusion. Mismanagement of another's resources or irregular taxation practices
could land you in hot water.
Saturn in 8th House
The financial affairs of your personal or professional partners are likely to be an
ongoing source of concern or worry for you. It is possible that a partner may
experience problems or struggles with money, or cause you personal financial
difficulties. Tax matters or inheritances may be a burden and if mishandled could
possibly result in legal action. Loans from banks or lending institutions may not be
easily obtained.
Saturn in Pisces
You have a sacrificing nature, coupled with a willingness to work on behalf of the
less fortunate or those who need help. You have deep understanding and
compassion. At times, you doubt your ability to cope with the demands of others or
circumstances. You need regular periods of seclusion and rest.
Aspects to Saturn
Saturn Sextile Moon (2zz16' S)
You have a practical outlook on life, coupled with a strong sense of duty and
responsibility, especially towards your family. You are considerate, responsible and
good at organising. You are usually at ease with your own company and enjoy
occasional periods in seclusion. At times, you can be uncommunicative and prone to
bouts of melancholy and feelings of loneliness.
Saturn Square Venus (3zz06' A)
Regarding matters of the heart, you are cautious and inclined to put practical
considerations before romantic desires. You have a tendency to exercise self-control
in love, perhaps at the expense of emotional satisfaction and spontaneity. People
generally need to earn your trust before you allow them to get too close. Yet, once
trust is established, you are very loyal and steadfast. You view relationships
seriously and value stability and fidelity in love. You are attracted to people older
than yourself and respect their life experience and maturity. At times, you enjoy time
alone and are content in your own company. Alternatively, you can be emotionally
cool and indifferent, even hardhearted and cold. There may be difficulties in
expressing affection and discomfort with intimacy. You can be inhibited and lack selfconfidence in love, resulting in periods of loneliness or forced abstinence.
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
Estrangements and separations in love are possible. (Note: artistic excellence is
sometimes found with this planetary pairing due to the discipline required for high
Saturn Trine Jupiter (7zz01' A)
A harmonious aspect, such as this, between positive Jupiter and realistic Saturn
brings out the best in both planets. You have good common sense, a responsible
attitude and wisdom gained through life experience. Successes are likely in
business, financial matters and academic work. You are hard working and
industrious, but also smart enough to know when to cut back and consolidate. You
have the experience to recognise a good deal when you see it and the patience to let
it mature in its own time. Honest and straightforward in your dealings with others,
you earn their trust and respect. You are even-tempered, reliable and fair when
making decisions or judgements.
Saturn Square Pluto (3zz42' A)
Everything you achieve in life is as the result of sheer determination and effort. In
reality, nothing of lasting value comes to you without hard work and sacrifice. A
simple analogy you can use to understand this aspect is: the more preparation you
do for an exam the better your pass will be, the less your preparation, the worse
you'll do and the worse you will feel afterwards. You have great powers of endurance
and perseverance, coupled with a tenacious attitude and the self-discipline to see
things through to their successful conclusion. You have the power to perform at the
highest level, but only after you have served an appropriate apprenticeship. Other
people acknowledge your authority and expertise in a particular field, when they can
see you've earned it. In summary, work hard and prosper, accept disappointments
with dignity, not bitterness, and remember that difficult times don't last forever.
Saturn Sextile Midheaven (4zz07' A)
You are ambitious for professional success and will work hard to achieve your goals.
Naturally self-disciplined, you know that success only comes before work in the
dictionary; thus you will apply yourself diligently to your duties. You are a reliable and
trustworthy worker, who is capable of holding important and responsible positions.
Stability in your career contributes to a stable and secure home life and vice versa.
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
The 9th House
The 9th House is associated with philosophy, wisdom, spirituality, religion, higher
education and travel. It also rules those you seek for advice such as lawyers, priests
and astrologers.
9th House Cusp in Aries
Your spiritual life is your own business and you tend to be intolerant of anyone who
criticises your beliefs. You are prepared to fight for what you believe in. Conflicts
may arise over outlooks on life and religion. Generally, you may prefer to travel
alone, as it gives you the freedom to roam about at your own pace. Legal disputes
are possible. Important teachers and advisers tend to be bold and pioneering, but
also contentious and aggressive.
The outcome of this house is determined by the placement of its ruler.
9th House Cusp Ruler, Mars, in 5th House
You have the power to use your creative abilities and imagination to communicate
your beliefs and ideas about life. You have the ability to present spiritual ideas
through art or performance. Also, you could be a teacher who has an entertaining
way of getting your message across to others. Travel, higher education or the study
of spiritual subjects are likely to give you pleasure.
The 10th House
The 10th House is associated with your status in the world. It describes your
reputation and level of public success. It is the house of career and, traditionally, the
house of the mother. In most cases, your 10th House cusp is at the Midheaven.
10th House Cusp in Taurus
You desire vocational security. Over time, you can achieve professional power and
respect through diligent and persistent effort. You are inclined to remain in a chosen
career for long periods of time. Professional fields may involve the arts, real-estate,
finance, agriculture and building etc.
The outcome of this house is determined by the placement of its ruler.
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
10th House Cusp Ruler, Venus, in 11th House
Friends, benefactors and supporters can assist you professionally. You may work
with a friend or belong to a group or club that brings you into contact with influential
Aspects to Midheaven
Midheaven Conjunct Moon (6zz22' A)
Your highest aspirations are soul based and spiritually significant to you. You have
the power to form supportive contacts in your vocation, especially with women. Your
professional life is susceptible to changeable circumstances; and you are likely
change direction and jobs frequently.
Midheaven Sextile Jupiter (2zz54' S)
This aspect can help you to rise to high positions in your career. You have the desire
to do well in life and to advance personally and professionally. Others may seek you
out for your advice and those in power tend to favour you. You may do well in areas
related to spirituality, publishing, travel, law or education.
Moon in 10th House
You seek a measure of recognition in life and may be inclined to work with the public
in some capacity. You are professionally ambitious but also acutely aware of the
need to earn and protect a good reputation. You are attracted to careers that offer
emotional satisfaction and are well-suited to occupations that enable you to cater to
the needs of society, or are especially relevant to women. It is probable that your
mother had a strong influence in your personal development.
Moon in Taurus
You have a need for financial and material security in order to maintain emotional
well-being. While it is in your nature to manage your financial affairs with care, it is
probable that you will have changeable material circumstances in life. In your
emotional life, you desire constancy and faithfulness in others. You know how to
enjoy the good things in life. There can be a risk of weight gain through overindulgence or poor nutrition.
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
Aspects to Moon
Moon Sextile Mercury (6zz37' A)
Your thoughts are influenced by your feelings and vice versa. You are highly
perceptive and can easily sense the moods and feelings of others. Your mind is both
fertile and imaginative and hungry for knowledge. You are an instinctual student and
teacher, whose understanding of a subject is emotionally based. Articulate and able
to impart knowledge effortlessly, you have a good memory and may be a good
The 11th House
The 11th House is traditionally known as "the house of good fortune". Your friends
and benefactors are described here, as well as your hopes and wishes.
11th House Cusp in Gemini
In general, your friends are intelligent, mentally stimulating and communicative. You
maintain frequent contact with them by phone, email and letter writing. The groups
and organisations you belong to are often associated with learning or
communication. You are adaptable in friendship, but can also be superficial,
indecisive and dualistic towards others.
The outcome of this house is determined by the placement of its ruler.
11th House Cusp Ruler, Mercury, in 12th House
While your friends are important to you, you need occasional time out from them, to
re-centre yourself. Your friends may not get to know everything about you, as you
tend to keep aspects of yourself private or apart from others. Friends often confide in
you, as you have a sense of discretion.
Neptune in 11th House
You can tend to be idealistic about your friends and inclined to see the best in them;
however there is a risk of being let down, betrayed or led astray by some of them.
Positively, you have the power to form friendships that are based on shared spiritual
or creative interests and may establish contacts with artists, visionaries and mystics.
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
Neptune in Cancer
You have a deeply feeling nature, coupled with spiritual perception. You are highly
instinctive and receptive to the emotional needs of people. You have the power of
empathy. On occasion, you can be nostalgic about the past and very idealistic about
your family, homeland and nation's heritage.
Aspects to Neptune
Neptune Conjunct Sun (0zz59' S)
You are highly sensitive and impressionable, and have a gentle manner about you.
Spiritually inclined, you may be fascinated by metaphysical or esoteric subjects. Your
inner life is very active, and mystical or psychic experiences are not unfamiliar to
you. You have great compassion and the ability to feel and understand the needs of
others with sympathy and empathy. You have the power of inspiration and creativity,
which may express itself through music, painting, photography or drama.
Alternatively, you may be prone to recycling periods of low vitality and physical
frailty. There is a susceptibility to self-deception and seducing influences that can
lead to scandals.
Sun in 11th House
Your social life is central to your self-development. Your friends are important to you
and will tend to remain constant. In fact, you will probably have friends in high
places. You are popular within groups or societies and may hold important positions
in them. You are socially aware and integrate well with others.
Sun in Cancer
You place great importance on emotional and material security and have a strong
desire for marriage or partnership. Domestic and family matters are always important
to you, as is your need to care for and protect others. It is very likely that you know
the history of your family. You are very sensitive and impressionable. Your actions
and decisions are usually emotionally motivated and your instincts and intuitions are
especially acute. You are, at times, clingy, touchy and over-emotional.
Aspects to Sun
Sun Conjunct Jupiter (7zz04' A)
You have an essentially positive and optimistic outlook on life, coupled with a strong
desire to improve your position in the world. You are motivated to expand your
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
awareness and broaden your horizons, which you can do through travel and higher
education. You are naturally enthusiastic, gregarious and generous towards others,
but can also be immoderate and wasteful or extravagant. You are inclined to overdo
things, especially the good life, which can lead to weight gain and its associated
Pluto in 11th House
You can attract powerful friends and supporters who can have a beneficial or
destructive influence in your life. You may align yourself with reformatory social or
political groups. At certain junctures in life, you can abandon long-held goals and
pursue completely different ones.
Pluto in Gemini
You are a member of a generation that is capable of asserting intellectual power
over others and of reaching the masses through control of the media and
communication systems. You will participate in reforms involving learning and
education, plus breakthroughs in transport systems and scientific understanding how
the mind works.
Aspects to Pluto
Pluto Conjunct Venus (0zz36' S)
There is no middle ground in your romantic life; you are either committed to another
or not. So deep are your feelings that you can experience love and hate with equal
force. In love, you expect to give and receive total loyalty. From time to time you
enter into fateful unions. Serious problems can occur in relationships through power
struggles, secretiveness and jealousy.
Venus in 11th House
Your social life is important to you and you will probably belong to a variety of groups
or clubs. Romantic affairs and close friendships can be established through shared
activities. In special circumstances, friendships can develop into love affairs, or vice
versa. You attract cultured and artistically minded friends who appreciate taste and
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
Venus in Gemini
You enjoy change and variety in your love life and social life. You are attracted to
people who have stimulating minds and keen intellects. You, or a lover, can be
flighty and flirtatious, which can lead to problems in relationships.
The 12th House
The 12th House is the house of ill luck. It is associated with sorrow and sadness,
your self-undoing and downfall, as well as your secrets, worries and anxieties. It
rules hospitals, hospices, retreats, hideaways and prisons.
12th House Cusp in Cancer
Over-sensitive or excessively emotional people may do you harm. Dwelling on, and
living in, the past could prove to be a waste of time. You may have a fear of being
emotionally hurt, which can limit your emotional experiences in life.
The outcome of this house is determined by the placement of its ruler.
12th House Cusp Ruler, Moon, in 10th House
You can expect difficulties in your career or reputation if you engage in secretive
behaviour or behind-the-scenes manipulation of situations or people. Underhanded
dealings can tend to backfire on you and possibly bring you to the attention of the
authorities or result in a loss of face.
Mercury in 12th House
You need to create a space in your life where you can retreat and entertain your own
private thoughts. You are quite happy in your own company and tend to prefer to
work alone or behind-the-scenes. You are possibly interested in the occult,
mysticism or psychology and may read, write or lecture on these subjects. Also,
secrets and plots may intrigue you.
Mercury in Leo
You are a self-assured communicator and a strong-minded person with firm
convictions and fixed opinions. As you are expressive and forceful in your manner of
communicating, people will follow your lead. As a rule, you prefer to look at the
overall picture. A mass of facts and figures is likely to bog you down and stifle your
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
Jupiter in 12th House
You have a humble and somewhat sacrificing nature and enjoy being of service to
those in need. You may involve yourself with charity or volunteer work. Successes
are possible through involvement with large institutions such as hospitals,
universities or churches. Periods of solitude and seclusion from others can
rejuvenate you.
Jupiter in Cancer
You have a strong attachment to your home and family. The creation of a secure and
comfortable home for yourself and your loved ones is important to you. Your
educational, moral and religious outlooks are established in early life. Financial
assistance is often available through the family. You have a caring and protective
nature, coupled with a genuine concern for the emotional needs of others.
The Qualities and Elements
The signs of the zodiac are grouped into two basic categories. These are known as
the Qualities and the Elements. The Qualities describe fundamental modes of
activity and the Elements describe temperament. There are three Qualities: Cardinal,
Fixed & Mutable and four Elements: Fire, Air, Earth & Water. Your horoscope has
varying degrees of each Quality and Element. The percentages you have of each will
determine their importance in your life. The higher percentages will be more powerful
in your life, the lower percentages will be less powerful.
The Qualities
42% Cardinal
The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn. The more planets you have
in any of these signs the more Cardinal you are:
Cardinal people are action oriented and initiating. They are interested in promoting
change and bringing new things into the world. They are direct, assertive and like to
take charge of situations. They are ambitious, independent and dislike being
supervised. They are good at starting projects, but not so good at completing them.
They have abundant enthusiasm and are very resourceful. Cardinal people generally
don't hold grudges.
33% Fixed
The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius. The more planets you have in
any of these signs the more Fixed you are:
Fixed people are persevering and enduring. They achieve results in life through
determined and persistent effort. They tend to do one thing at a time and are
extremely practical in their approach to everything. They are not easily influenced by
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
others and can be quite firm or stubborn once their minds are made up about
something. They tend to hold onto things and are reluctant to change. They are
staunch, but they can also be inflexible and at risk from becoming set in their ways.
25% Mutable
The Mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces. The more planets you
have in any of these signs the more Mutable you are:
Mutable people are the most flexible of the three types. They are able to go with the
flow. They are changeable and adaptable, but also indecisive and restless. They are
sensitive to the opinions of others, but they can also be impressionable and easily
influenced by environmental circumstances. Mutable people lack the stubbornness
of the Fixed signs and the forcefulness of the Cardinal signs, which makes them
good mediators and go-betweens.
The Elements
17% Fire
The Fire signs are Aries, Leo & Sagittarius. The more planets you have in the Fire
signs the more pro-active and self-determining you are:
The Fire signs go for freedom of action and power. They strive for recognition in life.
They are out-going and enthusiastic, adventure seeking and powerful. They are
ardent, passionate, assertive, demonstrative, bold and courageous. They can also
be impatient and bossy, wilful and reactive, especially when they face delays or
obstructions in their path.
33% Earth
The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn. The more planets you have in the
Earth signs the more practical and needful of security you are:
The Earth signs seek material security. They are down-to-earth, pragmatic, cautious,
sensible and conservative. Hardworking and industrious, Earth signs are able to put
into effect the ideas and inspirations of the other signs. They can be accumulative,
possessive and overly materialistic. They are also sensual and pleasure seeking.
17% Air
The Air signs are Gemini, Libra & Aquarius. The more planets you have in the Air
signs the more pro-active and self-determining you are:
The Air signs go for freedom of action and freedom of movement. Air signs need to
be able to come and go at will. Their domain is the air we breathe; hence they are
conduits for communication and the exchange of ideas. They are mentally alert and
intellectually stimulating. Gregarious and sociable, Air signs like to be around other
people. They are observant and perceptive, curious and inquisitive. They live totally
in the here and now, and want to be in whatever is going on.
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Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
33% Water
The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces. The more planets you have in the
Water signs the more needful you are of emotional security:
People with a majority of planets in the Water signs are motivated by the need to
gain security in their emotional lives. They are sensitive, deep, compassionate,
imaginative and intuitive. Their inner lives and dream lives are very active. They are
spiritually inclined and potentially psychic, with an ability to tune into others. Life is
experienced as a mystical journey. They can also be hypersensitive, impressionable
and emotionally needy.
End of Section 1
Section 2: Annual Transits from 1 July 1925 to 30 June 1926
This report shows the astrological trends influencing your life over a period ranging
from days to months or years, depending on the time frame used.
The duration of each trend is indicated by a starting date, an ending date and
strongest influence date. Further, an influence may begin before the time frame of
the report or end beyond it.
The accuracy of the timing of the forecasts is dependent on the accuracy of the birth
time. Be prepared to slide the sequence of trends either forwards or backwards in
time if necessary. In some instances, there may be interpretations that repeat
themselves. This is due to the cyclical and forward and backward motion of the
planets activating points on your chart more than once in the period under review.
As you will find, the forecast interpretations can be positive and/or challenging. Their
effects can be experienced either directly personally or through events in the lives of
others in the environment. Some trends will be more apparent than others, while
others may be more subtle. What is most important is how you respond to them.
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
Frida Kahlo Natal Chart Geo Trop 6 Jul 1907 8:30:00 AM LMT +06:36:41 99w10'00 19n20'00
45 00'00" Longitude Ephemeris Geocentric Tropical Transits from 1 Jul 1925 AD GC 12:00:00 AM LMT -11:39:09
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Before 1 Jul 1925 - 11 December 1925, Transiting Jupiter is passing through
your 5th House
You can expect a variety of pleasant experiences with Jupiter passing through this
house. Your creative capabilities are enhanced at this time and you could enjoy
artistic successes. Your social life will be more active now and there may be
opportunities for romance too. If you have children, your relationship with them
should be very good now, providing other factors in your chart don't contradict this.
Also, if you're considering having children, this can be a good period for starting a
Before 1 Jul 1925 - 7 January 1926, Transiting Saturn is passing through your
3rd House
This transit is excellent for embarking upon some course of serious study or mental
work. For one thing, you will have the necessary discipline and concentration for it
and, for another, you will find it very rewarding if you see it through to completion.
Less positively, you may find communication with others, especially siblings and
neighbours, takes more effort than usual. Misunderstandings could cause problems.
Be very careful with important documents and contracts during this period; make
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
sure you double check everything and get good advice before signing anything
Before 1 Jul 1925 – June 1926, Transiting Pluto is Conjunct your
Natal Sun
This is one of the most powerful transits you are likely to undergo in your life, in
which some aspects of your life will change because they are no longer viable and
sustainable. You are, in effect, undergoing a process of inner change and
transformation, complete with the purging of character traits you've outgrown. The
Sun in your horoscope represents your self-determination, desire for recognition and
your ability to assert authority or to dominate. Pluto, the planet of transition,
revitalisation and regeneration, forces you to confront yourself and the status of your
individuality. If, in the past, you have surrendered your power to another, especially a
significant male, you will no longer be able to maintain this as a way of life. Instead,
you will feel compelled to claim and assert your own power and authority.
Consequently, you may experience power struggles, but these may be a necessary
part of the process of re-defining yourself and establishing your autonomy. In certain
circumstances, this transit can manifest as a crisis or turning point in the life of an
important man in your life. For instance, a father or male partner could experience
something like illness or problems at work, which impact upon you indirectly, yet still
force you to make adjustments in your own life.
Before 1 Jul 1925 – June 1926, Transiting Pluto is Opposition your
Natal Mars
This is a potent transit. Positively, you will probably have more energy and ambition
than usual now. You have the capability to achieve a great deal through singlemindedness and determination. Quite possibly, you may push yourself to the limit or
to the point of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion now. Less positively, there
can be power struggles with others involving issues of dominance and subservience.
You may feel under pressure from another or others during this period. Arguments
can be emotionally intense now. Avoid contact with negative or destructive people
and to stay out of tough neighbourhoods.
19 July 1925 - March 1926, Transiting Uranus is Square your Natal
With the arrival of this Uranus transit to your natal Venus may come the realisation
that perhaps all is not as well as it could be in your love and relationship life. If you
are in a relationship, you could start feeling bored and restless, especially if the two
of you have settled into a comfortable groove. Whatever the current status of your
relationship life, you will introduce changes to it, especially if it has become a bit
pedestrian. Be aware of one important thing, if your relationship isn't in the best
shape, this transit could bring it to an end. If you are not in a relationship and have
been suppressing your desires, you may begin to feel restless and emotionally
frustrated. Whichever of the above situations applies to you, expect things to change
in love and expect the unexpected. This is the classic "love at first sight"
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
combination; however it is also associated with attractions that form suddenly and
terminate just as quickly. Therefore, do not expect permanency in love from this
transit. Instead, keep yourself in the moment and enjoy it for what it most likely is an attraction of short duration. Aside from relationship matters, this combination is a
boon to artistically creative people searching for new and original ideas and
expressions. Under special circumstances, this transit can be a trigger for
pregnancies and births.
7 August 1925 - 12 October 1925, strongest around 19 August 1925 and 30
September 1925, Transiting Jupiter is Conjunct your Natal Mars
During this period you have the capability to achieve a lot if you put your mind to it.
You have increased energy, coupled with a strong desire to accomplish great things.
You are motivated by the urge to live life as fully and productively as you can,
because you have more drive and determination than usual now. This is an excellent
business period, or time for initiating enterprises and starting new projects. It is also
one of the best transits possible for making decisions and negotiating deals in your
favour. Truly, it is the combination of the successful manager or entrepreneur. The
only thing you need to be aware of is a tendency to take on more than you can
comfortably handle or to over-estimate your physical powers. If you are sports
oriented, this transit can improve your game and take you to another level of fitness.
In special circumstances, birth and procreation can feature under this influence.
However, other factors in your horoscope must be present for this to be the case.
The main feature of this transit is "successful action". Take advantage of it, as it only
comes around once every 12 years.
7 August 1925 - 12 October 1925, strongest around 19 August 1925 and 30
September 1925, Transiting Jupiter is Opposition your Natal Sun
During this period your desire for gain, power and advantage is accentuated. You
have the urge to improve your position in life. Above all, you want to better yourself
and expand your horizons - which you may do through travel, higher education,
financial activity or speculation. However, you must take great care to keep a sense
of perspective on everything and not to over-estimate yourself or your capabilities.
There is a danger that you may take on more than you can comfortably handle and
risk getting out of your depth. Also, you could be prone to wastefulness and
extravagance now. In extreme circumstances, some people can be prone to
disproportional amounts of arrogance during this transit, and conflicts with authority
figures or brushes with the law are not unheard of. This said there are definite
opportunities for growth and personal development under this influence.
14 August 1925 - February 1926, Transiting Uranus is Square your
Natal Pluto
The fundamental effect of this transit is to transform your life. During this period you
become increasingly aware of the need to make significant changes in specific areas
of your life. Old patterns of behaviour, or situations you have been putting up with for
longer than is good for you, will be the main targets of this transit. You are
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
encouraged to let go of the old, and to establish new conditions of living for yourself,
which are more in keeping with your current needs. If you are the sort of person who
welcomes change, this will be a stimulating and exciting period for you, with many
doors opening. However, if you resist letting go of whatever has outlived its purpose,
this can be a time of intense pressure and anxiety. A change of place or locality is
possible now.
16 August 1925 – July 1926, Transiting Neptune is Square your
Natal Midheaven
This can be a particularly challenging transit to endure; you can expect to vacillate
over your career, direction in life and your domestic arrangements. In particular, you
may feel discontented with your home and family life in some way, or unfulfilled by it.
You may certainly have doubts about yourself and your overall goals in life at the
moment. However, this is not the time to stray off your course, even if you are in a
totally inappropriate vocation. Do not make any decisions now that could change the
entire course of your life because this is not a good time to place your security at
risk. What you can do, however, is to use this period to re-examine your goals and
determine how meaningful they are in the overall scheme of your life. The
Midheaven corresponds with your reputation; therefore guard against acting in
anyway that may be dishonest or immoral, as this could lead to a fall from grace.
There may be instability at home or in the family. A change of residence is possible.
Positively, this is a good period for looking into spiritual or metaphysical subjects and
expressing any artistic or creative potential you have, especially music, dance,
drama, photography or painting.
21 August 1925 – July 1926, Transiting Neptune is Conjunct your
Natal Ascendant
During this transit you are likely to feel all at sea and uncertain about where you're
going in life. You may feel confused about yourself and your relationships, especially
your intimate one-on-one contacts. Possibly, you don't know what you want in a
partnership at the moment, consequently you send out mixed signals to another.
There is a danger of being exposed to deception now; this could be within a personal
union, or through a casual acquaintance, including someone at work. You are
extremely sensitive to environmental influences at present, including jarring sounds
and sights in your personal surroundings. Positively, this is an excellent time for rediscovering your connection with the natural environment and your spiritual or
creative power. Artistic expression is well-aspected now, due to your increased
sensitivity and imagination. Travel is possible.
17 November 1925 - 28 November 1925, strongest around 22 November 1925,
Transiting Jupiter is Opposition your Natal Jupiter
During this period, you will tend to view life more positively and optimistically than
usual. Expect your understanding of the world to broaden - this may be experienced
through such things as long-distance travel, higher education, or simply by being
more outreaching and embracing of life and others. However, there is a need to
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
caution against extending your scope of activity beyond what you can reasonably
manage - or of losing your sense of proportion and perspective. At its best, this
transit brings the rewards of hard work commensurate to the amount of energy you
put in. But if you simply sit around enjoying the feelings of well-being it induces, you
will have little to show for it after it passes. While this can be a financially prosperous
time, you would do well to guard against wasteful or extravagant tendencies. Also, it
is not uncommon for some people to get a superiority complex during this transit and
end up arguing with others, especially over matters of outlook or philosophy.
11 December 1925 - 28 April 1926, Transiting Jupiter is passing through your
6th House
During this transit your focus will be on succeeding in your work and improving your
overall health and fitness. Your relations with your co-workers or employees should
be relatively good now and, in general, you should enjoy your work throughout this
27 December 1925 – October 1926, Transiting Saturn is Opposition
your Natal Midheaven
This is an extremely important period in your life, but not one of your high points. In
fact, you may be feeling quite despondent now because success of any
consequence seems to be eluding you at the moment. However, try not to allow
defeatist attitudes to get the better of you, because you are actually starting your
ascent to one of the most momentous periods of your life, which will be in about 14
years. Instead of worrying about an apparent lack of recognition or
acknowledgement focus on sorting out your personal and family life. With respect to
vocational matters, it is a very good time now for re-defining your goals and
establishing a sound base from which to build upon.
29 December 1925 - October 1926, Transiting Saturn is Square your
Natal Ascendant
This is not an easy time. You are likely to feel a bit flat and low, even if you are a
naturally up-beat and positive person. The environment may not be everything you'd
like it to be; it may seem harsh or unsympathetic. In certain circumstances, this can
coincide with a stay in hospital or contact with people who are not in the best of
health or circumstances. Your relationships with other people will be tested at this
time and possibly a contact will be terminated. Don't see this as a bad thing; in all
likelihood the connection had reached the end of its purpose in your life. Your strong
and reliable relationships will survive this period intact. Often people have the urge to
move during this transit.
7 January 1926 - 7 May 1926, Transiting Saturn is passing through your 4th
During Saturn's transit through this house, your primary focus will be on domestic
and family matters. You may have to accept more responsibility in your family, or for
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
a family member. In extreme circumstances, your family may share a difficulty that
either brings everyone together or causes a breakdown of relations and
estrangements. In terms of social and outward success, you are in the middle of a
30-year low, indicating past levels of recognition will be hard to recreate now. The
4th house also has to do with the past, so it is possible that old wounds may be reopened for you to look at and hopefully put to rest.
3 March 1926 - 29 March 1926, strongest around 17 March 1926, Transiting
Moon's North Node is Conjunct your Natal Moon's North Node
There is the tendency to make or break significant (karmic) contacts now.
4 April 1926 - 16 May 1926, strongest around 23 April 1926, Transiting Uranus
is Conjunct your Natal Saturn
This can be a nerve-wracking transit if you dislike change. Uranus, the planet of
change and rebellion, has come into the sphere of your natal Saturn, the planet of
structure, stability and rigidity. These two planetary energies are almost polar
opposites; therefore be prepared for a bit of a shake-up, coupled with strong feelings
of inner tension and unrest. We all need structure in our lives in order to function
properly; however there are some structures we create that actually prevent us from
growing and moving forward. Those areas of your life that you find restrictive and
inhibiting will be targeted first. Nothing is permanent; even those aspects of your life
you think are rock solid. It is now the time to unlock the padlock in your mind and
break out of any self-limiting patterns. During this period you could do something like
walk out of an oppressive relationship, throw in an unfulfilling job, or take risks you
wouldn't ordinarily entertain. This is an unpredictable time, but if you stay true to
yourself and let go of those areas in your life that are holding you back, the long-term
gains far outweigh the short-term disruptions. Under certain conditions, sudden
separations or confinements can occur during this transit.
8 April 1926 - 27 April 1926, strongest around 15 April 1926, Transiting Moon's
North Node is Conjunct your Natal Jupiter
During this period you have the ability establish harmonious relationships.
Alternatively, there can be disharmonious relations with others due to a lack of
adaptability or conflicts over matters of outlook.
21 April 1926 - 6 May 1926, strongest around 28 April 1926, Transiting Jupiter
is Opposition your Natal Ascendant
During this period your personal and professional relationships should take a
noticeable turn for the better. You are more open to the influence of others now and
people will seem favourably disposed towards you. There are opportunities for joint
endeavours, which will prove to be mutually beneficial in the long run. If other factors
in your chart support it, you could establish an important personal relationship under
this influence.
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]
28 April 1926 - Beyond 1 Jul 1926, Transiting Jupiter is passing through your
7th House
Important and influential people can come into your life and have a positive effect in
general. Some people establish significant personal unions during this transit, while
others welcome the assistance of experienced professionals, such as consultants,
counsellors or advisers. Partnerships formed now are generally successful.
End of report
Astrology House. 147a Centreway Road, Orewa 0931, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: + 64 9 421 0033 Email: [email protected]