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Experiment to estimate the value of Planck's Constant
using the Photo-Electric Effect
1. Preparation: a) Revise the basic ideas of quantum theory, especially
Einstein's photo-electric equation.
b) See below.
2. In this method, light is allowed to reach a photo-emissive surface (inside a
“photo-cell”). This causes electrons to be emitted with a range of kinetic
energies. A “stopping voltage” is then used to stop even the most
energetic of the emitted electrons before they reach the cathode of the
photo-cell. A simplified diagram of the apparatus is shown below.
photo-electric cell
very sensitive
“light beam”
variable voltage source
(voltage = Vs )
Find the voltage, V s , needed to reduce the reading of the galvanometer to
zero with a range of different frequencies of light, f, reaching the photo-cell
(different coloured filters).
Einstein’s photo-electric equation can be stated as
eVs = hf – W
Use this to find a value of Planck’s constant, h.
© David Hoult 2001