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Applied Electrostatics
Static Electricity can be
Fuel Tank
• As fuel flows out of a filler pipe it gets positively charged, because the
pipe scratches electrons off the fuel
• The positive charges distribute on the surface of the tank
• If enough potential is built up a spark can occur
• And…
Static Electricity can be
Metal pipe
Connection to
the earth
• Explain how making the filler pipe of metal and connecting the tank to
the “earth” solves the problem
• Connecting the tank and the pipe to the earth allows the charges to
move away
• The nozzle made of metal conducts the charges away rather than
building up
Lightning are caused by
Write bullet points to describe
how lightning form
• Water from the cloud scratches away electrons from the rain
• The droplets carry positive charges and deposit them on the
• A very high voltage builds up between cloud and ground
• A massive spark is the means through which the negative
charges travel to the ground to discharge the cloud