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Prenatal Care and
Prior to getting pregnant
Take Prenatal vitamins
Eat Folic Acid
Stop smoking (if you smoke)
Stop drinking & drugs (most Rx too)
Be as healthy as you can be (sleeping,
eating, & relationships)
• Avoid cleaning out cat litter
• Avoid harsh cleaning chemicals
Get Pregnant
• Ovulation
– How many eggs? How often?
• One egg per month after menarche until menopause; average
300 eggs in a lifetime
• released at ovulation, lasts 3-4 days
• Ejaculation
– How many sperm? How often?
• 400,000,000 to 700,000,000 (million) with EACH ejaculation
whenever he ejaculates, from spermarche until death
• Sperm can live in vagina for up to 7 days and can live outside
the body for up to 72 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• Conception
– Egg and sperm meet, egg fertilize, and you now have a
ZYGOTE! (and you are pregnant)
Fertilization & Implantation
Sperm and egg usually join together in the fallopian
Fertilized egg begins to undergo millions of cell
divisions (called mitosis)
Travels to and implants itself in lining of uterus
Fertilization and
Fallopian tube
Day 2
Day 3
Day 1
Day 4
4 cells
Day 7
2 cells
Day 0
Implantation of
Uterine wall
Egg released
by ovary
Am I pregnant?
Conception shows no physical signs to a woman
Usually takes about 3-4 weeks to realize you are
- Missed period and breast tenderness
- Nausea/vomiting and frequent urination
ONLY reliable source: Urine or Blood test by Doc
- changes in cervix and uterus observed
- detect Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HcG) is
secreted by the zygote and can be
detected 7 days after conception
HcG also increases estrogen and
progesterone to maintain uterine lining
and prevents additional eggs from being
3 developmental stages of
baby in utero
• 1. Zygote: (1st 2 weeks)
• fertilized egg during day of fertilization until day 4
• Day 4: Morula
• Day 5-14: Blastocyst
• 2. Embryo (weeks 3-8)
• Rapid growth with important changes
• 3. Fetus (week 9-40)
• Major organs present but still forming
From Zygote to Embryo
• 7-8 days, blastocyst attaches to endometrium
becomes an embryo!
• Next 5 weeks embryo grows rapidly 1000xs the
original egg and differentiate into 3 layers of cells:
• 1. ectoderm: will turn into brain, spine, and nerves and hair, skin,
• 2. mesoderm: will turn into bones, muscles, blood vessels, heart,
and kidneys
• 3. endoderm: digestive system organs and lungs
So what does this have to do
with prenatal care?
• Good question!
• BRAIN is one of first organs to develop (day
• So alcohol, drugs, chemicals, and certain
bacteria can cause:
– physical deformities
– Mental Retardation or Learning Disabilities
– Even miscarriage
• All before you even know you’re
Support Systems for Embryo
• 1st trimester, as zygote becomes embryo, the
support systems develop too.
• 1. Amnion:
• protective sac that surrounds embryo with
amniotic fluid, acts as shock absorber and
• 2. Placenta:
• forms along uterus and has rich network of blood
vessels to transfer O2 and nutrients from mom to
• Serves as lungs, liver, kidneys, endocrine glands
and digestive system for embryo
Support Systems for Embryo
• 3. Umbilical cord: connects embryo to
placenta, ~20 inches long
• Embryo blood vessels connect to placenta from
umbilical cord and Mom blood vessels connect
to placenta
• NEVER do Mom’s blood and Baby’s blood mix!
• Why?
• Blood vessels come close enough for diffusion
to take place
• Diffuse nutrients, oxygen, and waste
Brief overview of
Characteristics of Pregnancy
• 1st Trimester (1st 12 weeks):
– Breasts get fuller and tender
– Blood vessels are more prominent and areola
– Nausea, constipation, backache, heartburn,
– Mood changes/hormonal changes
– Brain and heart are present
– 3rd month most begin to “show” Fatigue
• Mostly because of intestinal bloating than baby
Brief overview of
Characteristics of Pregnancy
• 2nd trimester
– Bigger abdomen due to growth of fetus and uterus
– Appetite increases
• But caloric intake only needs to increase by 300-500
– Fluttery movements felt
– Possible leg cramps and back aches now
– Volume of blood increases as well as energy
– Increases in frequency of urination (why?)
Characteristics of Pregnancy
• 3rd trimester
– Most gain 25-40 lbs (healthy
= 15-35 lbs)
– Blood volume increases 3040% so Heart beats faster
– Leg cramps
– Swollen hands/feet and
stretch marks
– Nightmares and sleep
– Non-painful and irregular
– Urine leaking and very
frequent urination
– Uterus stretches and pushes
up diaphragm, stomach,
small intestines, etc
– Difficulty breathing and
eating due to baby’s size
Pregnancy Nutrition needs
• Overall 300-500 calorie increase per day from:
• Extra protein
– For energy and development of placenta, amnion, blood and
baby’s brain
• Extra calcium
– Bones and teeth for both
• Extra Vitamin E
– Tissue growth and red blood cells
• Extra Iron
– Red blood cells and blood production for both
• Folic Acid
– Prevents neural tube defects like spina bifida
Pregnancy & Exercise
• Exercise is beneficial BEFORE, DURING & AFTER
• Boosts energy, mood, reduces stress!
• 30 min or more EVERYDAY of low-impact and moderate
intensity exercise
– Walking, jogging, swimming, and Kegels to help heart, lungs,
circulation, and pelvic floor
• Few restrictions on activities with normal preg
– Use common sense: avoid risks of falling, sudden changes, and contact
– Consult your doctor 1st
• Plenty of sleep (night) and rest (day) is vital
Your first Pregnancy/Prenatal
visit: usually around 8-10 weeks…the longest visit
Full history and physical
Pap smear
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia cultures
Blood type screen
Rubella, syphilis, and Hepatitis B screen
HIV testing is offered
Urine culture
Nutrition counseling if needed
What are the 3 Stages of Labor
1. First Stage: Dilation and Effacement of
the Cervix
2. Second Stage: Pushing and Birth
3. Third Stage: Delivery of the Placenta
• Episiotomy:
– Surgical cutting of the perineum…Tissue that
connects the vaginal to the anal openings.
Operative Delivery
Cesarean Section
The Third Stage
Time from fetal delivery to
placental delivery is
considered to be
prolonged if it is more
than 30 minutes.
Signs of placental
separation: cord
lengthening, bleeding,
globular shape of uterus
Life’s Greatest Miracle