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Forest Encyclopedia
“Wonders of the Forest”
Sponsored by
the students of 4th grades
Slonim gymnasium 1
Slonim, Belarus
Teacher - Irina Volynets
Tanya Benko
Kate Dyatlova
Kate Sinitsa
Kate Risunova
Ksenya Sosnovskaya
German Deshko
Diana Alisevich
Dasha Belevich
Kate Skobeiko
Slava Tsydik
Vanya Volynets
1st graders from Lynnwood
Elementary, USA
5th graders
St. Stephen the Martyr
School , USA
3-5 graders
Greenacres School , USA
TEACHERS: Christine Kolstoe
Kelly Kerani, Gina Fosco,
Kate Marshall
Forests in Belarus
Slonim gymnasium 1, Slonim, Belarus
Pages 11 – 33
One way or another to be clean
Greenacres School, Scarsdale, NY, USA
Pages 34 -36
The Temporate Rainforest in Washington State
Lynnwood Elementary, Lynnwood, WA, the USA
Pages 37 – 44
Forests in Nebraska,
St. Stephen the Martyr School
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Pages 45-53
A forest is a large area of land covered with trees. But a
forest is much more than just trees. It also includes
smaller plants, such as mosses, shrubs, and wild flowers.
In addition, many kinds of birds, insects, and other
animals make their home in the forest. Millions upon
millions of living things that can only be seen under a
microscope also live in the forest.
Forests cover 30% of the earth’s
Forests help conserve and enrich the environment in
several ways:
• Forest soil soaks up large amounts of rainfall, it thus
prevents the rapid runoff of water that can cause
erosion and flooding;
• Forest plants help renew the atmosphere;
• Forests provide a home for many plants and animals
that can live nowhere else.
Forests can be called “lungs” of our planet. They remove
carbon dioxide from the air and produce oxygen, e. g. One
hectare of pine wood takes 12 tons of carbon dioxide and
produces 10 tons of oxygen annually though one hectare of
fir wood – 22,3 and 18,9. People and nearly all other living
beings require oxygen. If green plants didn’t continuously
renew the oxygen supply, almost all life would soon stop.
And if carbon dioxide built up in the atmosphere, it could
severely alter the earth’s climate.
The natural beauty and peace of the forest offer a special
source of enjoyment. In our country, huge forestlands have
been set aside for people ‘s enjoyment. Many people use
these forests for such activities as camping, hiking, and
hunting. Others visit them simply to enjoy the scenery and
to relax in the quiet beauty.
Forests have a profound influence on
our health
Forests produce a lot of phitoncides - volatile
substances that have bactericidal qualities they can kill pathogenic microbes. They have
a wholesome influence on neural system,
improve substances exchange and stimulate
heart activity. The phitoncides of Poplar
buds, some kinds of apples-kill viruses of
influenza. A branch of a fir which is brought
in the room, reduces microbes in the air by
10 times. The leaves of an oak destroy
bacteria of dysentery and abdominal typhus .
One third of Belarus is covered with
A Belarusian forest is great and mysterious. It can never be
dull or monotonous. Each path leading deep in the woods
brings you to a green temple full of wonders, rain-washed and
sun-heated, smelling of conifers, flowers and herbs – to a
fascinating world of mysteries, wonders and new discoveries.
Forest ecosystems are characterized by
exclusive high biodiversity. The flora
consists of around 111 different types of
trees. About twelve thousand species of
plants and mushrooms can be found in
these forests. Mainly fir and pine wood
trees form these dense forests. There are
thirteen types of pine woods and 12 types
of fir woods available here.
In Belarus forests, 28 types of trees as
well as around 70 types of shrubberies
can be found.
A pine is any of a large group of evergreen trees
that have needlike leaves and bear cones. There are
about 100 species of pines. Almost all of them grow
naturally only in the Northern Hemisphere. Pines are
found in a wide range of environments, but they most
often grow in sandy or rocky soils. They are especially
common in the mountains of western and
southeastern North America, southern Europe, and
southeastern Asia. Some pines reach heights of about
60 meters. Others are small and shrublike.
Pines belong to a group of plants called conifers. All
conifers reproduce by means of cones that produce
pollen and seeds. A pine differs from other conifers in
the way its leaves grow. Nearly all pines have needles
that grow in bundles of two, three, or five each. The
leaves of other conifers grow in larger bundles or do
not form bundles.
Pine rank as the world’s most important source of
timber. Most pines grow rapidly and form straight,
tall trunks that are ideal for timber. Some pines
produce resin, a substance used to make such
products as turpentine, paint, and soap. The wood of
many pine species makes excellent pulp for the
manufacture of paper. Pines are also grown as shade
trees. Some people use sometimes pines as Christmas
Scientific classification. Birches belong to the birch family Betulaceae.
Birch is the name of a group of about 40 slender trees and shrubs that
grow in parts of Europe, northern Asia and North America. They have a
thin bark that peels in horizontal layers. Some birches have
bark that separates into sheets almost like paper. Birches
produce long catkins (scaly spikes), which contain tiny flowers.
Birch trees may grow in pairs and in clusters. Their leaves
grow alternately on the twig, and are generally bright green,
turning yellow in autumn. The birch is a tall, graceful tree with
delicate branches. The slender trunk of the birch has thin
peeling bark.
Silver birch grows in the country where I live. Silver birch is a graceful
Old World species. It is easily recognized by its papery, peeling, blackand-white bark and the ragged base to the trunk. The brunches of the
silver birch usually droop at the tips (hence the Latin name pendula,
which means hanging). Silver birch grows mainly on sandy and gravelly
soils. In Belarus the sap from a variety of silver birch called weeping
birch is used in spring to make syrup.
Scientific classification. Oaks belong to the beech family,
Fagaceae, and make up the genus Quercus.
Oak is any of a large variety of trees or shrubs that bear acorns.
There are more than 600 species of oaks. Nearly all of them grow
naturally in the Northern Hemisphere only.
Oaks vary in size and the way they grow. Some oaks never become
taller than shrubs. Other reach height of more than 30 metres.
Many oaks that grow in warm climates do not lose their leaves in
autumn. But most oaks found in regions with cold winters are
deciduous- that is, they shed their leaves each autumn. The leaves of
many deciduous oaks turn beautiful colours, such as deep red and
golden brown in early autumn. In spring oaks produce small,
yellowish-green flowers. Once fertilized, a female flower will become
an acorn. The acorn is the fruit of the oak. Acorns vary in length
from less than 13 millimetres to more than 50 millimetres.
Oaks grow slowly and usually do not bear acorns until they are
about 20 years old. But these trees live a long time. Most oaks live
for 200 to 400 years.
Oaks are an important source of timber. Oak wood is heavy, hard
and strong and it has a beautiful grain. Manufactures use it for
furniture, barrels, boats, and railway sleepers. Many of the once
extensive oak woods of Europe were destroyed long ago to provide
timber for boat building and house construction. Cork comes from
the bark of some oak species. Acorns are an important source of
food for wildlife. In some countries pigs and poultry are fed on
Several kinds of oaks are used to provide fannin for curing leather
and for making blue-black ink. Tannin is found in the bark of oak
trees but it is also concentrated in galls. Cortex Quercus is used as
medicine for diarrhoea, pulmonary tuberculosis, women’ s diseases,
and eczema, for strengthening teeth and gaggling a throat.
Forests offer a diverse set of habitats for different
plants – mushrooms, flowers, berries, herbs and
The Fauna of Belarus is noted for its
diversity. Around 464 species of
invertebrates and more than thirty
thousand vertebrates make the fauna of
Belarus. About 60 species of fish and 305
species of birds are present here. About six
classes of mammals represent the mammal
family in Belarus. Elks, wild boars, deer,
roe deer, wolves, hares, beavers, and
wolves are mostly found in the country
Hares are very fast-moving. The
European brown hare (Lepus
europaeus) can run at speeds of up to 72 km/h
(45 mph). They live solitarily or in pairs, while a
"drove" is the collective noun for a group of hares.
Their bodies are capable of absorbing the g-force
produced while running at extreme speeds or while
escaping predators. Hares live in simple nests
above the ground, and usually
do not live in groups. Hares are
generally larger than rabbits,
with longer ears, and have black
markings on their fur
The Hedgehog
The hedgehog is the name of a dozen species of small, mainly nocturnal
mammals that have a thick prickly coat.
Hedgehogs hunt for food at night. They eat insects slugs, worms, small mammals,
snakes, birds, and birds’ eggs. When cold weather comes, hedgehogs settle down
to hibernate.
The common European hedgehog is about 25 centimeters long. It has short ears
and legs, a short tail and a long nose. Stiff, needlelike growths called spines cover
its back and protect the animal from its enemies. When it is in danger, the
hedgehog rolls itself into a ball. It builds a nest of grass and dead leaves. The
young are born with the spines beneath the skin to avoid damaging the mother.
The European hedgehog has been introduced into New Zealand.
Long-eared hedgehogs and the desert hedgehogs of Africa and Asia dig out
burrows where they nest during the heat of the day.
The Wolf
The wolf is one of the largest members of the
dog family . Wolves are expert hunters and prey
chiefly on large hoofed animals, such as caribou,
deer, elk and moose. Many people are afraid of
wolves. They believe wolves attack human
beings, and the animal’s eerie howl frightens
them. But wolves avoid people as much as
Wolves look much like German shepherd dogs.
But a wolf has longer legs, bigger feet, a wider
head, and a long bushy tail. Most adult male
wolves weigh from 35 to 55 kilograms. They
measure from 1.5 to 2 meters long, including
the tail, and are about 75 centimeters tall at the
shoulder. Female wolves are smaller.
A wolf has excellent vision, a keen sense of
smell, and fine hearing.
Wolves eat almost any animal they can catch.
Many of animals they hunt, such as caribou and
elk are faster and stronger then wolves.
The Roe deer is the smallest and the most widespread from all
European deer. It is widespread in Western Europe, from the
Mediterranean to Scandinavia, and from the British Isles to the
It is relatively small, reddish and grey-brown, and well-adapted
to cold environments. The weight of a big male is about 27 kg.
It has rather short, erect antlers and a reddish body with a grey
face. Its hide is golden red in summer, darkening to brown or
even black in winter, with lighter undersides and a white rump
patch; the tail is very short and barely visible.
The Roe Deer is primarily crepuscular, or primarily active
during the twilight, very quick and graceful, lives in woods
although it may venture into grasslands and sparse forests. It
feeds mainly on grass, leaves, berries and young shoots. It
particularly likes very young, tender grass with a high moisture
content, i.e., grass that has received rain the day before.
A lynx is a medium-sized wild cat. It's
brown and has a lot of dark brown spots on
its fur. Lynx have short tails and
characteristic tufts of black hair on the tip
of their ears(we call them brushes as they
look like brushes).They have a ruff under
the neck, which has black bars), resembling
a bow tie. They have large padded paws for
walking on snow, and long whiskers on the
Lynx live in forests where there are a lot of
shrubs, reeds, and tall grass. They hunt on
the ground, but they can climb trees and
can swim swiftly, catching fish.
People have killed many lynx and now this
animal is included in our Red Book.
Hunting lynx is forbidden.
These species of birds inhabit our forests
Woodpeckers live in forests or woodland
habitats. They possess predominantly
white,black and brown, green and red
plumage and exhibit patches of red and
yellow on their heads and bellies. They have
strong bills for drilling and drumming on
trees and long sticky tongues for extracting
food. They eat mainly insects and their
grubs taken from living and dead trees, and
other arthropods, along with fruit from live
trees, nuts and sap both from live trees.
Their role ecologically is thereby keeping
trees healthy by keeping them from
suffering mass infestations.
A bullfinch is a small, stout-billed songbird
found in Europe and Asia. Its short, thick,
bulging bill makes it look a little like a bull. It
is slightly larger than a sparrow. The male
has a blue-grey back, rosy-red breast, and a
black beak, crown, wings, and tail.
Bullfinches feed on berries, seeds, and the
buds of shrubs and trees. They can cause a
great deal of damage to fruit trees and
flowering shrubs.
The nest is a distinctive structure with a
framework of twigs, moss and lichen lined
with small roots.
The bullfinch has a soft, piping call, which is
repeated at intervals.
Different insects and microorganisms live in the forest.
The Belarus Red Book was created to protect rare and
vanishing species of plants and animals. Currently protected
and recorded within the Red Book are: 17 mammal species,
72 bird species, 4 amphibian species, 10 types of fish, 72 types
of insects
Forests are in danger
Every 45 minutes a hectare of the world’s
forests is destroyed forever.
The Greenacres Hawk:
Energy Web in Action
by Lily and Lindsay
Forests in Nebraska
Here are the questions these students answered
What kind of forests are in Nebraska?
What animals live in these forests?
What plants grown in these forests?
Are there endangered animals in Nebraska?
What can we do to save forests in general?
• 1. We have a forest called the Nebraska national forest.
It is 142,000 acres long. It is the biggest forest in
Nebraska. The rest of Nebraska is mostly a grass land
and marsh type of land
• 2. A lot of animals live in forests. Usually foxes, birds,
etc. Our state bird sometimes lives in the big forests or
in grasslands. It is the Western meadowlark .
• 3. Flowers are a big thing in Nebraska. We have flowers
like sunflowers. We also can grow crops like corn in
• 4. Yes there are many endangered species in Nebraska.
One of the species is buffalo. They live on the west part
of Nebraska. They are mostly raised like cattle, not just
in the wild.
• 5. We save forests by cleaning. We need to save forests
for paper and trees and wild life. Also stopping wild
fires in forests.
• 1. We don’t have a lot of forests but these are
some of the native trees in Nebraska, Ponderosa
Pine, and Eastern Cottonwood, Common
Hackberry, Black Walnut, Bur Oak.
• 2. Some animals that live in Nebraska are
butterflies, rabbits, squirrels, eagles, geese, turkeys,
and deer.
• 3. Some plants that live in Nebraska are grass,
corn, soybeans, green beans, wheat, and trees.
• 4. Some endangered animals are beetle, crane,
curlew, bald eagle, ferret, plover, shiner, sturgeon,
and a tern.
• 5. Some ways to save the environment is to pick up
trash, don’t pollute.
The types of trees in Nebraska are
Coniferous and Deciduous
The animals that live in Nebraska
are unique because we have a lot of
bunnies, butterflies, deer, fish,
ducks, birds, and farm animals.
Sometimes we hunt animals for
The plants that grow in Nebraska
are a Goldenrod which is our state
plant. There are prickly pear plants
which is a pear growing on a cactus.
We have a lot of grass so we have a
lot of farming. And then Sun
Flowers that grow naturally.
An animal that lives in Nebraska
that is endangered is a Black
Footed Ferret. Another one is a
swift fox. Or an Eskimo Curlew
that is a bird.
Nebraska can stop polluting and
stop smoking. We can also stop
hunting animals and stop cutting
down trees and polluting the air. 48
In Nebraska we have Elm, Ash, Hardwoods,
Ponderosa Pine, Oaks, Eastern Red cedar,
Hardwood, Cottonwood, Willow, and Ag-forest
planting forests. Some are located by lakes like
the Zorinsky Lake. Others are located in some
other places around other lakes and areas.
Most forests are located in central and western
Nebraska. There are some National forests
here, too.
Animals that live there include a bald eagle. It
also includes sometimes a black bear. There’s
also the white-tailed deer.
Plants that grow there include Elm and Maple
trees. It also includes the Pecan tree.
Animals that are endangered in our forests
include the whooping crane. It also includes
the American buying beetle. I only listed some
of the endangered animals in our forests. There
aren’t very many endangered animals in our
To save forests we should not litter. We can
also donate money to save them.
One of the forests in Nebraska is Nebraska National
Forest. It is a United States National Forest. Another
forest in Nebraska is Samuel R. McKelvie National
Forest. It is located in the north-central Sandhills.
The animals that live there are the black-footed
ferret. There is also a prairie dog. There are also
many more. All the animals in Nebraska forests are
wild. The black-footed ferret is considered the most
endangered animal in North America.
The plants that grow in Nebraska forests are
grasses, forbs, shrubs, and trees. Many plants grow
there. These plants though are most common in
Nebraska forests.
One of the endangered animals is the black-footed
ferret. Like I mentioned before they are the most
endangered animal in North America. These animals
are have the widest range of any endangered animal
To save the forests you can collect money and give it
to a forest in Nebraska. We can also go to someone
who works at a forest in Nebraska and ask them
what you can do. There are many ways you can save
the forests.
In Nebraska there are forests having lots of trees and plants.
The trees are pretty tall with lots of leaves in the spring. There
are different trees in our forests. We have no mountains in our
forests. It is kind of flat with hills. We have a lot of birds like
robins, eagles, hawks and other many birds. The most common
snakes we have in our forests are Gardner snakes. We also have
a lot of squirrels that live in our forests. There are also a lot of
deer and turkey. Some plants in our forest are trees like maple
trees, and a lot more. We have flowers like mums . There are also
different types of grass. There are endangered animals in
Nebraska. Some animals that are endangered are prairie dogs
and black footed ferrets. We cannot cut down so many trees .
We could save forests by not putting harmful toxins into the
forests. We could also save forests by preventing wild fires.
• Here are the kinds of forest we have in Nebraska, there are
no original trees but Nebraskans though trees where
important so they made a national forest where they
planted trees.
• The kinds of animals we have here are squirrels, deer, birds,
frogs, crane, bison, and cats.
• The plants that grow here are the goldenrod, sunflower,
American bellflower, common boneset, narrow-leaf
coneflower ,and Virginia strawberry.
• The endangered animals we have in Nebraska are eagle,
crane, beetle, ferret, curlew, and plover.
• The things we can do to save forest are using less paper,
planting more trees, not littering, and not cutting down
There aren’t many natural forests
in Nebraska. The animals that live
here are deer, foxes, turtles, and
moose and all the animals at the zoo
like tigers, bears and farm animals.
They live in trees or at the zoo. The
plants that grow here need a lot of
water. Don’t burn down trees or
recycle and do not us as much paper.
Pick up litter on the street. Do not
pollute. Find new idea’s to help the
environment. Do not take as long as
showers or don’t let the water run
when you are brushing your teeth.
Join a club to help keep the earth
clean. Clean up trash at the beach
if you live by one.