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Marine Flowering Plants Seagrass beds Salt marshes Mangrove forest Characteristics – Phloem(carries nutrients) and xylem (support) – Root stem and leaf structures – Seed and fruit – Halophytic – salt tolerant Seagrass Beds Hydrophytes – Live beneath the water Can flower and germinate while submerged Vegetative growth with horizontal rhizomes Primary producers Stabilize sediments Provide habitat Slow currents and wave action Cover less floor than seaweeds, so more habitat Salt marsh Must be exposed to air by ebbing tide to live Located in the intertidal zone Facultative halophytes – can tolerate salty water as well as fresh water conditions Adaptations – thick cuticle, salt glands Serve as nurseries, feeding ground Accumulates and stabilizes sediments Mangroves Red Mangrove – closest to water – Prop roots and drop roots – Propagule – seedling – Salt excluder Black mangrove – Pneumatophores(airhole) – stick up out of water and aid in root aeration and gas exchange – Slat excreter White Mangrove - farthest from water – No visible arial root – Leaves taste list salt Red Mangrove Black Mangrove White Mangrove