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Vascular vs. Non-vascular
• Vascular plants = contain tubelike,
elongated cells through which water, food,
and other materials are transported.
Non-vascular plants
Moss, etc. . .
Must live in moist
No fluid transport around
Fluid moves from cell to
Only a few cells thick.
Vascular plants
Vascular plants
• Generally contain xylem and phloem.
• These two tissues extend from the leaves
• to the roots,
and are vital conduits
for water and nutrient transport. In a
sense, they are to plants what veins and
arteries are to animals.
Xylem and Phloem
• Xylem: dead tubular cells
that transport water and
dissolved minerals upward
from the roots to leaves.
• Phloem: living tubular cells
that transport sugars from
the leaves to all parts of the
4 main types : Vascular plants
1. Seedless Vascular Plants
• Lycophyta: (Name 2 kinds)
• Sphenophyta: (Name 1 kind)
• Pterophyta: Ferns (What is a
rhizome?) (Where are fern spores?)
4 kinds : Vascular plants
2. Vascular plants with naked seeds
Gymnosperms: Produce seed in cones.
• Cycadophyta: (When did most of
these live?) p615
• Ginkgophyta: (How many species
are still on Earth?) p616
• Gnetophyta: (Describe one
interesting feature of one
Gnetophyta). p617
Still on vascular plants with Naked
• Coniferophyta: (draw the life cycle of a
coniferopyta). p621
Why is the seed “Naked”?
The seed is not protected
by a fruit
nor does it have a flower.
Evergreen Plants
• Retain their
leaves all year.
• Conifers are
adapted to cold
– Thick needle
cuticle to prevent
water loss when
dormant over
Deciduous plants
• Lose all leaves each winter.
– An adaptation to prevent water loss in winter dormant time.
– Leaves lose the water in plants but also photosynthesis.
– A few Conifers like larches and bald cypress are deciduous.
Design your own key
• Use the trees provided
• Spend 30 seconds observing each tree
Look at:
Needle size
Stem color, texture . . .
Create your key
• Separate trees based on characteristics.
• Make up names for your tree species.
• Make the key so that when I hand you a
new tree, you can identify it.
• Give your key to another group and have
them identify a tree. If they have
problems, change your key.
• Scaly
• Flat
smooth single
Open note, open book
Name____________ pd _____
1. Vascular tissue includes _________
a. Cotyledons
b. Rhizomes and phloem
c. Megaspores and microspores
d. Xylem and phloem
2. What tissue is made up of dead, tubular cells
that transport water and minerals?
3. The thick underground stem of a fern is what?
4. What type of tree loses its leaves in the
5. What is one advantage to losing leaves
in the winter?
6. What type of tree keeps its leaves in the
7. What is one advantage to keeping leaves
in the winter?
8. Name three plants by their common
name and give their scientific Division.
9. You are looking for land upon which to
build a house. You are shown a beautiful
plot of land that is lush with ferns. It also
has some club mosses and horsetails.
Do you think it would be wise to build a
house on this land? Explain why or why
Other Vascular plants
• 3. Class Monocotyledoneae: Monocots
• Flower parts in 3's or multiple of 3's; one cotyledon
inside seed; parallel leaf venation; includes Lilium,
Amaryllis, Iris, Agave, Yucca, orchids, duckweeds,
annual grasses, bamboos and palms.
• 4. Class Dicotyledoneae: Dicots
• Flower parts in 4's or 5's; 2 cotyledons inside seed;
branched or net leaf venation; contains the most species
of flowering herbs, shrubs and trees; includes roses
(Rosa), buttercups (Ranunculus), clover (Trifolium),
maple (Acer), basswood (Tilia), oak (Quercus), willow
(Salix), kapok (Ceiba) and many more species.