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Plant and Soil Science
Recognizing the Importance
of Plant and Soil Science
 Ask
students to name the top five crops in
terms of amount produced in your state.
Create a listing of five columns on the
board. Put the name of one of the top five
crops at top of each column. Then ask
the students to name uses of each of the
various crops. Create a list of uses in the
column below each crop.
WHST.6‐8.1- Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and
relevant evidence. (MS‐LS2‐4)
WHST.6‐8.9- Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis,
reflection, and research. (MS‐LS1‐6),(MS‐LS2‐4)
WHST.6‐8.8- Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital
sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the
data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing
basic bibliographic information for sources. (MS‐LS4‐5)
SL.8.5- Include multimedia components and visual displays in
presentations to clarify claims and findings and emphasize salient points.
 Agronomy
 Foliage
 Cereal
 Forage
 Fibers
 Forestry
 Field
 Grain
 Floriculture
 Food Crop
 Grasses
 Herb
 Horticultural
 Interiorscaping
 Olericulture
 Landscape
 Ornamental
 Legumes
 Oil Crops
 Ornamental
 Plant Domestication
 Plants
are the base of food chain for all
living things.
 Plants are able to utilize inorganic
elements and incorporate them into
living tissues.
• Many organisms rely on plants for the energy to
carry out life processes
Edible plants- whole
plants or portions of
plants, such as seeds and
fruits, are used as a food
source for many types of
animals, including
• Most important is the
cereal grains
 Rice, corn, wheat, sorghum
and barley
• Areas unable to grow cereal grains well grow
starchy root crops
 Yams, sweet potatoes, and manioc or cassava
• 88% of world’s total calorie intake comes from
• 80% of world’s protein intake comes from plants
• Also used in the production of beverages
 Coffee, tea, and fruit juice
 Industrial
are several important
products produced
from plants, such as
wood, fibers, oils, and
 Many fibers are used
in textile
• Cotton, flax, and hemp
 Wood
from timber
production is used
for furniture, homes,
and many other
• Many chemicals are
also derived from
 Acetic acid, methanol,
and turpentine
Medicinal uses- the importance that plants play in the
development of medicines is becoming increasingly
Many believe that the key to curing many of our most
deadly diseases such as cancer and AIDS may lie
within some undiscovered plant compound
Oils-many plants store oil
as a food reserved in the
seeds and fruits of the plant
Most of the plant oils are
used in food production for
humans, but some are used
in industry
Most important is the
soybean, others would
include coconut, sunflower,
peanut, cottonseed, and
 Soil
science is the study of the structure,
composition, fertility, use, and protection of soil.
• Soil is top layer of the earth’s crust
 Plant
Science is the study of the structure,
functions, growth, and protection of plants.
 Field
crops- include plants grown in large
fields and are used for oil, fiber, grain, and
similar products
• Corn and wheat grown for their grain but other parts
of the plant can be utilized
• Agronomy is a specialized area of plant science that
deals with field crops
 Include relationship between plants and soil
Horticulture crops
are grown for food,
comfort, and
Horticulture is the
growing and using
plants for their
beauty. It contains
three areas
1.Floriculture is the production and use of plants
for their flowers and foliage
 Foliage is the stems and leaves of the plant
2.Landscape horticulture is the growing and
using plants to make the outdoor environment
more appealing
 Includes shrubs, flowering plants, and lawn areas
3.Interiorscaping is using plants inside buildings
to create an attractive indoor environment
Food Crop Horticulture is the growing
plants for food, which can be divided
into two areas
1. Olericulture is the science of producing
vegetable crops
2. Pomology is the science of producing fruits
and nuts.
 Forestry-
is the science of growing trees and
producing wood products.
 Tree farms are cultured forests that have been
carefully planned, established and maintained.
• Requires a great deal of labor and management to
assure high quality timber
Very few wild
plants are used in
our everyday lives,
most plants have
been domesticated
• Plant domestication is removing plants from their
native wild environment and growing them
under controlled conditions
 Important
field and horticultural crops
are divided into seven categories
1. Grain crops- include plants grown for their
edible seeds not including the horticultural
– Cereal grain is the seed of grass-type plants grown
for food and animal feed
– Rice, corn, wheat, oats, barley, rye, and sorghum
Sugar and oil crops- are produced for two
commodities: sweeteners and vegetable oil
Sugar crops are used as a source of sucrose
• Sucrose is a carbohydrate that provides energy for
physical activity by the body
• Sugar beets, corn and sugar cane are major crops
but also include honey, maple syrup, and some kinds
of sorghum
Oil crops- are plants grown for the vegetable
oil contained in their seed and fruit.
• Major crops include: soybeans, cotton, canola, and
3. Fiber crops- are grown for the fiber produced
in their fruit, leaves, or stems
• Fibers are tiny threadlike structures used in
manufacturing cloth, paper, and other materials
 Cotton, flax, kenaf, hemp, jute, and ramie
4. Vegetable, fruit, and nut crops- crops are grown
primarily for food
• Vegetable crops may be grown for different parts of
the plant, such as leaves, stems, seed, and roots
5. Forage- crops are
primarily grasses
and legumes
• Grasses are nonwoody
plants that have
parallel veins in their
• Legumes are broadleaf plants that have the
potential of fixing nitrogen from the air in the soil
• Forage is the leaves and stems of plants used for
animal feed
 Most nutritious while plant is young and before seed mature
 Can be harvested by animals grazing in a pasture or cut, dried, and
stored for feel later
6. Ornamental and turf crops- include
flowers, shrubs, vines, and other species
grown for their beauty and personal
• Turf comprises plants used to present a pleasing
appearance and proetect soil
• Plants are low-growing, fine-leaved grasses used
in lawns and to cover the ground to prevent soil
7. Others crops- many other crops grown for a
variety of uses
• Beverage crops such as coffee, tea, and cocoa, are
typically grown in tropical areas
• Herbs and spices are grown in small quantities
throughout North America
 Have little food value but make food taste better or more appealing
 An herb is a non-woody plant with leaves, seed or other parts used as medicine or
to enhance food
 Spice is an aromatic plant part that is used to season food
• Medicinal plants are those used in making human
 What
are the various roles plants play in
everyday life?
What are the various segments of plant and soil
What are some important types of plants and what are
their uses?
 What
category of plant was
This young man named after?