* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Controlled Experiments This slideshow is a review. As you watch it, write down the terms and definitions in your Journal. The title should be Notes: Controlled Experiments. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WRITE ANYTHING ELSE! (But please watch it all!) Variables Variable • any factor that can change or be changed in an experiment! examples • temperature, time, size, mass, methodology, etc. In a controlled experiment, how many variables can be changed at a time? Only ONE!!! Types of variables Independent variable: Dependent variable: • the one factor the experimenter changes (the one that is being tested, or INVESTIGATED) • the one that is measured to find the results, or DATA Constants • Anything else that can affect the outcome must remain the same, or constant. The independent and dependent variables can be found in the Hypothesis IF the independent variable is changed like this, THEN the dependent variable will change like that. Example • If a plant is grown in the presence of music, then it will grow taller than a plant grown without music. Identify the variables: Independent variable: • The music Dependent variable: • Height of plants Identify Constants music No music • Amount of sunlight • Temperature • Amount of water • Type of soil • Type of plant Do you have any questions? If you do, please write them down so you can remember to ask in class tomorrow.