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Christopher J.
Blue C.
There are five different groups
of animals with vertebrates
The Poison Dart Frog and
Red-Eye Tree Frog are both amphibians.
Here are some characteristics of
most amphibians….
 They are cold-blooded.
 They have moist, smooth skin without scales.
 Amphibians lay eggs in water or lay the eggs
under dry ground.
 They started their lives breathing through gills,
but as an adult use lungs for breathing.
 Amphibians begin their life cycle in the water,
and then later move to land.
Red-Eyed Tree Frog
Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are named for their
large bulging eyes. These eyes help the
frog see food better. They have long,
powerful jumping legs, suction cups on the
toes, and a very short backbone.
Red-Eyed Tree Frog
Red-eyed tree frogs are nocturnal.
That means they’re most active at night.
They rest on the undersides of large leaves
during the day to keep cool and to protect
themselves from predators.
Bats, snakes, and birds are some animals that like to eat the
red-eyed tree frog. These little frogs live in rainforests in Central
America and northern South America.
Red-Eyed Tree Frog
The red-eyed Tree frog is a meat-eater or
carnivore. It eats mostly insects. He
catches the bugs, spiders, and beetles with
its long, sticky tongue.
It also eats other small invertebrates and
sometimes will even eat other small frogs!
Red-Eyed Tree Frog
A Red Eyed Tree Frog will change it's skin color
to blend in with it's surroundings.
These pictures show how he changes from dark
to light to camouflage himself from predators.
Red-Eyed Tree Frog
Their body is bright green and their sides
are blue with pale yellow stripes. The feet
are red and orange the upper legs are
blue. The color helps it blend in with the
beautiful flowers of the Rain Forest.
Females are about 3 inches long.
They are larger than males. Males areabout 2 inches long.
Red-Eyed Tree frogs spend their lives near water
because they must return to the water to lay their
eggs. Adult males make a loud croaking sound to let
other frogs know to “keep out”. They use their croak
to attract females. Female Red-Eye Tree Frogs lay
eggs on the undersides of leaves. The leaves
protects the eggs.
The bright color of the
Poison Dart Frog warns the
Predators that they’re poisonous.
Poison Dart Frog
When they hatch into
tadpoles, they breathe with
gills and swim with their tail.
Later they grow lungs and
live on the land.
Poison Dart Frog
The Poison Dart Frog lives in the tropical
rainforest of South and Central America.
Their diet is insects and bugs. They like to eat
ants, termites, flies, small beetles, and spiders.
Their eye sight helps them to see their prey and
their quick tongue helps them “slurp” him up.
The Poison Dart
Frog is also called
a Poison
Arrow Frog.
Poison Dart Frog
 These frogs are often called poison arrow
frogs or poison dart frogs. This is because
they used to use their poison on the tips of
arrows and blowdarts.
Poison Dart Frog
This frog likes to stay on the floor of the
rain forests and in moist and shady
places. It can't be eaten by many other
animals, but it eats almost any insect
around it.
Poison Dart Frog
 One of the Poison Arrow Frog's
adaptations to the rain forest is that it is
very small. Most Poison Dart Frogs are
only ½ inch long.
It also has special colors that help it camouflage itself in
the rain forests. This helps it not to be eaten by predators.
Red-Eyed Tree Frog and
the Poison Dart Frog
 We hope you enjoyed learning about these
interesting amphibians.