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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Container Gardening Part 4 Problem Diagnosis Container Plant Problems • Overwatering • Improper watering and salt build up • Low humidity • Insufficient light • Exposure to drafts • Exposure to direct heat • Pest problems • Root bound Common Problems in Container Gardening Symptom Problem Solution Plants yellowing from bottom. Lack vigor. Poor color Excessive water. Low fertility. Reduce watering intervals. Increase fertility of feeding solutions. Plants wilt, although sufficient water it present. Poor drainage and aeration. Use mixes containing higher percentage of organic matter. Increase number of drainage holes. Marginal burning of leaves. High salts. Leach container with tap water. Plants stunted in growth. Sickly, purplish color. Low temperature. Low phosphate. Relocate container to warmer area. Increase phosphate in feeding solutions. Holes in leaves. Leaves distorted in shape. Insects, slugs Handpick or wash insects off of plant. Use EPA-labeled insecticide. Plants with spots, dried areas, or powdery, rusty areas. Plant disease agents. Remove and properly dispose of diseased areas. Use EPA-labeled fungicide. Edema / Guttation Edema on Philodendron Guttation Temperature Issues • Too hot – double pot or use large pots • Too cold – insulate or use large pots