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Chapter 15: Structure of plants Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-1 Plant cell walls • • Cell walls define the size and shape of cells, contribute to metabolic processes and cell-cell communication Lying between adjacent cells is the middle lamella, which comprises pectins that bind the cells together Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-2 Fig. 15.3a: Cross-section of parenchyma cells from Coleus stem Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-3 Primary cell wall • • • • A plant cell wall is made up of a primary wall and a secondary wall The primary wall is the first layer formed by a developing cell This is composed of cellulose microfibrils, together with associated pectins, hemicelluloses and glycoproteins The primary wall is able to extend as a cell enlarges and matures (cont.) Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-4 Primary cell wall (cont.) • Primary cell walls vary in thickness, with thinner areas (primary pit fields), punctuated by numerous plasmodesmata, which are involved cell-cell communication Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-5 Fig. 15.4a: Parenchyma cell Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-6 Secondary wall • • • As cells mature, many lay down secondary wall materials on the inner surface of the primary wall The secondary wall is usually formed in three distinct layers, each with cellulose microfibrils laid down in different orientations, and strengthened by the addition of lignin (a polyphenol) Some cells have many depressions, or primary pits, in the secondary wall Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-7 Plant tissue systems The primary plant body is composed of cells produced by the shoot and root apical meristems. 1. Dermal tissue – epidermis segregates internal plant tissues from the external environment – epidermal cell structure varies, depending on whether it occurs in the stem, root or leaf, although its main functions are protection and facilitating exchange of materials – dermal tissues include the endodermis and exodermis (cont.) Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-8 Plant tissue systems (cont.) 2. Ground tissue – These tissue systems, which include parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma, make up the bulk of tissues in stems, roots and leaves Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-9 Fig. 15.5a: Parenchyma cells of potato tubers Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-10 Fig. 15.5b: Aerenchyma cells of the seagrass Amphibolis Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-11 Fig. 15.5c: Transfer cells in an embryo of the seagrass Amphibolis Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-12 Ground tissue • Parenchyma: these tissues normally comprise large cells with thin primary walls and well-defined, pectinrich middle – chlorenchyma: photosynthetic, found in leaves and some stems – storage parenchyma: contain nutrient reserves – aerenchyma: spongy cells with a large network of air spaces, adaptation to low O2 environments – transfer cells: ingrowths that increase cell surface area for rapid transfer of molecules (cont.) Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-13 Ground tissue (cont.) • • Collenchyma: supportive tissue, providing strength to plant parts where bending and flexibility are required. Cells are elongated, with thickened cells walls that contain extra cellulose Sclerenchyma: supportive tissue that imparts rigidity and strength – fibres: elongated cells with tapering end walls – sclerids: branched or even-shaped, and play roles in both support and protection Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-14 Vascular tissue • • • • Vascular tissues are involved in transport of materials around the plant body Comprises xylem and phloem Xylem transports water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves and comprises cell types, commonly vessels and tracheids Phloem transports the products of photosynthesis from the leaf to actively growing areas or to storage Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-15 Vessels • Vessels, which are common in flowering plants, have open ends that allow an unimpeded flow of water from one cell to another Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-16 Fig. 15.8a: Xylem vessels in vascular tissues Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-17 Tracheids • Tracheids, common to all vascular plants, have intact end walls, with water moving from cell to cell through bordered pits in the cell wall Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-18 Fig. 15.8b: Tracheids Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-19 Phloem • • • Phloem comprises sieve tube cells associated with companion cells (parenchyma in nature) Sieve tube cells are elongated and possess thin primary cell walls composed largely of cellulose Companion cells control the activity of sieve tube cells by increasing the surface area for cell-to-cell interchange Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-20 Fig. 15.8c: Phloem Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-21 Stem structure • Plant shoots comprise stems and leaves • The stem provides support, contains vascular tissues and in some species is a storage organ Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-22 Fig 15.9: The structure of a flowering plant Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-23 Stem primary growth • In dicotyledons (e.g. eucalypts and wattles) vascular bundles consisting of xylem and phloem, together with parenchyma cells, form a central cylinder, the stele (cont.) Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-24 Fig. 15.10a: Ring of vascular bundles in Acacia Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-25 Stem primary growth (cont.) • • • Vascular tissue often forms a single ring, separating the stem into outer cortex (ground tissue) from the inner pith Primary phloem forms outside the xylem on the same radius The earliest-forming xylem, (protoxylem) develops as thin strands towards the stem centre. Outside of this develops larger, thicker-walled xylem (metaxylem) Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-26 Fig. 15.10b: Vascular bundle in Acacia Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-27 Stem secondary growth • • Woody dicotyledons such as trees and shrubs can undertake secondary, or radial, growth Cambium, which produces sheets of cells laterally, may be vascular (wood) or cork (bark) Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-28 Fig. 15.12a, b and c: Secondary growth in the stem of silky oak (Grevillea robusta) (a) (c) (b) Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-29 Vascular cambium • This multilayered cylinder of meristem lies between the cortex and pith and is responsible for producing secondary vascular tissues such as secondary xylem and secondary phloem Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-30 Fig. 15.12d: Cross-section of secondary xylem and phloem Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-31 Cork cambium • These meristematic cells generate the outer covering, or periderm, that replaces the epidermis in older stems • The cambium produces cork (or phellem) on the outside of the stem and thin walled parenchyma, (the phelloderm) on the inside Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-32 Fig. 15.13b: Cross-section of bark Copyright © Associate Professor Andrew Drinnan, University of Melbourne Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-33 Special functions of stems • • Not all plant stems are aerial; underground stems may be horizontal rhizomes, from which aerial branches or leaves arise for vegetative propagation or to serve as food storage, as in the potato tuber Desert plants – in arid and semi-arid regions, leaves tend to be absent or reduced, with photosynthesis carried out by the stem – e.g. leaves of she-oaks (Allocasuarina sp.) are reduced to small, scale-like structures in a whorl at nodes of stems or cladodes (cont.) Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-34 Special functions of stems (cont.) • Stems of marsh and aquatic plants – such environments are usually waterlogged, and stems often contain extensive aerenchyma – in saline habitats, leaves are reduced and fleshy stems photosynthesise and store water Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-35 Fig. 15.16: Stems of the saltmarsh plant Sarcocornia Copyright © Associate Professor Andrew Drinnan, University of Melbourne Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-36 Root structure • Roots are the underground organs of vascular plants, and grow from apical meristems at their tips • Roots have several functions, including nutrient and water uptake from the soil, anchorage and support, synthesis of plant hormones and storage of nutritional reserves • Root systems may be branched, a common trait of dicots, or consist entirely of adventitious roots, a trait among monocot species Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-37 Fig. 15.19a, b and c: Types of root systems Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-38 Root primary growth • A root consists of an outer epidermis, enclosing a well-developed cortex and inner vascular cylinder • The root cap, located at the tip of the root, protects the apical meristem (cont.) Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-39 Fig. 15.20: Organisation of roots Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-40 Root primary growth (cont.) • • • The root cap comprises large parenchyma cells that secrete mucigel, a polysaccharide that contains a mucilaginous matrix, and sloughed-off living cells The root surface area is supplemented by numerous fine root hairs, which are extensions of epidermal cells located just behind the growing tip The soil region around the root hair zone is the rhizosphere, within which occur interactions between the plant and its soil environment, and with free-living and symbiotic microorganisms (cont.) Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-41 Root primary growth (cont.) • • • • The root vascular tissues of dicotyledons comprise exarch xylem, which forms from the outside to the inside of the root The vascular tissue is surrounded by the pericycle, a thin layer of cells from which lateral roots arise Outside the pericycle lies a single layer of cells, the endodermis, the radial walls of which endodermis are impregnated with suberin, a compound that is impermeable to water This Casparian strip forces water to pass through the symplastic pathway, enabling the plant to selectively control the movement of water and ions. Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-42 Special functions of roots • Roots of aquatic plants – mangrove species often possess upright aerial roots, pneumatophores that function in gas exchange for aerobic respiration • Roots and salinity – river red gums, which are mildly salt tolerant, have an exodermis, a suberised cell layer that acts as a barrier to toxic chloride ions • Storage roots – roots adapted for storage often have additional layers of vascular cambia together with associated storage parenchyma cells (e.g. sweet potato and beetroot) Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-43 Leaf structure • • • • Leaves are photosynthetic organs with limited life spans Evergreen leaves are shed continuously while deciduous trees shed their leaves before the onset of a cold or dry period Simple leaves have a single lamina while compound leaves possess many leaflets Juvenile leaves can differ considerably from adult leaves in colour and/or form Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-44 Leaf structure and organisation • • A leaf usually comprises upper and lower epidermis, enclosing mesophyll tissue containing chloroplasts The epidermis is covered by a thick cuticle and studded with pores (stomata) which regulate water loss and gas exchange between plant and atmosphere (cont.) Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-45 Fig. 15.33a and b: Leaf anatomy of Eucalyptus globulus (a) Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint (b) 15-46 Leaf structure and organisation (cont.) • • • • Leaf hairs, secretory gland cells and crystalcontaining cells also characterise the epidermis Mesophyll, which is the ground tissue of leaves, comprises chloroplast-containing parenchyma cells that are the sites of photosynthesis Mesophyll is often differentiated into palisade mesophyll toward the upper surface of the leaf, with spongy mesophyll toward the lower Veins (vascular bundles) of flowering plants form an interconnected branching system, with xylem on the upper side and phloem on the lower Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-47 Modifications of leaf structure • Aspects of leaf morphology are directly influenced by the environment – e.g. shade leaves are generally larger, but have less palisade mesophyll than sun leaves • Plants growing in particular habitats may exhibit distinctive leaf adaptations – e.g. arid and semi-arid taxa often have small, scale-like leaves • Some rainforest plants possess pore-like structures, hydathodes, that enable extrusion—guttation—of water under conditions of high atmospheric humidity Copyright 2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint 15-48