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Click Here To Start What is “Lake-Effect” Snow WSHS Environmental Biology WHAT CAUSES LAKE EFFECT SNOW? Lake effect snow is caused when very cold air flows over the relatively warmer water of a large lake. Intense evaporation from the lake surface forms convective clouds that can not contain all of this water, and some of it falls back to the surface as snow. Lake effect snow showers often form into bands, with abrupt edges to the falling snow. One location can receive a foot of snow, while another location just a few miles away receives only flurries. Once the lake surface cools to near 32oF, the lake effect snow slows considerably. When the lake freezes, the snow stops altogether. WOW The Greater Cleveland area is the largest population center that is routinely impacted by heavy lake-effect snowfall (LES) within the Great Lakes region. Cleveland Hopkins airport receives about 50" of snow annually, and about 40% can be attributed to LES from Lake Erie. Some 35 miles due east, Chardon is known as the snow capital of northeast Ohio and receives over 100" annually - the majority as a result of LES. Radar observations Satellite visible imagery These are the mechanisms to make Lake Effect Snow, ranked in usual order of importance HEATING: The water in the Great Lakes does not cool off as quickly as the atmosphere in the fall and early winter. This warmer water heating the cooler air results in instability, especially during early cold outbreaks. The warmer air rises and quickly reaches saturation, and the result is shallow cumuliform clouds, often aligned in bands parallel to the low-level wind. By January, ice covers most lakes, at least in part, cutting off or reducing the heat supply. Lake Erie often freezes entirely because it is more shallow than the other Great Lakes. MOISTURE: The lake surface evaporates, which is very effective when the wind is strong and the air dry The cold air from Canada has a very low pressure. Also, strong winds cause spray, facilitating evaporation. WIND FETCH: The greater the distance that wind blows over the warm water, the greater the snow fall. Three of the five lakes are relatively long and narrow. Winds blowing the length of these lakes have a long route over water and will produce a lot of snow, but a 30 degree wind shift brings the winds across the lake. The shorter routes will produce less lake-effect snow and move the snow to a different site. Click on Map Click on Map FRICTIONAL DIFFERENCE: The effect of the land surface on the moving air is much greater over rough land than it is over relatively smooth lake water. The rougher land slows the surface wind, causing more surface convergence and lifting. This effect is much greater with stronger winds. UPSLOPE LIFT: In some localities, wind blowing from a lake onshore is forced to climb up hills. As the air rises, it cools and precipitates. O rography/ Topography A nnual snowfall increases by 8 -1 2 inches per 1 0 0 ft increase in elevat ion LARGE-SCALE FORCING: The general cyclonic nature of an air mass supports development of precipitation anywhere, and may also enhance lake-effect snow. What Is Snow? When falling from the sky, snow is in the form of crystalline ice, and ice crystallizes into six-sided objects. After reaching the ground, snow loses it's crystalline shape and becomes granular. So falling snow and snow on the ground should be considered two different forms. Formation of Snow Crystals Snow crystals are crystals of ice formed within the atmosphere at temperatures below freezing. They form due to condensation of water vapor on a very small ice crystal or dust particle. Typical Snow crystals are see through like glass, and are typically from .02 to .5 inches in diameter. Lower levels of cumulonimbus clouds consist mostly of water droplets while at higher elevations, where temperatures are well below 0 degrees Celsius, ice crystals dominate. Even though it is the rarest of storm types, the supercell is the most dangerous because of the extreme weather generated. This storm was producing baseball hail Thundersnow viewed from space Ground Snow Once snow hits the ground, it cannot keep its crystalline shape. The shape changes into more of a rounded form, even if the temperature remains below freezing. The ground snow will eventually become ice granules. Can You Look CrossEyed??? Cross your eyes and stare at the next 3 Slides. You will be able to see a 3-Dimension image in the center. After several days in a snow pack From a melting snow pack Hexagonal snow crystal with broad branches, composed of 2 offset 3 branched snow crystals. Hexagonal snow crystal with broad branches, composed of 2 offset 3 branched snow crystals. The needle crystal is often associated with heavy snowfall in the Northeastern United States. O verview of t he Lak e-Effect Process • O ccurs t o t he lee of t he Great Lak es during t he cool season. • Polar/ arct ic air t ravels across a lak e, pick s up heat and moist ure, and is dest abilized. • Cloud format ion is enhanced by t hermal and frict ional convergence and upslope along lee shore. Fet ch • Small changes in wind direct ion can significant ly change t he fet ch. • Lak e Erie: 2 5 0 deg wind--2 2 5 mi fet ch 2 3 0 deg wind-- 8 0 mi fet ch Upst ream Lak es Upst ream lak es i mpact snowfall t o t he lee side of downwind lak es. For ex ample, wit h a nort hwest flow, Lak e Huron snowbands re-form and int ensify over Lak e O nt ario and Lak e Erie. Snow/ I ce Cover on t he Great Lak es Lak e freeze-over reduces, or complet ely ends t he lak e-effect snow season. The Lak e Erie snow season oft en ends lat e in January or early February. The Lak e O nt ario lak e-effect snow season cont inues on int o M arch because Lak e O nt ario doesn’ t freeze complet ely. Sat ellit e A pplicat ions Dat a from sat ellit e channels can be used in combinat ion wit h ot her dat a sources for diagnost ic st udies and now-cast ing or short -t erm forecast ing applicat ions. See nex t slide Wat er Vapor I magery Wat er vapor imagery may be used t o map weat her pat t erns. I nfra-Red Cloud Top Temperat ures Cloud t op t emperat ures can be used t o measure lak e-effect int ensit y. Temperat ures colder t han 1 5 C imply efficient precipit at ion. References Byrd, G. P. , R. A. Anstett, J. E. Heim, and D. M. Usinski, 1991: Mobile sounding observations of lake-effect snowbands in western and central New York. Mon. Wea. Rev., 119, 2323-2332. Byrd, G. P. and R. S. Penc, 1992: The Lake Ontario snow event of 11-14 January 1990. Proc. Fifth Conf. on Mesoscale Processes, Atlanta, GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc, J59-J66. Byrd, G. P., D.E. Bikos, D.L. Schleede, and R.J. Ballentine, 1995: The influence of upwind lakes on snowfall to the lee of Lake Ontario. Preprints, 14th Conf. on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Dallas, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 204-206. Eichenlaub, V. L., 1979: Weather and Climate of the Great Lakes Region, University of Notre Dame Press, 335 pp. Kelly, R. D., 1984: Horizontal roll and boundary layer interrelationships observed over Lake Michigan. J. Atmos. Sci., 41, 1816-1826. LaDue, J., 1996: COMET course notes and satellite meteorology modules. Niziol, T. A., 1987: Operational forecasting of lake-effect snow in western and central New York. Wea. Forecasting, 1, 311-321. Niziol, T.A., W.R. Snyder, and J. S. Waldstreicher, 1995: Winter weather forecasting throughout the eastern United States. Part IV: Lake effect snow. Wea Forecasting, 10, 61-77. NWS/Buffalo, various forecast products. NWS/Marquette, 1996: Web homepage. Reinking, R. et al., 1993: Lake Ontario winter storms (LOWS) project final report. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL WPL-216, 147 pp.