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14.2 Measuring and Modeling
Population Change
• Read p.660 – 670
• Practice Questions!
– P.664 #1
– P.665 #2
– P.668 #3, 4
Carrying capacity
• The maximum number of organisms that
can be sustained by available resources over
a given period of time
"population dynamics," and the main
natural determinants.
changes in population characteristics
natality (birth rate)
mortality (death rate)
Biotic potential
• maximum reproductive rate under ideal
conditions (or, intrinsic rate of natural
• Example: Under ideal conditions, a population of
bacteria can grow to more than 10 in 24 h.
• Limiting Factor: the name applied to an essential
resource that is in short supply or unavailable, and
prevents an organism from achieving this potential
Fecundity: theoretical maximum number
of offspring that could be produced by a
species in one lifetime
– Example: Mice have the ability to produce over a dozen
offspring every 3 weeks.
Fertility: the number of offspring actually produced
by an individual during its lifetime, affected by food
supply, disease, mating success, etc.
Factors limiting reproductive
potential include:
Food availability
Mating success
Population change
[(births + immigration) (deaths + emigration)] x100
initial population size
• A population whose growth is influenced only by
natality and mortality
• A population whose growth is influenced by natality,
mortality and migrations
the equation used to calculate the
population change of an open
the equation used to calculate the
population change of a closed
Type I Survivorship
• A population showing low
mortality rates until the
individuals are past their
reproductive years
• Example: Elephants are slow
to reach sexual maturity and
have few offspring.
Type II Survivorship
• These species show a uniform risk of
mortality during their lifetime.
• An example is birds, where predation is a
constant concern, but some level of parental
care is given for a time.
Type III survivorship pattern
• A population with very high
mortality rates among the young
and very low mortality rates
among sexually mature adults
• Sea turtles are an example: a
female lays hundred of eggs each
year, but less than 1% survive to
adulthood. Those that do can live
for hundreds of years.
Geometric growth
• A population that grows
rapidly during breeding
season, then declines through
the year until the next
breeding season
• Exponential growth occurs
under ideal conditions. Ex:
when a population is first
starting out and resources are
Exponential growth
• reproduction is continuous throughout year
(i.e., no breeding season)
• constant growth rate
• examples: yeast, bacteria, humans
Logistic growth
• As population continues to grow, food,
water,light and space can limit population
• When the carrying capacity is reached,
reproduction slows and the death rate
• Equilibrium is reached.
• Logistic growth represents the effect of the
carrying capacity on the growth of a
• Is the most common growth pattern in