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By: Ruchika Nayak and Holly Huo
There are 5 different types of Biomes
Aquatic biomes
● Fresh water biomes
o Pond
o Lakes
o Streams
o Rivers
o Wetlands
● Salt water biomes
o Oceans
o Coral reefs
o Estuaries
Desert Biomes
● Hot and dry: It is very hot in the summer. The winters usually
bring little rainfall.
● Semiarid: Summers are moderately long and dry. Nights have
a cooler temperature.
● Coastal: Moderately cool to warm areas such as the Nearctic
and Neotropical realm.
● Cold: Cold and long winters. High overall rainfall.
Tundra Biome
Extremely cold climate
Low biotic diversity
Simple vegetation structure
Limitation of drainage
Short season of growth and reproduction
Energy and nutrients in the form of dead organic material
Large population oscillations
Grassland Biome
● Savanna: a grassland with scattered individual
● Temperate grassland: have grasses as the
dominant vegetation
● Steppes: dry areas of grassland with hot
summers and cold winters
Forest Biomes
● Tropical: Has the greatest diversity of species. Lush, lots of
● Temperate: Characterized by well-defined seasons with a
distinct winter characterize this forest biome
● Boreal (Taiga): Represent the largest terrestrial biome. Warm
summers and long, cold, and dry winters.
The Importance of Biomes
Because we share the world with many other species of plants and animals, we must consider the
consequences of our actions. Over the past several decades, increasing human activity has rapidly
destroyed or polluted many ecological habitats throughout the world. It is important to preserve all
types of biomes as each houses many unique forms of life. However, the continued heavy
exploitation of certain biomes, such as the forest and aquatic, may have more severe
implications.Thus, conservation and preservation of biomes should be a major concern to all.
Connection #1
Genetic and species basis of biodiversity in forest ecosystems
● Forests are one of the types of biomes that are on Earth. Tropical forest
have the greatest biodiversity and they are the largest and most complex
systems. They have a lot of different species of animals and plants but
many different species are disappearing due to deforestation.
Connection #2
Trees from the forest biomes are being conserved so that we can get the
forest genetic resources
● Genetic diversity is shown in many different species of trees on Earth.
Different trees have different genetic makeup and differences in genes
can help us in many ways (medicine, fuel, etc.)
Connection #3
Biotic and abiotic factor can be impacted by climate change in the forests
● The climates in the forests are very distinct. Tropical rainforests for example
only have two seasons, a wet season and a dry season. Most of these tropical
rainforests don’t have a lot of temperature change, they usually have a five
degree temperature difference between the warmest and coldest day of the
year. This show that if there was any change in the climate in these areas,
the plant and animal species will most likely not be able to live.
Connection #4
The Forest Service and other agencies eliminate the natural forests (through
clearcutting), and replace them with artificial stands of genetically similar
tree seedlings. They grow these trees in monoculture plantations for wood,
chips or pulp. This can cause soil erosion and nutrient loss.
Connection #5
Forests help us have clean air due to the exchange of oxygen and carbon
dioxide. So deforestation of forests, throws this cycle out of balance.
Furthermore, the wood debris and other unimportant particles and burned
during the deforestation process which causes major air pollution.
Connection #6
Clear cutting effects our forest biomes. The existing natural
forest, with its biodiversity of plant and animal species, and the
clean water and clean air it produces, is entirely eliminated. This
can cause damage to the wildlife species and biodiversity in the
● Companies use selection management
which only cuts individual or small
amount of trees in periodic intervals
(like every 10 yrs)
● Timber companies practice selection
management on their own land
because it is good financial
● Some governments protect the last
Ancient Forests, Roadless forest areas,
streamsides, second growth areas with
critically important ecological values
as core areas.
Regeneration of trees through clear
cutting is usually a failure.
The Forest Service plants genetically
mutated seedlings.. So these forests are
not natural.
Artificial trees are not a good
replacement for a natural forest because
these tree stands must be intensively
managed against nature.
In addition artificially managed forests
are not economically successful
replacements for natural forests. the
Forest Service has lost an astounding
$365 million in the past year.
Work Cited