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Chapter 10 Merrill Physics
Work, Energy, and Simple Machines
Section 10.1 Objectives
• Define work and energy
• Calculate the work done by a force
• Determine the force that does the work
A. What is work?
• 1. Webster’s Definitions
– a. “energy expended by a natural
– b. “activity in which one exerts strength
to do something”
2. Physics Definition of Work
• a. Product of a force acting on an object
and the displacement of the object in the
direction of the force
• b. W = Fd
– (1) work is a scalar quantity
– (2) displacement is critical - w/o
movement no work is done
c. SI unit of work is the Newton-meter or
– (1) A joule is the work done by a force
of one newton as it acts through a
distance of one meter along the line of
the force
– (2) Also use the joule to measure energy
• d. Other units of work include the footpound, the erg, and the electron-volt (eV)
Work Example
A 50 N horizontal force is applied to a 15 kg crate of granola
bars over a distance of 10 m. The amount of work this force
does is
W = 50 N · 10 m = 500 N · m
1 Joule = 1 Newton · meter, so we can say that the this
applied force did 500 J of work on the crate.
The work this applied force does is independent of the presence of any
other forces, such as friction. It’s also independent of the mass.
Tofu Almond
50 N
10 m
Negative Work
A force that acts opposite to the direction of motion of
an object does negative work. Suppose the crate of
granola bars skids across the floor until friction brings
it to a stop. The displacement is to the right, but the
force of friction is to the left. Therefore, the amount
of work friction does is -140 J.
Tofu Almond
fk = 20 N
When zero work is done
As the crate slides horizontally, the normal force and weight
do no work at all, because they are perpendicular to the
displacement. If the granola bar were moving vertically,
such as in an elevator, then they each force would be doing
work. Moving up in an elevator the normal force would do
positive work, and the weight would do negative work.
Tofu Almond
No Work is
Being Done!
Force versus displacement Curve (pg. 199)
• a. A graph which shows how force is applied to an
object with respect to the object’s displacement
from the starting point.
• b. Area under the curve is the work done by the
force over that distance.
Force vs. displacement example.
F (N)
d (m)
What does the grey area represent? The area under the curve
area = L W = ( 75 N )( 8.0 m) = 600 Nm = 600 J
area = LW = Fd
= W 
the work done
3. Examples of work calculations
• a. A person exerts a vertical force of 30.0N
on a pail as the pail is carried a horizontal
distance of 8.0 m at a constant speed. How
much work does the 30N force do on the
• You do no work, as the force is not along
the lines of the distance moved. It would
have to have been moved vertically for
work to be done.
b. How much work do you do on an object of
weight (mg) if:
• (1) you lift it a distance of h meters straight
up at constant speed; and, (2) you lower it
through this same distance at a constant
• To lift you pull up on the object with a force
F = mg to counteract the weight
– W = Fd = mgh
• When you lower the object F and d are in
opposite directions, so W = mg(-h) = -mgh
4. Work and the Direction of Force
• a. Only the component of the force in the
direction of movement does work. The
component of force perpendicular to the
direction of motion does NO work.
• Key Point to Remember - What is critical
is to determine the component of force in
direction of motion
b. Note as seen in a previous example you can
have “negative” work
• (1) although work is a scalar quantity,
negative work means the force is applied in
the opposite direction from the object’s
• (2) Work is also cumulative, so negative
work will offset positive work.
When the force is at an angle
When a force acts in a direction that is not in line with the
displacement, only part of the force does work. The component of F
that is parallel to the displacement does work, but the perpendicular
component of F does zero work. So, a more general formula for
work is
W = F cos (d)
F sin
Tofu Almond
F cos
This formula assumes
that F is constant.
• c. Example. Motion is in the x -direction
w = Fx d = (F cos ) d = F d cos
 is the angle between the applied force’s
direction and the direction of motion
d. Special Work cases
(1)  = 0o, cos = 1 and W = Fd
(2)  =180o, cos = -1 and W = -Fd
(3)  = 90o, cos = 0 and W = 0
(4) Note that if you push an object from
point A to point B and then back to A, you
would have no displacement, so net work
done is zero.
e. Example: A man cleaning his apartment
pulls a vacuum cleaner with a force of 50N
and angle of 30o to the horizontal. A frictional
force of 40 N retards his motion, and the
vacuum is pulled a distance of 3 meters.
• (1) Calculate the work done by the 50N
• (2) Calculate the work done by the frictional
• (3) Calculate the net work done on the
vacuum by all forces acting on it.
• First draw a picture or free body diagram
FA = 50N
• W app force = (F cos)d = (50N cos30o)(3m)=
= 130 Joules
• Wf = (Ff cos)d = (40 cos180o)(3m) =
= -120 Joules
(work is being done on the vacuum by
• m g and FN do no work, so Wnet = Wf + WAF
FA = 50N
Work and Energy, Section 10.1 Assignment
• Read pages 198 to 201
• Complete practice problems 1 thru 7, pgs
199 and 202
• Due Weds 2/26/2014
Power: Section 10.1 Objectives (Part 2)
• Understand the relationship between work
done and energy transferred
• Differentiate between work done and power
• Calculate work done and power required
The Work-Energy Theorem
• a. work is equal to the change in energy that
an object undergoes
• b. work is the transfer of energy by
mechanical means.
• c. first established by Joule in nineteenth
• d. energy transfer can go both ways – from
work on an object that increase the objects
energy or work done by the object so that it
transfers energy to its surroundings.
• 1. Power is the work done in a unit of time
Power = Work Done
time to do work
• 2. Basic units - work is in joules, time is in
seconds, and power is in watts
– a. 1 kilowatt = 1000 watts = 1000 joules/s
– b. 1 horsepower = 746 watts
Please note that power is the timed rate at
which work is being done. (joules/s)
• 3. Examples
– a. A motor lifts a 200 kg object straight
up at a constant speed of 3.00 cm/sec.
What power is being developed by the
motor? Express your answer in watts and
• Givens:
– Constant velocity so Fmotor = m g
– m = 200 kg
– v = 3.00 cm/sec = 0.0300 m/s so in one
second the object moves 0.0300 m
• d = 0.0300 m
• t = 1 sec
– w = m g = 1960 N
• Find P. P = w / t and W = Fd
• W = (1960N)(0.03m) 58.8 Nm = 58.8 J
• P = W/t = 58.8 J/1 sec = 58.8 watts
58.8 watts ( 1 HP/ 746 watts) =0.0788 HP
Pavg = W/time = F(d)/t = F vavg
So power can be determined if you know a
force causes an object to move a given
distance at a constant speed
b. What average power is developed by an
800N physics teacher while running at a
constant speed up a flight of stairs rising 6
meters if he takes 8 seconds to complete the
• Givens:
– F = w = 800 N
– v = constant
– d = 6 meters
– t = 8 sec
• P=Fd/t
• P = 800N(6m)/8s = 600 watts
c. A 50 kg student climbs a rope 5 m in length
at a uniform speed and stops at the top. (1)
What must her average speed have been in
order to match the power output of a 200 watt
bulb; (2) how much work did she do; and (3)
how long did it take her to climb the rope?
• Givens:
– m = 50 kg
– constant velocity so F = mg = 50kg(9.8m/s2)
= 490N
– P = 200 watts
• P = Fv
so v = P/F
• v = P / F = 0.408 m/s
• W = Fd = 490 N (5 m) = 2450 Joules
• t = d/v = 5m/(0.408 m/s) = 12.25 sec
• Or since P = W/t….. t = W/P = 2450J/200W
• = 12.25 s
Chapter 10: Power Problems Assignment
• Read Pages 202-203
• Complete practice problems: 9-11
Section 10.2 Machines
• Explain why simple machines are useful
• Calculate the mechanical advantage of ideal
and real machines
• Determine mechanical advantage of
complex machines
1. What is a machine?
• a. A device by which the magnitude,
direction, or method of application of a
force is changed so as to achieve some
• b. NOTE: A machine does not change the
amount of work done and does not make the
amount of work done less, just makes it
easier for someone to do a job.
Benefits of Machines
Simple Machines
Ordinary machines are typically complicated combinations of
simple machines. There are six types of simple machines:
Simple Machine
Example / description
• Lever
• Incline Plane
• Wedge
chisel, knife
• Screw
drill bit, screw (combo of a wedge & incline plane)
• Pulley
wheel spins on its axle
• Wheel & Axle
door knob, tricycle wheel (wheel & axle spin
d. complex machines are made up of simple
2. Mechanical Advantage (MA)
• a. Use a machine NOT to lessen work but
usually to lessen the force required to do the
work, to make the output work easier to
• b. Concerned with the work into a machine
and the work out of the machine
Ideal Machine
Win = Wout
c. In a real machine, however, this does not
occur and Wout < Win
• (1) Reason - input work energy is converted
to heat due to friction
• (2)
Real Machine
Thermal Energy
Win > Wout
d. Mechanical Advantage = MA = Fout / Fin
or MA = Fresistance / Feffort = Fr / Fe
• (1) Force ratio, so unit-less quantity
• (2) If MA > 1, then machine has increased
the force you applied to the object moved
• (3) NOTE: the machine did not lessen the
work output or input in any way.
Mechanical Advantage
• Effort force – Fe
• Resistance force – Fr
• Mechanical Advantage
• Fr / Fe
e. Ideal Mechanical Advantage (IMA)
• (1) IMA = Din / Dout = De / Dr
• (2) This is the Distance Ratio, and again it is
• (3) Design a machine to have a given IMA,
then work to maximize efficiency and MA
3. Efficiency
• (1) A ratio between MA and IMA expressed
as a percent
• (2) Efficiency = MA/IMA x 100%
= W out / W in x 100%
Practice Problem
A force of 1.4 N is exerted through a distance
of 40.0 cm on a rope in a pulley system to lift
a 0.50 kg mass 10.0 cm. Calculate the
a. The MA
MA = Fr/Fe = 0.5kg(9.8m/s2)/1.4N = 3.5
b. The IMA
IMA = de/dr = 40cm/10cm = 4.0
c. The efficiency
= MA/IMA x 100% = 3.5/4.0 = 87.5%
More Problems:
• a. A bottle opener required a force of 35N to
lift the cap of a bottle 0.90cm. The opener
has an IMA of 8.0 and an efficiency of 75%.
• (1) What type of simple machine is the basis
for the opener?
• (2) What is the MA of the opener?
• (3) What force is applied to the bottle cap?
• (4) How far does the handle of the opener
The hardest part in any problem is to identify
what items are what:
• “what force is applied to the bottle cap?” is
asking for the Force out of the machine
• And, “How far does the handle of the
opener move?” is asking for the Distance in
• If you get confused, remember a machine is
used to lessen the force in, and it does this
by trading distance for force. So the
distance in will always be greater than
distance out and Force out > force in.
• Givens:
– Fin = 35N
– D out = 0.90 cm = 0.0090m
– IMA = 8.0
– Efficiency = 75%
• eff = MA / IMA x 100%
– MA = eff x IMA = .75 (8.0) = 6.0
note efficiency was converted to a
– MA = F out / F in
so F out = MA (F in) = (6.0)(35N) = 210N
• IMA = D in / D out
D in = IMA (D out)
= 8.0 (0.90cm)
= 7.2 cm
QUIZ - on separate sheet of paper
• A worker uses a pulley to raise a 225 N carton 10
meters. A force of 110 N is required and the rope
is pulled 30 m.
(1) What is the MA of the system?
(2) What is the IMA of the system?
(3) What is the efficiency of the system?
• Givens:
– F out = 225N F in = 110N
– D out = 10 m
D in = 30 m
• MA = 2.05
IMA = 3.0
eff = 68%
QUIZ - on separate sheet of paper
• What is the efficiency of a pulley if a force
of 650 N acting through 15 meters is
required to lift a 11,000 N crate up a
distance of 0.750 meters?
• Efficiency = MA/IMA x100%
= [(11000N/650N)/(15m/0.75m)]x100
= 84.6%
Compound Machines
Section 10.2 Assignment
• Read pages 205 to 210
• Do Practice Problems 13-15, pg 210