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Spin develops lift force because:
Velocity higher on top;
Separation delayed on top;
Wake is deflected downward.
Visualization of the flow on a counter-rotating (left) and non-rotating
Wheel. Re = 0.53 x 106. From Race Car Aerodynamics by J. Katz
Flow from
left to right,
spin is
via smoke
Magnus force mostly
affected by spin ratio,
Reynolds number less
At low spin ratios,
Magnus force is in the
opposite direction.
Gustav Magnus discovered Magnus effect in 1852
What’s wrong with
one of these
Sport Science – Peter Brancazio
Do Curve Balls Really Curve?
“A curve ball,” says Baltimore Orioles pitch hitter Terry Cowley,
“comes straight in, then about four of five feet from home plate,
it breaks straight down”.
“it is not only theoretically practically impossible for any such
impetus to be conveyed to a moving body as would be required
… to control the movement of what is termed a curve ball.”
Professor Stoddard of Worcester University
“ It is not necessary to waste space to prove that the ball can be made
to change is course to right or left. The only real question is, whether
the change in direction is instantaneous or gradual – that is, whether it
is an angle or a curve.” – 1877 Spauldings Baseball Guide
Do Curve Balls Really Curve?
The fact that tennis balls curve because of the spin imparted on
them was noted as early as 1671 by Sir Isaac Newton.
In 1877 Lord Rayleigh in a paper also describing the irregular
flight of a tennis ball, credited G. Magnus with the first explanation
of the lateral deflection of a spinning ball in 1853. A similar
explanation was given by Robins, a century before.
U increases, P decreases
U decreases, P increases
Magnus and Robins explained phenomenon
by invoking (improperly) Bernoulli’s Equation
Curve ball
Screw ball
Pictures from 1941 LIFE magazine by Gjon Mili “showing”
that curve balls really do not curve, only an illusion. Pitches
were thrown by Carl Hubbell of the New York Giants.
Curve do to spin alone
~ 1 foot
Curve due to gravity alone
Thick streamtube
Narrow streamtube
It is the shifted wake that leads
to a lateral force on the ball.
Note, this could not happen in
an inviscid fluid.
The existence of a wake creates a drag force.
If the wake is symmetrical the drag will simply slow
the ball down. If the wake is not symmetrical, then
by Newton’s 3rd Law the ball will be deflected in
the opposite direction.
Flow over a sphere.
Bottom: Re = 15,000
(laminar separation)
Trip: Re = 30,000
(with trip wire
turbulent separation)
From Van Dyke,
Album of Fluid Motion
Parabolic Press, 1982
Original photographs by
Werle, ONERA, 1980
Drag coefficient as a function of Reynolds number for spheres with
different degrees of roughness. K is the equivalent roughness height,
and D is the sphere diameter. From Munson, Young, & Okiishi,
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, John Wiley & Sons, 1998
Drag coef. for various spheres the size of a baseball.
When drag force = weight of ball then terminal velocity ~ 95 mph.
Laminar flow over
Smooth surface
Some base ball facts ~
In air terminal velocity of baseball ~ 95 mph (42.5 m/s)
A 450 ft drive requires launch velocity of about 110 mph
Max pitching speed recorded is 100.9 mph (Nolan Ryan)
Baseball may spin at 1800 rpm i.e. about 15 rev before
reaching home plate
Weight and diameter of major league baseball is 5-5.25 oz and 2.86-2.94 inches.
Time for 85 mph pitch to reach home plate, about 60 feet, is 0.48 s
Briggs (Am. J. Phys., Vol. 27, 1959, pg 232-240) report that an 80 mph curve ball
rotating at 1800 rpm can curve as much as 17.5 inches, force is about
½ the weight of the ball.
Will a dimpled bat
hit a grand slam?
9 ft
50 ft
What will be the force
parallel and perpendicular
to ship centerline?
Describe how you
would estimate the power
to drive the rotors?
100 ft long
(displaced 800 tons)
(wetted area = 3500 ft2)
 = 750 rpm
CD = 4; CL = 10
L/b = U
 = 2a a
CL = L/(1/2 U2A)
= 2a/U
Theoretical and experimental lift and drag coefficients of a rotating
cylinder (large difference –50%, account of flow separation).
FD / FL = (CD ½  U2 AP) / (CL ½  U2 AP)