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Newton’s Laws
Sir Isaac Newton
 Calculus
 Light is composed of
rainbow colors
 Reflecting Telescope
 Laws of Motion
 Theory of Gravitation
 Force is an action that can change motion.
 A force is what we call a push or a pull, or any
action that has the ability to change an object’s
 Forces can be used to increase the speed of an
object, decrease the speed of an object, or
change the direction in which an object is
 A force of one newton is exactly the amount
of force needed to cause a mass of one
kilogram to accelerate at one m/s2.
 We call the unit of force the newton (N).
 A force of one pound is equal to about 4.448
Balanced & Unbalanced Forces
Newton’s First Law
Law of Inertia
An object at rest tends to stay at rest
and an object in motion tends to
stay in motion unless acted upon by
an unbalanced force.
Newton’s First Law
Unless acted
upon by an
force, this golf
ball would sit
on the tee
Newton’s First Law
If objects in motion tend to stay in motion,
why don’t moving objects keep moving
Things don’t keep moving forever because
there’s almost always an unbalanced force
acting upon them.
A book sliding across a table slows
down and stops because of the force
of friction.
If you throw a ball upwards it will
eventually slow down and fall
because of the force of gravity.
Newton’s First Law
 Inertia is a term used to measure the ability of an
object to resist a change in its state of motion.
 An object with a lot of inertia takes a lot of force to
start or stop; an object with a small amount of inertia
requires a small amount of force to start or stop.
 The word “inertia” comes from the Latin word
inertus, which can be translated to mean “lazy.”
Newton’s First Law
MASS is the measure of the
amount of matter in an object.
It is measured in Kilograms
Newton’s First Law
Car starting and stopping
The table cloth trick (kind of)
Newton’s First Law
Newton’s First Law Video
Newton’s Second Law
Force equals mass times acceleration.
F = ma
Newton’s Second Law
Direction of acceleration
 Speed increases
when the net force is
in the same direction
as the motion.
 Speed decreases
when the net force is
in the opposite
direction as the
Newton’s Second Law
Three forms of the second law:
m a
Newton’s Second Law
 1. A force of 20 N acts upon a 5 kg
block. Calculate the acceleration of
the object.
4 m/s2
 2. An object of mass 300 kg is
observed to accelerate at the rate
of 4 m/s2. Calculate the force
required to produce this
1200 N
m a
Newton’s Second Law
Newton’s Second Law Video
Newton’s Third Law
For every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction.
Newton’s Third Law
Forces occur in pairs
 The two forces in a pair are
called action and reaction.
 Anytime you have one, you
also have the other.
 If you know the strength of
one you also know the
strength of the other since
both forces are always
Newton’s Third Law
 Newton’s third law states that
for every action force there has
to be a reaction force that is
equal in strength and opposite
in direction.
 Action and reaction forces act
on different objects, not on the
same object.
 The forces cannot cancel
because they act on different
Newton’s Third Law
Bumper cars
Newton’s Cradle
Spring scales
Newton’s Third Law
Newton’s Third Law Video
First Law: Inertia
Second Law: F = ma
Third Law: Action and Reaction