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Gravity and Motion and
Time on the Earth
Upward Bound
Forces in Nature
Terrestrial gravity
Celestial gravity
Strong Nuclear
Weak Nuclear
Laws of Gravity &
These allow us to ask and answer simple,
fundamental questions
Why does the Earth go round the Sun?
How do we figure out what a planet is made up off?
Why do we weigh less on the moon?
Why does the Earth have an atmosphere while the
moon does not?
All due to Sir Issac Newton
The tendency of body at rest to remain
at rest, and one in motion to continue in
In the absence of forces, inertia keeps
an object already in motion, in motion
Inertia is measured by mass
First demonstrated by Galileo
First Law of Motion a
A body at rest or a body in uniform
motion in a straight line stays in its state
unless acted on by a force
Circular orbits of bodies means there has
to be a force acting on them
If a projectile moves fast enough the Earth’s surface will
fall away from it so that it remains airborne (in orbit)
Path is curved because gravity acts on ball
Inertia keeps the body moving
Second Law of Motion
Motion is a change of position and
consists of direction and speed
Uniform motion - constant velocity
Non-uniform motion - acceleration
All bodies orbiting the Sun are
Second Law of Motion
Two factors determine how a body
• Net Force – Sum of forces on the object
• Mass - the amount of matter an object
contains (inertia)
The amount of acceleration (a) a mass
(m) undergoes depends on the net force
• F = ma
Third Law of Motion
Why does the Earth go round the Sun?
“When two bodies interact they create equal
and opposite forces on each other”
From F = ma we get a = F/m
• Acceleration a body feels is inversely
proportional to its mass
Sun is more massive so it accelerates less,
whereas the Earth accelerates more
The Sun moves due to gravity from the Earth,
but not as much as the Earth does
Law of Gravity
To predict a body’s motion we need understand
the force acting on it
For astronomical bodies this is Gravity
Newton’s Law of Gravity states
• “Every mass exerts a force of attraction on every
other mass. The strength of the force is directly
proportional to the product of the masses divided by
the square of their separation”
• Fgrav=GMm/r
How do we figure out what a
planet is made of?
Orbital motion (orbital radius and
velocity) yields information about mass
Lets consider
• A small body in a circular orbit around a
more massive object
• First law - circular orbit means a force
must be acting on the body
How do we figure out what a
planet is made of?
• Second law F=ma can be used to show
that this force is F = mv2/r
• Centripetal force- amount of force required
to keep a planet in orbit
Centripetal force due to Gravity
Fgrav = GMm/r 2 = mv2/r
 Orbital
motion yields mass
How do we figure out what a
planet is made of?
We can measure size (volume) remotely
• Distance and angular size yield size
This yields a density (mass/volume)
which can be used to extract
• 3.5 g/cm3  rocky
• 1 g/cm3  gaseous
Surface Gravity
Why do we weigh less on the Moon?
Weight is a measure of the force gravity
At the surface of a planet gravity
accelerates bodies towards the center
of the planet
Law of Gravity F = GMm/R2 ; R is planet
The Moon has less mass  less weight
Escape Velocity
Why does the Moon have no
To escape the pull of
gravity on a planet a
critical speed, the
escape velocity, must
be exceeded
Escape Velocity
Why does the Moon have no
The smaller the mass, the lower the
escape velocity
Gas molecules in an atmosphere move
Smaller planets or bodies like the moon
are less able to hold molecules of gas
(atmosphere) around them
How long is a day?
Length of a day set by Earth’s rotation
But, sunrise to sunrise is not 24 hours
Different from one day to the next
Star rise to Star rise is constant but 4
minutes less than 24 hours
Sidereal vs. Solar days
Solar day is 4 minutes longer
• “Extra” rotation is
360/365.25° or ~1
• The 1° takes
1/365.25 days or 4
• 1 year of extra
rotations is one ful