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Exploration and
Mr. White’s World History
Big Questions
► After
we study this section, we should be
able to answer the following questions:
 What motivated Europeans to explore and
expand around the globe?
 What technologies allowed them to do this?
 How did European societies change because of
these explorations?
Major Change!
► The
Renaissance and Reformations had
created a new culture in Europe that
created new ways of thinking about life,
man’s place in the world, and religion.
► Exploration and expansion would change
the entire world by interconnecting all the
different parts of the world, forever
God, Gold, Glory
► In
the early parts of exploration, countries
and explorers were motivated by three
things: God, gold, and glory
 God – Christians desired to spread Christianity
to other places around the world
 Gold – Merchants desired riches from other
parts of the world, gained through trade
 Glory – Countries desired to grow and become
stronger through exploration and empires
Contact Outside of Europe
► Europe
before the Renaissance had
depended on spices, such as pepper and
nutmeg, from the east
► Arab and Venetian (Venice, Italy) merchants
got rich from trading these spices
► Many of these traders looked for quicker
routes to the east
Spreading Christianity
► Church
leaders also wanted to halt the
spread of Islam and spread Christianity
► Renaissance thinkers, and their focus on
human possibility, also encouraged people
to want to expand and explore
New Technology
► Open-water
sailing required:
 Sailors trained in navigation
 Accurate maps
 Ocean-going ships
► Compass
(Chinese) – allowed naval vessels
to determine their direction
► Cartographers – accurate mapmakers
helped chart the seas and coast lines
► Late
in the 1400s, ships were outfitted with the
lateen sails – triangle shape, enabled ships to sail
against the wind
► Ships would use multiple masts of different types
to make the ships more flexible in sailing
► Rudder was moved to the back of the ship to
make it more maneuverable
► Caravel – incorporated all of these improvements,
as well as cannons
Lateen-rigged ship
Countries that Explored
► Portugal
– first country to start to explore, looking
for a sea route to Asia
 Found the southern tip of Africa
 Did find an all sea route to Asia
► Spain
– ruled by King Ferdinand and Queen
 1492 – Columbus, wanted to sail west to try to find
water route to Asia
 Struck land in the western hemisphere and “discovered”
the New World
► Ferdinand
Magellan also was looking for a
westward water route to Asia
► Crews attempted mutinies, ships were
wrecked, eventually they reached the
Phillipine islands, where Magellan was killed
► The last ship that survived returns to Spain
– first to circumnavigate the globe
Overseas Empires
► Portugal
– mainly interested in Africa and
Asia, and the spice trade, also Brazil
► Spain – came to the Americas to spread
Christianity, ran into the Aztecs in Mexico,
conquered them
► Netherlands (Dutch) – interested in Asia like
the Portuguese, traded in Asia and the
Pacific islands, also explored around New
York for a westward route to Asia
France and England
► France
and England turned toward North
America and the Caribbean sea
 French – quick profits from trade
 English – raw materials from colonies
► French
– explored much of North America,
including Canada
► English – some people left for religious
freedom (Pilgrims), settled other parts of
North America
Slave Trade
► The
slave trade sprang up as new colonies began
in the Americas – the triangular trade
 Europe to Africa – manufactured goods for slaves
 Africa to the Americas – slaves
 Americas to Europe – raw materials
► The
slave trade was brutal, the trip killed many of
those who made it, and the conditions were
inhumane, cramped, and unsanitary
Changing Ideas of Business
► To
fund these overseas explorations, rich
families or companies had to provide
funding for them
► Joint-stock companies – companies where a
person could buy stock in the venture
► The goal of business began to change to
one of making profits
► Mercantilism
– a country’s power came from
its wealth, so nations should try to become
as wealthy as possible
► This wealth was often measured in gold and
silver that a country owned
► Countries could get this by either finding it
through mining, or getting it through trade
Changing Social Patterns
► Merchants
began to surpass the nobility in
riches and power
► Nobility often looked down on these
merchants, as their wealth didn’t come from
► Peasants still lived pretty much the same as
The Columbian Exchange
► As
new trade routes opened up, ways of life
changed in the countries that interacted
 Europe – sent out wheat, grapes, and livestock to the
 Native Americans – exposed Europeans to corn,
potatoes, tomatoes, beans, and chocolate
► Many
of these foods fed Europe’s growing
► Asia and Africa – bananas, coffee, tea, sugarcane,
ivory, perfumes, silk, gems
► Movement of people and cultures accelerates