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Major Vocab
Explorers 2
Americans 2
The name of the Ice Age Land bridge
that may have brought the first
inhabitants over from Asia.
Row 1---100 Question
Row 1---100 Answer
The name for the region that
includes much of Mexico and Central
America. This is where the
agricultural revolution took place,
leading to the first civilizations in
the Americas.
Row 1---200 Question
Row 1---200 Answer
The top three motivating factors for
exploration of the Americas.
Row 1---300 Question
God, Glory, and Gold
Row 1---300 Answer
The term given to the learning of farming
methods that happened between 9,000 and
10,000 years ago in the Americas is called
Row 1---400 Question
The agricultural revolution
Row 1---400 Answer
-Interactions between Native Americans and
Europeans led the the sharing of ideas,
livestock, foods, and disease. What is this
Row 1---500 Question
The Columbian Exchange
Row 1---500 Answer
This group is talented in engineering and
mathematics. They developed complex
calendars, built temple pyramids, and were
experienced traders.
Row 2---100 Question
The Maya
Row 2---100 Answer
The Mississippian cultures built a great city
which covered 5 square miles with hundreds of
flat topped pyramids. The remains are 8 miles
from St. Louis Missouri. What is its name?
Row 2---200 Question
Row 2---200 Answer
Five nations bound together, maintaining an
alliance to fight their rivals. They were the
Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, and
Mohawk. They created the alliance to be able
to stop their own quarrels and fight the Huron
people from whom threat was imminent.
Row 2---300 Question
Iroquois Confederacy
Row 2---300 Answer
Great military power that conquered
neighboring cities with their military power.
They controlled trade and demanded payments
from cities they conquered.
Row 2---400 Question
The Aztec
Row 2---400 Answer
People of the Northeast (currently known as
New England) who spoke the same language,
built wigwams and longhouses, and practiced
slash-and-burn farming.
Row 2---500 Question
The Algonquian Peoples
Row 2---500 Answer
He paid for expeditions and may have set up a
navigation school for mapmakers, astronomers
and ship-builders.
Row 3---100 Question
Prince Henry “The Navigator”
Of Portugal
Row 3---100 Answer
Why was Portugal one of the first nations
involved in exploration?
Row 3---200 Question
They are on the Westernmost
edge of Europe and enemies
were to the East.
Row 3---200 Answer
The explorer that repeated Columbus’s voyage
and determined that it was not Asia, but a new
land mass that had been found. The land mass
took on his name.
Row 3---300 Question
Amerigo Vespucci
Row 3---300 Answer
Who discovered Florida while sailing from
Puerto Rico?
Row 3---400 Question
Juan Ponce de Leon
Row 3---400 Answer
He defeated the Aztecs and destroyed their
capital city, the site of present day Mexico
Row 3---500 Question
Hernan Cortes
Row 3---500 Answer
English explorer who, in 1609, explored
Northeastern North America including several
waterways that became useful trade routes.
Row 4---100 Question
Henry Hudson
Row 4---100 Answer
An Italian that sailed for the English in 1497;
he claimed parts of Canada (we think) for
England, thinking he had found a route to Asia.
Row 4---200 Question
John Cabot
Row 4---200 Answer
French explorer that founded Quebec, the
capital of what became New France, in 1608.
Row 4---300 Question
Samuel de Champlain
Row 4---300 Answer
Led an expedition through Florida and parts of
NC, Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, and Texas.
They raided villages of the natives for
Row 4---400 Question
Hernando de Soto
Row 4---400 Answer
Explorer that likely landed San Salvador,
incorrectly identified the people, eventually
enslaved natives, disappointed colonists with
false promises of riches, and forced the
enslaved to mine for gold.
Row 4---500 Question
Christopher Columbus
Row 4---500 Answer
Native tribe known for irrigation canals,
pottery, and crops such as corn, cotton, beans,
and squash.
Row 5---100 Question
The Hohokam
Row 5---100 Answer
The largest group in the Southeast (where we
live). There were around 20,000 of them in 60
towns across this area.
Row 5---200 Question
The Cherokee
Row 5---200 Answer
Spanish word given to large multistory
buildings of the Anisazi.
Row 5---300 Question
Row 5---300 Answer
The general name given to groups on the
Westernmost border of America. They built
canoes, homes, and totem poles, relying on the
dense forests of that area.
Row 5---400 Question
The Pacific Coast groups
Row 5---400 Answer
Native group from the Great Plains that
became skilled on horseback after the
introduction of the horse by Europeans.
Row 5---500 Question
Row 5---500 Answer