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School in the past,
school nowadays
English lesson
Teaching in the old days was different from the existing
modes of instruction. The professors were very stringent
Nowadays teaching is different. Teachers are more relaxed with the
kids and not so strict, if even kids do not behave in an appropriate way.
They just admonish them, send them to the principal's office or ask
them to leave the classroom.
Athenian System: In their early years,Athenian children were taught at home,
sometimes under the guidance of a master or pedagogue. They were taught
basic morals, until they began elementary education at approximately seven
years of age. Children were taught how to read and write as well as how to
count and draw
having a physically fit body
was extremely important to the
Greeks. Boys would begin
physical education either
during or just after beginning
their elementary education. In
the beginning they would learn
from a private teacher known
as a paidotribes. Physical
training was necessary for
improving one’s appearance,
war preparation, and good
health at an old age.
Music and dance were also
very important. Individual’s
were encouraged to practice
dancing, singing and playing
instruments. Common
instruments used in Athens
included the harp, flute and
Spartan System: The Spartan society desired that all male citizens
should become successful soldiers with stamina and skills to defend
their polis as members of the Spartan phalanx. Thus only the healthiest
male babies born to Spartan citizens were allowed to live
Agoge: Military dominance
was of extreme importance to
the Spartans of Ancient
Greece. In response, the
Spartans structured their
educational system as an
extreme form of military boot
camp, which they referred to
as agoge. The pursuit of
intellectual knowledge was
seen as trivial, and thus
academic learning, such as
reading and writing was kept
to a minimum. A Spartan
boy’s life was devoted almost
entirely to his school
Ephebes:The students would
graduate from the agoge at
the age of eighteen and
receive the title of ephebe.
Upon becoming an ephebe,
the male would pledge strict
and complete allegiance to
Sparta and would join a private
organization to continue
training. He would compete in
gymnastics, hunting and
performance with planned
battles using real weapons
Education of Spartan Women: Spartan women, unlike their
Athenian counterparts, received a formal education that was
supervised and controlled by the state. Much of the public schooling
received by the Spartan women revolved around physical education.
Until about the age of eighteen women were taught to run, wrestle,
throw a discus and also to throw javelins. The skills of the young
women were tested regularly in competitions such as the annual
footrace at the Heraea of Elis
The Greek educational system is mainly divided into three
levels, primary, secondary and tertiary, with an additional
post-secondary level providing vocational training.
Primary education is divided into kindergarten,
lasting one or two years, and primary school
spanning six years (ages 6 to 12). Secondary
education comprises two stages: Gymnasio
(variously translated as Middle or Junior High
School), a compulsory three-year school, after
which students can attend Lykeion (an
academically-oriented High School) or
Vocational training.
Higher Tertiary: Higher Tertiary education is provided
by Universities and Polytechnics, Technological
Educational Institutes (T.E.I., 1983 ~ present) and
Academies which primarily cater for the military and the
clergy. Undergraduate courses typically last 4 years (5 in
polytechnics and some technical/art schools, and 6 in
medical schools), postgraduate (MSc level) courses last
from 1 to 2 years and doctorates (PhD level) from 3 to 6
All levels are overseen by the Ministry of Education and Religious
Affairs. The Ministry exercises centralised control over state schools, by
prescribing the curriculum, appointing staff and controlling funding.
Private schools also fall under the mandate of the Ministry, which
exercises supervisory control over them. At a regional level, the
supervisory role of the Ministry is exercised through Regional
Directorates of Primary and Secondary Education, and Directorates of
Primary and Secondary Education operate in every Prefecture.
Christina Lito
Theodore Karibalis
Sotiris Samaras
John Papageorgiou